Still enjoying the game but ...
I gave it a pass when Yui wanted me to cum inside her and make her pregnant, as I had the option to cum on her instead. Then Maxy also wanted it (and here I couldn't choose not to) and I thought, well, okay, I'll get over that. Next sex scene with Maxy and again she's on about wanting me to make her pregnant (this time I was able to cum on her instead.)
No pregnancy tag but a search through the posts reveals that girls can get pregnant. I hope this means you can also opt out of getting them pregnant (and it isn't, as was implied in one discussion, a requirement to finish the game.) And that they don't keep bugging you to make them pregnant every time you have sex with them.
I know some people like it but for me it's one of the biggest turn offs. So if the game's going in that direction it would be great if someone could warn me now. Then I can decide if I like the girls and story enough to continue. For reference, I'm at what I think is a relatively early point in the game, sex so far only with Yui, Charlotte (for practical purposes, hardly what I'd call fun,) and Maxy twice (once tied up on the bed, once in the shower.)