Kuviragames Congrats for a great game, very enjoyable and Lisa is hot as Hell. And as the MC repeatedly stated - Ava & Zoe are so sweet and cute they might as well cause Diabetes
However - I encountered one quite major nuisance: You have the option of naming the MC (default: Kenny) but after a choice the game reverts to the default "Kenny". (I verified this by repeated downloads and starting a new game each time - just for funsies.) Sometimes rolling back and then left-clicking to advance solves the problem. However as soon as the next choice rolls around, it's back to "Kenny".
OT: Which again proves the point -
no one can kill Kenny ...
(South Park anyone?)
Anyways I digress - the game is very much enjoyable and really sweet on the love path. And on the manwhore path it's hot so kudos for a new dey

Hoping for more Lisa content
BTW - are Lisa's sis and "Helga" (the ginger milf mom of Katarina) gonna be lewdable later on?
I'd fancy that ...