Darth Vengeant

Active Member
May 6, 2020
the requirements for some of the new content are pretty insane given how slow it is to meet those requirements.
Ya, 500 Fitness to reach the top of the hill is ridiculous. I had to use the cheat. I think dev's need to lay off the ridiculous grind like that in games, I fail to see how that is fun. Games are supposed to be fun. I can see repeating something a few times, but when you get in to 10+ and more that's too much. It's not enjoyable, or fun.
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Lucky Paradox
Game Developer
Jun 6, 2017
Oh, dear o_O

I will try to answer in parts, there are things that seen quickly seem illogical, but I want to give my point of view of why some things are done the way they are done.

The game is intended to be open world, with freedom and where the characters "move" with the player, not just wait in one place forever to continue a linear story. In fact, the story unfolds in several lanes, some lanes are bifurcated (Mary/Maxy), others have ramifications as a consequence of others and so on. Each lane, in addition, has a main story "Necessary to reach one of the endings when the game is complete" and secondary content "Everything else", this to show the characters in other different contexts, and not just as a puppet waiting to continue an immovable script/plot.

If you see the message "Main story completed", it means that the main story content was completed, but it does not mean that there are no secondary things to do (If u wish). Also, depending on the context, sometimes there are characters that lead you to circumstances (something usual in Maxy or Sasha) and others that are more passive to your interaction with them (Prim for example), this is part of their personality too.

Sometimes other things are happening in Argleton, even though you don't know about them (like things with the Dragons in the Shogukuni),are things that are foreign to you, but that at a given moment connect with what you do.

My intention with this, was to give movement to the world and the characters, a feeling that the town is alive with people doing things, although you are not directly involved (That's why it's a first person game, there is no omniscient narrator that jumps from one point of view to another, he is fixed and doesn't know everything).

However, in the profiles there are details of each main activity and all secondary activities for each character. I have been improving this, to guide the player more, with the new Gallery telling you what to do for a particular scene on the next update.

It's a game to take it slow, sometimes let yourself go and enjoy Argleton. If you go into marathon mode with the "I want to unlock as much as possible right now" mentality, well... Its not the intention... I know this is usual in other sandboxes, but I wanted it to be different here.

As for the grind, this is something that has been evolving quite a bit in development, and the Lucky Paradox community is always trying to give suggestions and I try to balance all. However, history does not require attributes or grind, is just for side activities.

Anyway, raising attributes will be easier and easier, because there are still features to be added :p

Still, you can manage, automating the attribute gain with Books and the Fitness gain with the weights thanks to Kaede.

The Appeal, for now it is a useless attribute and I must do a rework of it, but it is thought as a "Bonus", not as a necessity (and to represent when you sweat, and you are dirty or clean xD, as a detail too, I like these small details on games).

The high fitness requirement to climb the Shogukuni is not random, it is the ultimate test that a Dragon must perform (although they do it by carrying a huge rock), if the requirement is silly, it would be breaking with that aspect of the story. Nor will it cut content, since it is more a detail that gives strength to the World Building of Argleton (You talk to Johan and nothing more).

The Maxy/Mary bug is still not clear to me, I've been trying to replicate the error, but it doesn't happen to me and reviewing the code I can't see anything wrong either x.x

Oh shit! this post is getting very long, and I don't know if you will read all this, lol


Jul 31, 2019
I like the characters a lot. They are cute, and have personality. The writing is well done here. The style and look of characters is great as well.

However. The game needs a much better in game walkthrough and direction. I would like to know exactly what I need to do to progress the story and characters. Sometimes things just....happen. Because there are things happening that are nowhere indicated in any of the girls info. Stuff like that confuses me because the game is not so clear on direction. There are girls that say "Storyline ended for now", but things still happen. So, that is also confusing. I have had scenes still unlocked for girls, but I have done everything with them and they say "Storyline ended for now". So, if they still have things to unlock, then is should NOT say ""Storyline ended for now" and it should tell you exactly what is left to do or unlock with the girl. For example, previously, I still had one scene not unlocked with Shizuka, but I had done everything with her multiple times and I was at a loss as what is left to do, because the game doesn't TELL you. The game didn't tell you you had to wait until December and do the Christmas Tree and Outfit stuff to get it. What it needs to say is something like "This characters story is over for this update, but you still have A, B, and C left to do".

