seems a logic bug
in Cassidy base.rpy
if anyone got cassidy lp=100 and kp=100, cassidy will not be impregnated for a logic problem
"Fuck her pussy raw":
if < 200 or cassidy.sub < 100:
but here the love and sub not meet the condition so goto
call cassidy_fuck_pussy_sub from _call_cassidy_fuck_pussy_sub_2
cassidy_fuck_pussy_sub without argument like as condom=False
so the whole sub didn't work, then jump to
label cassidy_sleep_date_fuck_sub:
she will ask "Would you like me to stay the night, Master?"
it seems the new update cause cassidy sex logic a bit strange..
if u get all lp=100 kp=100, then no sex scene happens
and she will still resist impregnated if u got KP>90 LP>90, although seems in the file ,she should be happy with it
elif > 160: "Cassidy relaxes and stares at me with a soft, happy smile on her face."
may be the cassidy_fuck_pussy_sub has a default sad=True definition
"Ignore her":
hero.say "No, bitch. You're going to take my cock raw and you're going to like it!"
call cassidy_fuck_pussy_sub (condom=False, sad=True) from _call_cassidy_fuck_pussy_sub_1
so any way if u want to impregnate her, there will be a sad=True
and then, she will go to if sad, never goto elif to check love
"Cum inside":
if sad:
$ -= 10
$ cassidy.sub -= 10
"Cassidy cries out in anguish, clearly hurt and upset that I ignored her pleas."
elif > 160:
"Cassidy relaxes and stares at me with a soft, happy smile on her face."
cassidy.say "I love you, Master!"
$ cassidy.impregnate()