I haven't played this update yet but I kind of agree that playing a VN with multiple perspectives (at least on the same run) is a bit a bad idea.
From a narrative perspective, it is okay to show the perspective of other characters but it's a bit of a different story when you actually play as them on the same run.
Think of it like the Last of Us 2. Playing both Elie and Abby left a really bad taste in most people's mouth not because
but because the player is forced to play both characters with completely opposite goals. The only time the switch will work is when both/all characters you play as on the same run share the same goal, i.e. both are protagonists, or running separate non-interacting lives until a specific plot point i.e. RE2 (you can play either Leon or Claire each playthrough but not both on the same run.
I feel the same. Not to make offense or anything, but I am seeing a lot of Renpy VNs doing the pause for the next line. I mean most games in development are using this like it's a default. Text based games have no need for this pause in the same block of text. It's what ellipses (...) are for. Just print out each line as they are and end with a (...) when a speaker is supposed to pause before continuing to the next block of text.
I had high hopes for the game but then I saw the proportions of the rest of the girls... Oof. I'm not kink shaming but so far the only one's with normal proportions are Akane and her red headed friend (and they are the one's I'll most likely be only going after). I mean what's the deal with Makoto? They're in college and she already has saggy tits and a cellulite ass. But if that is what everyone likes, cool I guess.
Bit of a tip to the dev, don't bother making multiple renders of slight movement during normal dialogue (like the one with the dad talking), I can see the renders are high quality but this just wastes your time and increases file size. You did good where Akane's friend looked back and forth, this was key to delivery the sense of a comical reaction, but a simple back and forth in a conversation you can make do with just two scenes or even just one. The best way to make the process efficient is to consider what would make more impact when viewed as a scene rather than read as a dialogue.