Others - Completed - Lunar Crisis [v1.2b] [Vosmug]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Vosmug is at it again, dropping this point and click adventure, the story involves sneaking round a spaceship as a prisoner, hacking everything, unleashing the prisoners on the crew, and neutralizing all the crew.

    It's a bit lacking in the H-department in terms of number of scenes, especially with this dumb gallery viewer, not to mention that there are event animations which aren't in the gallery, kinda dumb, and viewing a few gallery entries just straight up crashes the game, really really dumb, but since Vosmug releases once every ~5 years I will allow it. 5/5.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a Vosmug game so your perception of this game will depend on how much you enjoyed their other games.

    The gameplay loop is simple but achieves its purpose, although the controls are a bit clunky, since the game clearly tries to be a point and click game.

    The story isn't anything too special, but it's certainly better than most hentai games with some unexpected twists if you go for the 100% ending.

    Other than that the porn is solid, but make sure to enjoy it while playing, since the "gallery" is quite bad.

    Overall I would recommend this game if you don't mind a bit of chunkiness.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Good VN, mediocre point'n'click adventure, awful porn.
    I'd give it 3/5, but its originality worths an additional star.

    Unlike previous games, here Vosmug tried to do a different genre and a complex plot at the same time, and succeeded, but got exhausted and failed everything else.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    was this even made by vosmug? terrible everything. barely any porn. this took 5 years? how? its way too much "strategy" and very little actual hentai or porn. the animations are 100% recycled and overall this is wildly disappointing and underwhelming.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Lunar Crisis is another Vosmug game which means a couple of three things: side-scrolling, puzzle-solving, a little combat, a lot of narrative/characterization and sex only when it suits what's happening in the story. There is plenty of sex, but this isn't a "run into enemy, receive sex scene" kind of game. It's a puzzle game with a plot and people will fuck in it. (If you don't care about that there's an asset gallery.)

    You play as a cyborg hacker who is taken into custody by a stratocratic regime of very busty women for a mysterious crime. You have to use subterfuge to cause havoc and potentially escape (this is where the puzzle elements come in.) There's also sex-crazed aliens onboard who are also prisoners. You can see where this is going.

    The girls all look very similar (but I chalk that up to a deliberate art style) while the aliens are all ugly and different-looking. There's not a lot of difference between the animations, but the animation itself is well made.

    The game isn't getting a 5 star rating because a character has sex in 12 different positions... it's because you learn about a character and then they get tangled up with an alien or some other sexy misfortune. This sounds hokey, but it's a horror game with aliens. The writing matters. Vosmug knows how to tell an enjoyable story and characterize his cast. I'm emphasizing this because I wish more porn game devs did it as competently as him.

    The game is roughly 6 - 7 hours long and I counted about 15 scenes. That puts it at about 2 scenes per hour. The art style is also very flat "early 2000s" in an era where stuff like Pure Onyx exists. If you don't want to play through an episode of Flash Cartoon Star Trek before seeing bimboXalien monster action then this game might not appeal to you.

    If you enjoy this, Xenotake and Ghost Hunter Vena are more of the same.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    So, yeah, this edition of Vosmug is a glorified "point and click adventure" without any real combat. One brief section late in the game might barely qualify, but for the most part, you aren't defeating direct encounters.

    That said, I found the story oddly compelling - it tries to dip its toes into "hard sci fi" at some points and kind of fails miserably, but there's enough back and forth going on between the sets of characters involved, as well as moments of more dynamic interaction, that the plot rarely feels like it's stagnating. I played through the whole thing (about 4 hrs) in one sitting with enough interest kept throughout to keep going, and even wanted a little more by the end.

    However, in raw H-content alone, this game also feels like the weakest of Vosmug's works unfortunately. Where other games had fun things like wading through and visibily getting covered in a suspiciously creamy white substance, or sneaking past ghosts of myriad shapes and sizes to avoid getting ectoplasm'd, this game has both significantly less H-content numerically and less uniqueness within that H-content. Tentacles are cool and all, but the animations only really have two phases and they're kinda samey. The spiciest part there was, was when you get a very fleeting moment to see one character get cumflated. One time in the whole game.