There is frankly a LOT of things going on at once in the game, that that is where it gets a bit much and confusing frankly. You do stuff for one girl, and forget later on that you had this one thing to do with another girl and then cant remember it. Again, this is where a better in game walkthrough/direction would help. I personally do not like wondering around grinding for hours wondering if something is going to happen or not, I don't find that fun and games are supposed to be fun. I want to know exactly what to do.

One more thing. The Appeal thing needs to go away. Utterly annoying and a pointless time sink.

Frankly, the Maxy Mary switching for quest requirements is really getting on my nerves. I literally JUST switched over to Mary to do the ghost, now it tells me I need Moxy for another thing with the Pumpkin Patch. Just tedious bullshit frankly. Getting tired of it.

Where are the nude renders for unlocking all the girls info? I don't understand what that is supposed to mean.

Where is the artifact in the Hot Springs, or rather, how do you get it?

A better direction/walkthrough in the game would solve me all this confusion. It's frustrating, and frankly not enjoyable.
The profile's of the girls tell you exactly what to do next as they literally are the walkthrough. The heart icon at the top of the screen will display all the profiles of the girls and choose the one you want to look at. When you look at the profile you will see several things. The hearts signify two things: red hearts are love points that show how close you are with them, and purple hearts that are lust/deprave points that explores different sexual activities a girl could be interested and note not all will be the same.

Below the hearts is the main story of a girl. This will tell you exactly what to do next for the main story for the girl. If any activity on the page says "work in progress" then you have seen everything for that activity for the current update.

On the right side of the profile will tell you any activities that you can do for the girl. If it says available then there is an event available. If it says unavailable then you need to continue the main story of that girl to unlock more. Then work in progress which I just explained. How to trigger them is simple: for example if it is a chat event you go to the girl and click chat (if it says available) then a new event/dialogue will trigger. Same with practice events.

Majority of the scenes are unlocked from the main story of the girl or completing training events. This is like charisma training for Prim or like guitar lessons with Maxy. Others are different interactions in the world such as shower scenes which Prim and Charlotte are in the morning while Maxy and Mary are during the evenings. You can know this by checking the shower or hearing the shower sound in the hall. You can also notice that Yui is at the beach at noon when exploring the town and has a beach activity you can do there too. Stawer is adding hints for scenes for a future update so that will make it easier too.

There is a lot of things going on in the game but you can go at your own pace and don't have to rush it. The profiles like I said are the walkthrough and tell you what to do next. There also is a story summary of the progress you have made so far.

The Maxy/Mary change is part of the story for both of them and is really important to understand why. What you described is one event for the Halloween event where Maxy needs to help Layla make a costume and the other being Mary finding the ghosts. The rest of the game you can just do Maxy's story and leave Mary's later when you want to do it. Again you can complete at your own pace.

The appeal stat does affect how much in tips you could earn but like Stawer said needs to rework it.

When finding the measurements of the girls the first set will have a render of them clothed and then the second set of measurements is the nude render.

The artifact is hidden in the hot springs and you need to click it to obtain it. Look for a difference in the room.

Like I said before the profiles have a walkthrough in what you need to do next for the main story. The activities on the right will tell you which are still available for you or not. Some you are missing are from other events in the world such as shower, beach event for yui, holiday events, and a couple cross events. In a future update Stawer will add hints for those.

