VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Love Thy Neighbor [v0.16] [Slonique]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Ive been following this game since day one and must say it's not often I see games getting worse and worse, but this game does.
    Sure the girls look good, but thats the only good thing to be said..
    During sex scenes you only get one image of sex and then it's over and the Dev seems to be so lazy, he uses the same exact same images, he just copy from one update to another, in some updates.
    There is only one right choice always, everything else will lead to "Oops you took a wrong turn and must start over" and all the wrong turns, is the ones that could lead to sex... But if you like cockblocking games with close to no action at all, then you should try it.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    the only good thing this game has going for it is the character models and renders. it's just so well done and beautiful, but fuck me this story is poor. i am just going to go out on a limb and say there is no story and it's just a slice of life with no depth in any of the characters.

    i'm not a critic and i don't aspire to be one. i thoroughly enjoy nearly all (non-NTR) content on this site and i always accept and respect a creator's direction, but this story is just so poor and the game-over results from picking the wrong decision PLUS the inability to rollback... i'm curious what the creator was thinking when he implemented this.

    i guess i'm writing this review to WARN people about the potential frustrations this game will create. sorry if that came across as a bit rude.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    overall 3/10
    This game is a mess, dont really recommend it unless you are just in it for the cg

    Art 7/10
    very decent renders

    Story 3/10
    ok fine maybe the characters and story does it for some megacuck so i wont bash on it too hard just for that as clearly the story just wasn't meant for me but honestly there wasn't that much new stuff in there except for the older neighbor being a turbocunt instead of someone you want to seduce.

    Gameplay -2/10
    yes thats a minus. every slight "wrong" choice will be a game over, i havent gotten this far as i dropped it way before but from what i read in the comments theres even a game over for chosing tv over taking a nap.
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Mt PewPew

    Each monthly update is roughly 2-3 minutes of game play in length. Each conversation branch offers two choices, one correct choice that continues on with the game and one bad choice that results in a game over. On the plus side, the renders aren't too bad.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    the game was great when i first played it and has gone worse and worse with each update, the content for the amount of time between updates is not worth wasting your time on, latest update makes every option a game end if you dont pick what the developer wants it because he didnt put the effort in to make other branches so you get a game end.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Wow. He pushes the trial and error decisions to a new level. Now you can fail because you watch TV instead of taking a nap. wtf.

    This is just a mess now. The whole chapter thing and that there ARE NO DECISIONS! - when every wrong decision leads to a game over, it is NOT a decision. At the beginning I liked the girl and that whole stuff but now its just random scenes. I mean look at the latest chapters. In the last you are out for a picnic and in the next you are returning from work. There is more missing than actual content.

    As long as he doesnt learn something about gamedesign and focus on 1 project instead of 3 he will never deserve any contribution.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    this game was one of my top games on list... but every update it gets worse.
    For the time spent between last update and this one and its content -> its more than disappointing!!!
    sorry, but i have to make a review and remove this from my watchlist !

    - nearly no progress between updates
    - long term between updates
    - story boring and unbelievable
    - new content updates dont relate on earlier story
    - just ONE "false" desicion out of 5-10 makes the game LOSS, there is just one way which will let the story continue
  8. 1.00 star(s)

    Uwe Furtmustal

    Ok, I'm done here. I can't understand how did I manage to stay with this game for this long. The last chapter confirms me that it's total pure pile of shit.

    It looks like: Make some random renders, make some random text, put it together, add some code, mix it and release it like new chapter.

    Only good thing are renders, but when you have not so pretty girls (not to mention bullshit "story"), even great renders won't help you.

    But on the other side, I'm grateful to Slonique, very grateful. Because it was his game, Abyss, which brings me here to this world of this awesome games & people.

    So thank you, but that's it. Never more.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    At first this game started out pretty good with lots of potential. I thought the creator would improve quality over time (like adding animations, better and longer scenes/scripting, etc.) but with the last few updates it has gotten worse and worse. The last Update for example (0.14) was not even worth playing imo, way too short and too bad. Feels like the author did not put much efford into this but needed to keep the deadline for Patrons or something!?
    Edit: Even now with version 0.16 this game keeps getting worse and worse. I'm done with this BS, don't waste your time on this...
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The little rescatable of this visual novel are its graphics. The rest is a disaster, an absurd, incoherent, monotonous storyline. The "gameplay" is terrible, it is more feasible to use unRen to extract the RPA packages to review the images, which is the only thing that can be rescued.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    This is quite possibly the most ridiculous "VN" of all time.

    If you like lots of clicking and repetitive play, this might be exactly what you've been looking for!!

    It doesn't qualify as a "VN" because there's only 1 path to take, and if you click the wrong one it's GAME OVER.

    Not sure if the author is inexperienced or just a jerk. I keep getting fooled into looking at this by the decent graphics and story line, only to realize its the silly 13-chapter death march it was before.

