Managing Emma sure is a bitch. (The warnings suggested for "wrong decisions" by some other poster indeed could already be applied to working - "If you work now, you will probably, depending on RNG, be promoted, and meet Cassidy, whose storyline could easily stop you getting Emma. Are you sure you want to work?") In five playthroughs (no cheats though, Edit: also I think she didn't really have a storyline in the first two or three) I haven't managed to do so. So I sympathize. And some of the grind could indeed be reduced, sometimes I spend days on end (in game, not real life) handing out books like they were flyers from a recently opened discotheque.
Storywise however one could argue that there could indeed be a psychic connection - some of her stuff already borders on the supernatural, like you both having the same dream, after all, so she just as well may feel that there is something going on. Though I would find that not very satisfying as an explanation. However, you specifically talk to her about all that kind of stuff, and as we all know uttering untrue words is easy, making it convincing sometimes however is very hard.