I loved the "old" Lucky Mark.
That brings me to the question of why you should do a transfer at all if no new content is planed or added (?)
Yes, I understand Your motivation to a certain extent, but to be honest I find the "usability" argument a bit weak.
VN's are primarily content driven. Why not start an own Project instead of using of already made content?
So it just looks like a fan who wants to jump on an older, but successful, bandwagon without the motivation to invest years of stubbornly following a target of learning and forming needed skills to be able to create and make the own creativity manifest as an own VN in this regard.
Everyone has to start somewhere, I understand, and if that is your personal choosen way of beginning making own VN's, then ok I support that and I'm an advocate of experiments and DIY projects for the soley purpose to enhance the own skills.
If this is the case I'm wishing You honestly all the best and use what ever is available!
But, just don't try to make us fools and try the shortcut by using others content for the hope of making some bucks. (like in music)
Learning is welcomed, making fools of us not.
So, Nah!, such negative case would not be funny at all from my POV.