Ren'Py - Completed - Lucie Adult Game [v4.16] [SecretGame18]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    It started with a great idea, and ended very poorly. The whole concept of it being more realistic game in comparison with the other quick corruption games is great. I really wanted it. But in the end the game doesn't follow it's basic rule from the title.

    The story starts good and slow, and I liked it, but after that the magical water appears that makes all the women very lustful. And in the end you end up with a typical harem game there you can have sex with like 4 girls in a day, and your "pure and innocent" Lucie will accept that. Is that realistic?

    As a result we get a decent game with some good implementations of game mechanics and ok dialogue choices, but it's overall topic of coruption through sex drug is not realistic at all. And makes it just another VN instead of something notable.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Trés bon jeu et en plus en Français.
    J'ai apprecié l'ecriture, l'histoire, les personnages.
    Le jeu est assez court, j'aurais aimez en voir plus.

    Je mets 4 etoiles car meme si c'est un bon jeu, il n'est pas parfait (LI abandonné, quelques incoherences)

    Very good game and also in French
    I enjoyed the writing, the story, the characters.
    The game is quite short, I would have liked to see more.

    I give 4 stars because even if it's a good game, it's not perfect (LI abandoned, some inconsistencies)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    An engaging and enjoyable game with surprising twists. The seamless interaction and the graphics make it a pleasant and memorable experience. A must-play with captivating moments, i strongly recommend
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Poor writing, low resolution renders, meh animations, absolutely unnecessary sandbox, game have unavoidable ntr and dont have tag about it and all this accompanied by pushover, weak willed and pathetic mc. And overral, charachters start treat mc like piece of shit without reason but with strangers they all nice(looks like this is famous devs claims about drama which in reality makes mc even more pathetic and writing even more retarded). Oh and one more time about writing, its on the level of npc's random converstaons, which looks smth like this:
    -good day fellow human.
    -good day to you too fellow human.
    -I need your help to do X thing can you help me to do this same X thing?
    -Yes of course I can help you to do this X thing bcause its what fellow humans do.
    -thats good bcause I as a fellow human needed somoone to help me and its good that you volunteered help me.
    -Im fine to help you so no problem dear fellow human you can count on me.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Worst game ever played.
    The game looks like a bad porn movie that takes itself too seriously.
    The omnipresent arrogance and bad taste make this game taste like garbage.

    The worst part is that the author seems very proud of his "work"

    in short: "made in france" :LOL:
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Let's see a good game is 5 stars
    -1 for the linear sandbox (this could have easily been a VN)
    -1 for being cucked by Dan
    -1 for unskippable mini-games (fight scene, manual dialogue input, laptop password, office search, hacking, ...)
    -1 for calling the fight scene part of the fun
    -1 for the input dialogue chat with victoria (when I say "slap her" to put her in her place, this is an open handed slap, not a fist punch knocking her almost out. When I say "fuck her" the MC shouldn't wuss out when "slap her" is a fist punch)
    -1 for the dialogue input during the webcam show having zero effect on the scene
    -1 for the extra lame dialogue during Claire first sex scene
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    NTR warning....

    I did enjoy the game up to day 8 or 9...thats when another dude aka Dan pops into the game and fucks Zoe....

    Up to that point you have licked Zoe in the nightclub and you had a 3-some with Zoe and Lucy, next thing Dan takes over Zoe and fucks her.....

    Even lucy the main girl can be fucked by another dude and yet the game has no NTR tag, it dosent matter if Lucy is drugged up or not, when someone fucks your girl thats NTR.

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    Animations are good, but useless when story dont hold up....

    Music is fine as well...

    Also when you have choices you really shouldent force anything on MC like the BJ under the desk

    Dont know how they avoided the NTR tag, if its F95 or the creator that sets those, must say it feels like its only the creators, so be warned that its in this game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this game combine agility with intuition, realism and the correct dose of minigames (just to add a bit of difficulty or solve one situation). All at once wraped up into a coherent story, plenty of very hot moments. At my own taste I noticed a certain lack: to go deeply into the dark side... (case Claire, or the new boss). But in short... This is a great game!
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Eventhough the game does not have excellent graphics, it has some nice renders. The charcters are overall attractive. The story is alright.
    Graphics: 3/5
    Renders: 4/5
    Hot female: 4/5
    Fetish: 4/5
    Clothes&Lingerie: 4/5
    Animations: 3/5
    Story: 4/5
    Gameflow: 3/5
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I haven't finished the VN yet but I can say the story is nicely paced, maybe a little on the fast side but surely without any useless grinding.
    I find the models and renders really beautiful and the scenes involving and well balanced.
    Thank you!
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    I've experienced the hell of emotions while playing it, started from relaxing, enjoyed and finishing frustrated, disappointed.
    Now, more in details:

    1) First of all there definitely some issues with dialogues, Dev is not native english speaking I take it, it can be the excuse but i played few games where Dev is not native as well (French and German) but those games did not have problems with translation at all. That 1/10

    2) Problem with tags in the game, from the start I was looking for romance game using tags, that how how I bumped into LAG.
    I noticed that alongside with Romance tag there were also Corruption, Drug, Blackmail. So, yeah, i got some hints already, I mean those tags are just not compatible. But I still decided to give it a chance.