I think I answered all your questions and if there is any other questions you have or something you are still lost with I'll be more than willing to answer for you.
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New Member
Jan 9, 2022
Just found this awesome game! Very much have been enjoying it so far. Just got looking at future updates and reading the last few pages of these forums and noticed the plans/discussion about the BE potions. Totally turns a 10/10 game into an 11/10 game for me. lol

I would say on the topic of permanent changes from the potions, in a perfect world, 100% allow us to make all the changes permanent and for every character while also allowing stacking multiple potions. But we aren't in a perfect world, knowing all the rendering and work involved in that is just sadly completely not feasible at all. 100% understandable. Maybe a compromise would be a very small handful of characters, presumably the already large chested ones, could have the option to add permanence to the changes or stack potions or whatever route the dev decides to go with it. It would be a nice compromise of playing further into some characters' appeal for those interested in it while keeping the work load remotely realistic.

Or honestly probably the best solution, have only Clara be able to have the permanent effects and also be able to stack the potions multiple times while the other characters just get a temporary scene or two. In game lore wise, it would make sense since she is the creator of the potions that they maybe resonate with her harder or something? haha. By keeping it reserved to one character, and a secondary character at that, it should be much, much more reasonable to keep the workload/devtime required for all the rendering in check. That way it's a solid compromise to the BE fans who want to go crazy with their kink while keeping the work load small since a much smaller number of scenes need to be rerendered for each size. Just spit balling some ideas.

Anyways, once again this game has been amazing, I think I am about halfway through the current content; eagerly looking forward to future updates. I can't believe I didn't find this game sooner!


Jun 23, 2020
Some places in the map is missing. Playing after v0. 7.0. Screenshot and Save file attached. Can't proceed with Primrose (Can't visit Iris).

Darth Vengeant

Active Member
May 6, 2020
The profile's of the girls tell you exactly what to do next as they literally are the walkthrough. The heart icon at the top of the screen will display all the profiles of the girls and choose the one you want to look at. When you look at the profile you will see several things. The hearts signify two things: red hearts are love points that show how close you are with them, and purple hearts that are lust/deprave points that explores different sexual activities a girl could be interested and note not all will be the same.

Below the hearts is the main story of a girl. This will tell you exactly what to do next for the main story for the girl. If any activity on the page says "work in progress" then you have seen everything for that activity for the current update.

On the right side of the profile will tell you any activities that you can do for the girl. If it says available then there is an event available. If it says unavailable then you need to continue the main story of that girl to unlock more. Then work in progress which I just explained. How to trigger them is simple: for example if it is a chat event you go to the girl and click chat (if it says available) then a new event/dialogue will trigger. Same with practice events.

Majority of the scenes are unlocked from the main story of the girl or completing training events. This is like charisma training for Prim or like guitar lessons with Maxy. Others are different interactions in the world such as shower scenes which Prim and Charlotte are in the morning while Maxy and Mary are during the evenings. You can know this by checking the shower or hearing the shower sound in the hall. You can also notice that Yui is at the beach at noon when exploring the town and has a beach activity you can do there too. Stawer is adding hints for scenes for a future update so that will make it easier too.

There is a lot of things going on in the game but you can go at your own pace and don't have to rush it. The profiles like I said are the walkthrough and tell you what to do next. There also is a story summary of the progress you have made so far.

The Maxy/Mary change is part of the story for both of them and is really important to understand why. What you described is one event for the Halloween event where Maxy needs to help Layla make a costume and the other being Mary finding the ghosts. The rest of the game you can just do Maxy's story and leave Mary's later when you want to do it. Again you can complete at your own pace.

The appeal stat does affect how much in tips you could earn but like Stawer said needs to rework it.

When finding the measurements of the girls the first set will have a render of them clothed and then the second set of measurements is the nude render.

The artifact is hidden in the hot springs and you need to click it to obtain it. Look for a difference in the room.

Like I said before the profiles have a walkthrough in what you need to do next for the main story. The activities on the right will tell you which are still available for you or not. Some you are missing are from other events in the world such as shower, beach event for yui, holiday events, and a couple cross events. In a future update Stawer will add hints for those.

I think I answered all your questions and if there is any other questions you have or something you are still lost with I'll be more than willing to answer for you.
I know what the hearts are, etc. Those are irrelevant to my complaints.