    You might as well call it a comic book instead of a VN.... however, its infinitely more annoying than any comic book I've ever read, as if you turn to the wrong page it catches fire in your hands and you have to buy a new copy.
  12. 2.00 star(s)

    Interracial UglyB NTR Fan

    The writer is so illogical playing this game without UnRen to allow for rollback to change choices is unbearable.

    It's worth playing for the comedy alone, that is the absurdity of the story and how the characters behave.

    It's essentially an incel fantasy (as many games are) but to the absolute extreme where you play a meek, insecure, overbearing, hypocritical, delusional, human incarnate of a doormat and hyperbolic caricature of a "cuck", yet m'ladies flock to you, because you're nice...

    Despite all that , the renders are decent it's not the worst game in the world but that's not saying a lot.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Neither title nor tags mention the abuse and degradation you have to inflict upon one of the characters to progress the story.

    Rollback is disabled, so you can't reread previous text or reverse a choice. Some choices are counterintuitive (penalized for not abusing a character who hasn't yet shown an interest in that).

    Artwork is interesting, but the story is lacking. Story is presented as a series of chapters with each chapters actions having no apparent impact beyond that chapter.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    I am seriously wondering... Is the character completely delusional? oO Seriously, if the author is trying to portray a deranged man, he is quite succeeding, but if the goal was to make the hero sympathetic, god it's such a fail.

    The guy spends his whole time judging one character for sleeping around, thinking she's a bad person because of that, while doing exactly the same and not realising it. Talk about hypocrisy. He keeps obsessing about Kathy's purity like some religious psychopath, thinking of her like an object (she's sweet, innocent, pure, she's like a beautiful doll who only exists to love him). And I thought it weird before realising he is her freaking teacher (or at least she is in uni and he's a teacher there). I mean WTF?!
    And he even sexually assaults his roommate, while during the whole act thinking he is doing her a bloody SERVICE because she's having a dream and looks, again with the obsession, pure?!

    Seriously if this is an essay on describing some kind of delusional sexual maniac, it's fun. Otherwise, the author has a seriously twisted view of the world, as the character sounds racist (I mean who the fuck would consider saying that, because he lives in a black neighbourhood, he doesn't have milk because they stole everything. That's not even remotely funny, unless you're doing that to a black friend who you know likes to laugh about such stereotypes.), also completely mysogenistic, obsessive to the point of being creepy, and judgmental while being completely hypocritical by not realising he's doing the same exact acts (and rationalizing by saying it's not his fault he's just being nice, is not an excuse).

    Apart from that, the sexual situations are exciting, and I like the renders. I just seriously hope the protagonist is actually meant to sound so deranged.

    There's not much in the way of choices, too many bad ends. Why propose a choice if one of them allows you to continue, the other terminates the game? That's not a choice. Plus the logic is seriously skewed.

    Good for a quick wank if you read fast though.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    About the worse game I've played so far, I don't understand what the deal is with the neighbor and the BBC or what it has to do with the plot if there is one. There's no real choice's that take you in different directions and it's already at 0.8 and simply a tease as if you try and continue something bad happens and now it's full of advertisements and I wish there was a spam tag as this game needs it!
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    I used to love this game, despite all the bad reviews it got. The graphics were nice, the pace wasn't too rushed and it was going in the right direction. But then I saw what each update brought. Nothing. I was still hopeful after the last three, but this one is too much. With each update, you progress about 0.1% with a quarter of the girls, and that's it. The gameplay is none existent as well, you just have to remember that taking the risky option once is totally fine, but do it twice and it is a game over. Literally every choice is like that. My advice to anyone who didn't play this game yet, wait for 2 or 3 years and come back, then it may have a tiny bit of potential. Right now though, don't even bother.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Much like any other game out there. Dev puts mini games in there that people like me who don't have nimble fingers can't handle. Click these certain keys quickly. arrow keys, G key, L key and N key. Not enough time from the start game to be able to click first key, especially if you use a mouse. Sorry takes enjoyment from game.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    The logic in this game is really screwed up! I don't understand why for the same action in one case I gain karma, but in other one I lose it. I just saved before every choice and picked randomly. And why does wrong choice leads to game over? So what if didn't fuck that slut, why can't I just continue with the story? You could've just made a kinetic novel at this point. Anyway, I dropped it at Ch4.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    The renders are pretty nice but that's pretty much everything good here. The game and espescially it's characters are very badly written : each female character can be almost entierly described with one word (slut, pure, impulsive) and the MC feels and acts more like a highschool boy than a teacher in his 30s. Also, I am a big fan of games involving maledom, female humiliation and degradation in all kinds, but even according to my standards in porn games, I would say this is the most sexist game I have ever played, and that's not nothing.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Poorly written plot. Stupidly linear storyline with no options to deviate in any direction. Seven chapters of basically teasing, where the "cookie" is playing with a tramp. Not really worth the effort, as the buildup takes massive amount of time. The creator has a talent for graphics, but not writing. This game will just waste your time.