    From the start game kinda tricks you to think it is indeed romance game, innocent main Li, light vanilla plot and jada jada. The most interesting starts in the middle of game, just after you have adjusted to romance style. Main Li (Lucie) suddenly becomes insensitive and ungrateful bitch, who in few days made a journey from innocent babygirl to a cheating slut and gold digger. She treats MC like a piece of shit, in fact she only treats MC as a piece of shit, and absolutely the opposite with some strangers she barely knows. She cheats on MC with another girl just in front of a bunch of people and MC. The game makes some excuses that she was drugged, BUT, usually people on drugs treat like shit everybody, not only the love ones, they only treat with respect their suppliers, but it's a bit different situation. What I am trying to say, people even under drugs don't behave like this. Lucie constantly belittles MC, accusing him of jelousy while cheating on him, that's so fucking stupid, I have no words to explain how stupid it is. The most horrible part is that MC is treated like shit and being cucked despite decisions you made in the game, whether you was faithful to Lucie or not, you end up being cucked and humiliated. There was supposed to be some big drama in the game, and supposed to be romantic big boom twist in the game where MC kinda saves Lucie from being banged, BUT, honestly, to that moment I already don't give a fuck about that, I'm not falling for Lucie any more, i don't want her, i wanna be with any other woman but her. Also, the way, this whole episode was made, gives you hints that Lucie obviously was fucked multiple times during the night before stupid MC decided to go and save her at the morning (P.S. She goes out at night with other guy, while being on drugs, well, you can turn on your fantasy, what they have been doing during the night, of course, of course they were playing chess, no doubts). Yeah about those stupidity and soulless characters - it is the next in line.
    After all I wrote, I have a question, where is the fuck romantic in all this shit?

    So, yeah, you started playing it as a romantic game and ended up in some kinky freak show. It is either 1) Dev on purpose tricked players to get more suppliers by not adding corresponding tags and then in the middle of the game decided to add NTR elements (mildly saying he just lied at the start) or 2) He is just very very very bad at writing. I think it is a little bit of both.

    3) Character behaviour and logic. Plot has multiple holes and absolutely abrupt/unexpected game twists, like situation with Zoe, or Lucie becoming a bitch in a matter of just few days.
    About MC, he is a spineless schmuck. Honestly, that the part where i can agree with author about tags, he added Female domination, it corresponds the game and MC is the sub, I mean, I understand you are in love, but your supposed to be love jut humiliates you in front of the hell of people and you just suck it up and act like nothing happens, where is love in here, maybe one sided, yeah, but it is not romance. MC just acts like stupid NPC, the same goes to his stupid decisions, like to go after Lucie only in the morning. MC is stupid as hell, but even he is nowhere near as stupid as main LI Lucie. Alive people just don't act like this, so rushed and abruptly, she is literally a different person just after few days, really now, how come?
    So, characters in a game absolutely don't have a soul, they don't do things because of some logic and motivation, NO, they are just stupid NPCs, and they do things because Devs decided. And about logic, well, to hell with logic, hence the plot is illogical, abrupted, unexpected etc.

    Lucie is the most disgusting and hated main LI I ever met, and I played a lot of games honestly. I even played the game where main Li was slut/bitch too, but damn, in that game she had her reasons to do that, she had fucking motivation, she was alive, when character behaves like she is alive - you believe her, you fall for her at some moment, you feel for her. Well, it is not about Lucie.

    4) Situation with Zoe, at the start of the game you are tricked again into thinking that Zoe is probable LI, you have few romantic moments with her and then she suddenly gets banged by some random stranger and MC doesn't give a fuck about that. Why? Because Dev decided that only Lucie is the main Li, L = Logic. M = Motivation. Anyways you end up frustrated.

    Well i can go on and go on endlessly about how bad this game is. But, well... I can only say that I will avoid any games from this Dev. And i really wish i have read comments before playing it. I Fell for good renders. Yes, I admit the game has really amazing renders and beautiful lewd scenes, and that's a pity, it could have been a gem. Well, unfortunately good renders don't compensate very bad writing.