No. You are wrong. Nothing in the game tells you everything you need to know. hence why I have been stumped quite a few times. Had I known what to do, too often, I wouldn't have had to come on the forums to find out what I need to progress or get a scene unlocked. When you stop playing the game and come back another day, you aren't going to remember that you still need to keep doing guitar lessons or cooking with a girl etc to get more scenes unlocked. That is part of my issue. Too much going on at once with too many girls. You come back another day, you aren't going to remember, and the game doesn't tell you Again, the game does NOT give you enough info in the walkthrough. So, to fix that, the game could say 4/6 guitar lessons done. Then you would know you need to do two more to get a scene, etc. That would fix a lot of the problem I have here. When you come back to play another day, that would be right there to remind you. Clear and easy to understand.

The nude render is not able to be seen anywhere. What you are saying is you only see it once when you measure them? So, what is the point? It should be something unlocked in gallery or when you view them in stats they are able to be nude if you choose in their pic.

I have no idea what you are talking about with clicking the artifact in the Hot Springs. I cant go inside the hot springs unless I take a bath or have sex with Clara. There is no way to go inside.
Last edited:


Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
No. You are wrong. Nothing in the game tells you everything you need to know. hence why I have been stumped quite a few times. Had I known what to do, too often, I wouldn't have had to come on the forums to find out what I need to progress or get a scene unlocked. When you stop playing the game and come back another day, you aren't going to remember that you still need to keep doing guitar lessons or cooking with a girl etc to get more scenes unlocked. That is part of my issue. Too much going on at once with too many girls. You come back another day, you aren't going to remember, and the game doesn't tell you Again, the game does NOT give you enough info in the walkthrough. So, to fix that, the game could say 4/6 guitar lessons done. Then you would know you need to do two more to get a scene, etc. That would fix a lot of the problem I have here. When you come back to play another day, that would be right there to remind you. Clear and easy to understand.
I am sorry, not trying to be too smart an arse, at least not any more than usual, but I do not get what is lacking for you. Just loaded up a random old save and opened Maxy's hint screen (since you mentioned guitar lessons) and this is what I got


And apart from it not saying "you are at step 8 of 11 steps in this field" I do not see what is missing at all. I've got to wait for the main story to continue, nothing to be done there right now; there two available events at the moment; two more potential events; and a repeatable. For the latter 5 it spells out what to do. To me it seems crystal clear despite not having touched this save in months at least, so if you could elaborate maybe from this screen what you would want additionally, it might help me and possibly others understand better.


Jul 31, 2019
I know what the hearts are, etc. Those are irrelevant to my complaints.

No. You are wrong. Nothing in the game tells you everything you need to know. hence why I have been stumped quite a few times. Had I known what to do, too often, I wouldn't have had to come on the forums to find out what I need to progress or get a scene unlocked. When you stop playing the game and come back another day, you aren't going to remember that you still need to keep doing guitar lessons or cooking with a girl etc to get more scenes unlocked. That is part of my issue. Too much going on at once with too many girls. You come back another day, you aren't going to remember, and the game doesn't tell you Again, the game does NOT give you enough info in the walkthrough. So, to fix that, the game could say 4/6 guitar lessons done. Then you would know you need to do two more to get a scene, etc. That would fix a lot of the problem I have here. When you come back to play another day, that would be right there to remind you. Clear and easy to understand.

The nude render is not able to be seen anywhere. What you are saying is you only see it once when you measure them? So, what is the point? It should be something unlocked in gallery or when you view them in stats they are able to be nude if you choose in their pic.

I have no idea what you are talking about with clicking the artifact in the Hot Springs. I cant go inside the hot springs unless I take a bath or have sex with Clara. There is no way to go inside.
Look at the image of Maxy's profile from Cartageno's post. The reason I mentioned the hearts is because look at the text beneath them. It says for Maxy "I wonder what will Maxy will do next (Wait)." This text box tells you what to do next for the girl's MAIN story. All of them are exactly like that. You are confused as to what to do next when that text box is telling you exactly that. I don't know if you didn't know or missed it but it has always been there.

