Fixed.Thanks, an inaccuracy I spotted: on the date with Jess, do NOT talk about family, it loses you a point.
Have the same problem, also "Offer her a massage" and "Use your natural cream", did everything, nothing changeI did the whole Elena movie thing, drugged and titfucked her, but the achievement still say that "Must to fuck her tits!". Is that a bug, or I'm missing something?
I did the whole Elena movie thing, drugged and titfucked her, but the achievement still say that "Must to fuck her tits!". Is that a bug, or I'm missing something?
To best of my knowledge it's repeatable events. usually if there something else to do it's says some like to " to be continue", and it's in orange text not in green.Have the same problem, also "Offer her a massage" and "Use your natural cream", did everything, nothing change
Yes, I know that. And I'm doing it everytime. But with changed savefile I have scenes, which I havn't got, if the bikini value is on "false".You do not need to change the save, just take a bikini out of Christina's bathroom at 2pm every Friday and give it to Zari.
Finish first date with Jessica.
Do this at house party:
- - “Start conversation!”
- - “Tell you own...”
- - “Continue!”
- - “Let both girls win”
- - “Continue!”
- - “Lose first”
- - “Continue!”
- - “How about we continue at the bar?”
Thanks!To best of my knowledge it's repeatable events. usually if there something else to do it's says some like to " to be continue", and it's in orange text not in green.
Could be wrong, but after repeating both multiple times, I didn't find nothing else.
It's described in Walkthrough in detail for all to play ?
It's also in 13.3 version. You should have first a talk with Bill & Mr. Cheng at sunday/18:00, then talk to Bill at 19:00, next friday you'll get a second option while talking to Christina at 19:00 (see image)I don't get any Friday night party invite option talking to Christina on Friday evening. What gives? It appeared in 13.0 but not 13.3.
Is that not a non-repeatable event?You should have first a talk with Bill & Mr. Cheng at sunday/18:00
Correct, Bill meeting Mr Cheng at Sunday 18:00 is a one meeting thing. In future versions Mr Cheng will probably come back but for v.13 once is plenty.Is that not a non-repeatable event?
Yes it is. If you havn't done this, you will not get the possibility to have party with Chris and Jessy. Do it once and the option should appear. Or did you do it and still havn't got this option? Is that the problem ?Is that not a non-repeatable event?