    Oh yeah, and the choices you make during the game are absolutely pointless, i would call it a kinetic novel if you asked me. I mean whatever you choose the main plot still is the same. Honestly, dev could have just created a list with lewd scenes and that's all without any supposed to be plot, choices that matter and other meaningless stuff. Apparently choices only matter in the end of the game, so yeah. Besides the list with lewd scenes dev could have made kinetic novel (without any choices at all) and in the end just give you opportunity to choose which ending do you want. That works as well.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    A decent, albeit deeply inconsistent experience. I agree with many of the other reviews that there is an abrupt break between the first and second half of the game that is not handled particularly gracefully. The titular love interest goes from being wrapped around the MC's finger to being distrustful and a bit slutty. The pretty bisexual wingman character is unexpectedly thrown into a monogamous relationship with another character. Side girls are introduced but barely used at all. The plot shifts to uncovering a (sexy) criminial conspiracy but most character development either stops or slides into reverse.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Story is just good nothing special
    sex scenes are good
    fighting mini game was annoying i wish there was a skip button
    Renders are good
    Multiple paths you can take
    Hated the forced threesome ending
    No bugs
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    It's thrilling and exciting.
    Also, the graphics are well done.
    The subsequent sale leaves many possibilities open.

    C'est passionnant et excitant.
    De plus, les graphismes sont bien faits.
    La vente ultérieure laisse de nombreuses possibilités ouvertes.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    It kind of disturbs me that this has so many good reviews when it is such a mediocre game.
    Translation is rough. Lots of dialogue and some of it is really hard to get through.
    Renders are not good. With a few exceptions they are mid to low grade. Lots of noise and some clipping throughout. Endgame is a bit better, so there is some progress.
    Animations are also not great and sometimes pretty janky.
    Story is a convoluted mess and does not make a lot of sense.
    Lots of choices but none of them seem to matter much in the end. They can however, lock you into places you can't progress without reloading an old save. That's no fun, and the game is not near good enough for multiple plays.
    Not enough lewds for all the work. Have to go through quite a bit to slog through this and the ending is just disappointing. Sexy time with the daughter of the big bad is pretty nice though, so that, and the fact that it's complete earn it an extra star.
    It's kind of depressing that we value completed games here so much, that we don't seem to care if they are fun to play.
    It's on Steam at a decent price, so Dev should make enough money to try another game. Hopefully it's an improvement, as this does have some potential.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Only the French can make amazing erotic art I didn't say its porn but erotic art. Now I can lay it out why this VN is so good;
    • First the pacing is so good you forget that you are playing an erotic game
    • Second is the VN is so interactive with fights and some sheath mechanic where this get this idea.
    • Third the Story is so amazing only a French can thought and the scenes were so sexy and not repetitive unlike some VN in this genre.
    • Fourth the use of Ren'py many of VN in this category using Sugarcube HTML or RPG maker no offence to those VN but using Ren'py and the developer of the game knew a competent Python makes the VN far more polished "I wish can code Python like that.".
    • Last the 3d models are so good top quality.
    It set the standard for westerns erotic VN. 5/5 would threesome again .
    Likes: paxtn
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    First of all animations are good.. I honestly didn't expect them to be this good but they are :) Since it has a short gameplay shallow storyline didint bothered me.. The thing that bothered me the most was the dysfunction of the rooms locations etc... If I have a room and I can get in and out of it with, I would prefer some options to be presented to me rather than the "I don't need it" or "not now" warning at every click. Instead of that dont let me in at the first place. I rated this game thinking that its a short visual novel(hardly 4 stars). I evaluated its rank mainly on the scenario ,animations and characters otherwise it was 3 maybe 2 stars.
  18. 4.00 star(s)

    Time Killer1981

    Many thanks to the author for the game.
    A good, intricate story with different endings can make you go through the game more than once.
    Nice looking characters, pleasing to the eye. The main character is great.
    The sex scenes are on a great level, many scenes are just fire!
    The fact that the author himself, self-taught made such a game I think is worthy of respect.

    But I will deduct one star from the score for the unoriginality of the idea. The plot copies the Babysitter game. And it is not an easy resemblance, it is a deliberate copying of situations. Even the opening scenes of the game repeat someone else's game. That's not cool.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game. The story is interesting. A part of the game (Pascal's house) is delicate without being blocking.

    And first game that I see on the site natively in French.

    Good work.

    I thought Lucie was a virgin but no. ;) :love:
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The english is a bit hit and miss sometimes. It's also a bit short. But that's about all the negatives. The story (sometimes funny, sometimes tense), the characters, the relationship progression and the animations (especially later in the game) are great. So far I only played through it once so I don't know how much I missed, but that playthrough was a lot of fun and pretty hot.

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