For that event specifically it is telling you to wait because a scene with Maxy will trigger automatically after typically a few in game days. Some will say other things specifically like "Talk to Mary at noon" or "Go on a picnic with Prim" or "Talk to Yui at night". I think this is pretty straight forward in what you need to do next and you just need to follow those directions.

Now look at the right on the image. Currently it has the EVENTS tab selected where you see Chat, practice, appearance, show, and sex in the shower displayed. You can see the practice still has an event AVAILABLE listed on it which means there is another event you can do. When you talk to Maxy for example there is a guitar lessons choice. Click it and select the guitar lessons option then you see that event. That's all you need to do. The activities option will have the chat activity and other things you can do with the girls too. It is pretty simple to follow just interact with the girls and complete activities.

Yes I understand there is a lot of things to do in the game and you won't be able to remember how many practice events you need to do, except the profile tells you if you can do it or not like I just explained. If the main story text says "work in progress" then you are caught up and don't need to stress on if you need to do something else. You don't need to remember how many times you need to do a practice event because the profile will tell you if you can or not. If it said "work in progress" then it is telling you there are no more events available for it.

The rest of the girls profiles look exactly like that and function the same way. Prim's will tell you her chat events, trainings, and if you can shower with her. Layla's will tell you if you can do her chat events, trainings, and other activities and so on with all the rest of the characters. When going from character to character you just need to see if that activity is available= new event available. Or if it said work in progress= no new events are available. And Unavailable= continue main story to unlock more. The main story will tell you the next action to do.

Yes that is the nude render and you can also screenshot it with the S key to keep it. Though in the progress report Stawer made on patreon talked about a gallery rework in a future update and if you have the measurements you can see them nude from their poses too in the new gallery.

For the artifact in the hot springs look around for an object to click on in the main room. There is plant you need to find and search around for something that isn't there normally.


Jan 31, 2022
Unofficial Android Port for :

Lucky Paradox [v0.7.5 Public] + MetalChicken's Gallery Unlocker Mod

Download Apk: Mega, Google

Download Apk+Obb: Mega, Google

My Android Ports have a 2nd Persistent save location. So, even if you uninstall the game, the saves will remain Intact.
You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

if you liked my work, support on Patreon.

If it says unknown developer or something like that just press install anyway.

Give Me Your Feedback on the Discord Server. As it's easier to reach me there, than here.
Can you please update to the newest version

Darth Vengeant

Active Member
May 6, 2020
Yes I understand there is a lot of things to do in the game and you won't be able to remember how many practice events you need to do, except the profile tells you if you can do it or not like I just explained. If the main story text says "work in progress" then you are caught up and don't need to stress on if you need to do something else. You don't need to remember how many times you need to do a practice event because the profile will tell you if you can or not. If it said "work in progress" then it is telling you there are no more events available for it.

The rest of the girls profiles look exactly like that and function the same way. Prim's will tell you her chat events, trainings, and if you can shower with her. Layla's will tell you if you can do her chat events, trainings, and other activities and so on with all the rest of the characters. When going from character to character you just need to see if that activity is available= new event available. Or if it said work in progress= no new events are available. And Unavailable= continue main story to unlock more. The main story will tell you the next action to do.

Yes that is the nude render and you can also screenshot it with the S key to keep it. Though in the progress report Stawer made on patreon talked about a gallery rework in a future update and if you have the measurements you can see them nude from their poses too in the new gallery.

For the artifact in the hot springs look around for an object to click on in the main room. There is plant you need to find and search around for something that isn't there normally.
There were still things I hadn't unlocked with the girl when it said "work in progress" or "end of this update" type thing. Again, that is one of my complaints. But, I read the dev say that in a coming update the locked scene will tell you how to unlock it when you clock on the little lock icon. Which solves a lot of my complaint right there. These are the things I got lost on when coming back to play another day because I didn't remember what I needed to continue doing to unlock a scene. And no, the girls profile and info etc didn't tell me what I needed to know.

