I think I may fixed bug..
That many people said they cant complete
Kylie jealous event :"Flirt with another girl in front of Kylie"
so that cant go trough the LP>50
I face this bug for months
and I am sorry I unpack the game file
and check the game\ch\kylie\events.rpy
In the file there are
"name":"Call Kylie",
"duration": 1,
"label": ["kylie_event_03"],
"name": "kylie_event_04",
"duration": 1,
"game_conditions":{"done":'kylie_event_03', "activity":["talk","sweet_talk"]},
So I tried to flirt a girl has LP100, but still failed..
Then I notice the check condition :done":'kylie_event_03'
above in the event3, the name and the lable are not same..
So I change the "game_conditions":{"done":'kylie_event_03', "activity":["talk","sweet_talk"]},
"game_conditions":{"done":'Call Kylie', "activity":["talk","sweet_talk"]},
Now it works if u talk to anygirl LP=100 when Kylie at the same place
I think the problem is , the event 03 is an icon-like event, and when you click it, the name "kylie event 03"is to strange(I still remember in some early versions it was like this or something )
So when the icon renamed into Call Kylie, the check condition is still the old name, so the game engine cant find it was done, because seem that the engine check the event by name, not by label
if some one want to fix it now, can close the game, unpack the
and fix the "done":'kylie_event_03' into "done":'Call Kylie'
and run the game again, load any save, it will works..
Hope this is not some kind of harming the copyright... so we may wait for the next official fix..