Hi all,
I've responded privately to some messages on Patreon, but it's mostly just an irl change prohibiting me from being able to continue. The TLDR version of it was starting a new job @ 12 hours/4 days week + split-living in two cities. I enjoy the work and pay is well, but alas I have way less free time than I would like

To your statement
@Game Reviewer, the monetary support wasn't really discouraging since it's always been a hobby. I guess the lack of a following was definitely discouraging. Less followers = less people to provide feedback = less polished mechanics and balance. I tried doing the anonymous voting on Patreon, but there wasn't enough traffic to have any meaningful result.
I spoke with @
Retro about keeping the game On Hold, because I still do have the itch to continue working...it's just the issue of time

Anyhow, here is the next iteration of the Hub events (minus stat implementation).
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(An intro where you'd have a few random conversation choices to increase heroine mood)
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(The actual hub with interactables, the idea was to have conditional switches based on heroine mood, level, clothing)
Not sure when the project will be revived on Patreon, but I'm slowly creeping there.