To me a nude render means something you have able to be seen in a gallery, or in their profile. Not something you see ONCE when you do a measurement. (I frankly find that ridiculous now that I know that is all it is). And, you don't need to do a screenshot, that lowers the quality of the image actually. You can extract the game's images, or in many renpy games, just go to the images folder.

For the artifact you say is in the Hot Springs entrance. I literally sat on the screen of the Hot Springs entrance, since that is the only place you can roam there, clicking the entire screen all over. Nothing ever popped up, nothing is clickable.

In closing. The entire Halloween and Christmas event just kind of....happens. It needs better info in the walkthrough. It never told me I needed to sleep to progress for example.


Lucky Paradox
Game Developer
Jun 6, 2017
There were still things I hadn't unlocked with the girl when it said "work in progress" or "end of this update" type thing. Again, that is one of my complaints. But, I read the dev say that in a coming update the locked scene will tell you how to unlock it when you clock on the little lock icon. Which solves a lot of my complaint right there. These are the things I got lost on when coming back to play another day because I didn't remember what I needed to continue doing to unlock a scene. And no, the girls profile and info etc didn't tell me what I needed to know.

To me a nude render means something you have able to be seen in a gallery, or in their profile. Not something you see ONCE when you do a measurement. (I frankly find that ridiculous now that I know that is all it is). And, you don't need to do a screenshot, that lowers the quality of the image actually. You can extract the game's images, or in many renpy games, just go to the images folder.

For the artifact you say is in the Hot Springs entrance. I literally sat on the screen of the Hot Springs entrance, since that is the only place you can roam there, clicking the entire screen all over. Nothing ever popped up, nothing is clickable.

In closing. The entire Halloween and Christmas event just kind of....happens. It needs better info in the walkthrough. It never told me I needed to sleep to progress for example.
For Halloween or Christmas u haev hins on the Calendar or on the respective character pages (Shizuka, Kaede and Yui for Christmas, for example).

And yes, the new Gallery is a lot better than the old one (less clics, more optimization in the code and full hd images):



These are variations (measurements unlocked) or in the future there will also be variations with potions (with larger and smaller breasts) :p


Aug 10, 2020
Hi there,
Love the game.
Playing v0.8.0 but getting a lot of the choice bars not being translated to English.
Tried in Preferences to change from English to Spanish and back again but it did not help.
Help Please.


Oct 18, 2018
Something just occured to me.
I don't think anyone has made a tierlist for this game yet.
At least I haven't been able to find one anyhow.
Anyone got some decent headshots of all the gals and feel like giving it a go?



Active Member
May 17, 2022
Something just occured to me.
I don't think anyone has made a tierlist for this game yet.
At least I haven't been able to find one anyhow.
Anyone got some decent headshots of all the gals and feel like giving it a go?

Sasha is S tier because her ass is godlike.
  • Haha
Reactions: GreenGobbo

Darth Vengeant

Active Member
May 6, 2020
For Halloween or Christmas u haev hins on the Calendar or on the respective character pages (Shizuka, Kaede and Yui for Christmas, for example).

And yes, the new Gallery is a lot better than the old one (less clics, more optimization in the code and full hd images):

View attachment 1977591

View attachment 1977592

These are variations (measurements unlocked) or in the future there will also be variations with potions (with larger and smaller breasts) :p
View attachment 1977593
This is fantastic and eliminates many of my complaints. Well done! Really like this stuff.

Will the avatar/main image in the girls profile be able to be a new nude version as well? Such as being able to choose between the original or the nude version once we get far enough with them?

I wanted to say. Your game is one of the games that have inspired me to get Honey Select. I got it now (the 107gb torrent on this site actually). But, now I am trying to figure out how to install it. It has all the versions of Honey Select 1.2. Studio, 32bit, BattleArena, piles of mods, etc. So which one do I need to install to start rendering my own scenes?


Nov 12, 2020
heyo anyone know how I can fix the bug about the girls I had already unlocked are not shown at the stats (save from previous version.... 0.4 something), they are all shown as ???
4.50 star(s) 104 Votes