    So, that's where the one star went. I'd have cut it to 3, but it's rare that a game's story on this site keeps me engaged the way it did, so it keeps a 4. Don't come here if you're hoping for a good fap, but play it to kill a few hours and get a bit horny while doing it.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    another good game from vosmug, tho i think this one is weaker than xenotake or ghost hunter vena for its formatting as more of a pure sidescroller.

    the content in the game feels limited. in vosmug's other titles you'd get scenes with various stages with unique looping animations and a finishing sequence for both combat animations and regular story scenes.
    here most scenes are one loop that swaps to a completely different loop, that later end in a black screen or with the finale 'skipped'. a lot of the game's content is also environmental, and features only a single loop.
    it might also be worth noting that vosmug has been kinda doing the same side or front view animations ever since he started, just iterating on them, so there's none of the more unique posing or framing that's been developed over the past few years of presenting animated 2d sex, ala what you can see in other titles like night of revenge.

    the focus of the game is also more distinctly tentacles, though there is still some futa and male humanoid/monster content as per usual, so that might also bring it up or down for you.

    it's another great title with that distinctive artstyle, good animation, sound and an interesting story & setting, with the non-sexual presentation much improved from his past titles. the gore used for alien kills is great which show's vosmugs origins, but that is thankfully only used for cool factor and not as guro lol.

    play this, also play xenotake and ghost hunter vena.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Another masterpiece from Vosmug. I was following this project for a while and waiting eagerly for it to come out. Played it today and finished it in one sitting. I hope he continues making amazing games like this for years to come.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall production and quality-wise, Vosmug has seen a significant improvement over the years since Xenotake. The animations are fluid, the game feels smooth, there's even some proper 3D cutscenes. The audio design, mix-and-matching the soundtrack to an appropriate atmosphere of the game is also something noticeable.

    Unfortunately, as a game, I have to say that it feels like a step back somehow. Vosmug wanted to experiment, or perhaps simply got tired of complex gameplay causing complex bugs, and did this one as something of a point and click adventure game - to keep the pretense of a "game" instead of it being a "visual novel". All of the "adventuring" pretty much boils down to "find thing A, bring it to place B", and I could NOT shake off the feeling that I am, "playing" something that is basically in fact just a visual novel. There's very few moments in the game where you can actually lose and have to reload.

    By far the best part of the game is writing. The plot is interesting, the characters are compelling, I was thoroughly invested from the very start in finding out what the player character's motivations and goals are. The plot also takes many unexpecting twists and turns, I caught myself with an "oh fuck!" moment at least three times.

    The fact that the characters are compelling is kind of the game's detriment to me, because, well, most of them basically serve the purpose of being rape bait. Finding out their complex emotions and motivations and then empathizing with them conflicts with the enjoyment of any rape content... which is pretty much all the content there is in the game.
    But maybe that's my personal skill issue or something.

    Slight spoiler:
    The ending was somewhat of a disappointment. Singular, because you just unlock more of the same ending as you meet the proper conditions. It also has a bit of a twist in it, and the very finale is, of course, bittersweet. Which is fine in its own way, but I feel like it needed some more epilogue/closure.
    Likes: Rixen
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a pretty fun game with an engaging story. I like how you play as the bad guy, which is a unique POV. The story cutscenes were well-made! The H scenes seemed well made as well, but I was hoping for more variety; it's like 99% tentacles, and even among the different alien species, it's about the same animation. Honestly, what kept me playing wasn't the fapping, though; it was the story; it's pretty good, especially for this genre. I had some gripes during the one and only boss battle since the timing was so tight and I was fighting controls, but it was a solid 5 hr experience for me. I also would have liked more interactivity with the girls (big R-word kink), and there were so many opportunities where the MC could have had his way but was forced to move on due to the objective. 4.5 out of 5 from me!
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a really good game, it far exceeded my expectations and I was impressed by how interesting the story is, it was also nostalgic that they used the NSFW theme, the reason why I don't give it 5 stars is because on many occasions the The protagonist does not participate in sexual scenes and that left me upset, the sexual scenes are secondary events and the protagonist is almost always excluded. but the gameplay and the story are really good, I have mixed feelings about whether it should have 4 or 3 stars, in the end I decided on 4 to compare it with the rest of the games that are uploaded here.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Four hours or so of playable content, including fully animated cutscenes, sex scenes and a well thought out sidescroller to compete with the current H-Games market in 2024. The game, surprisingly, has three endings in which some of your smaller, insignificant choices can slightly change your ending dependant on how you wanted to play the game.

    This is Lunar Crisis.

    From the creator of Xenotake and Ghost Hunter Vena comes a story where yes, you play as a male cyborg imprisoned on a ship who hatches a cunning plan to escape the clutches of his captors. I managed to play the game for around four hours, with adequate breaks and found myself itching to come back and continue the story of the main character. The game starts off slow, using the gradual pacing at the beginning as a tutorial for people to learn the system adequately. You play as X, a cyborg imprisoned on a shuttle headed for a Lunar Prison and you spend the game devising a plan, gaining allies and solving small but simple puzzles to escape.

    The cutscenes were okay considering that this is a game developer that to my knowledge has worked on the project solely for the past two years. The story made sense, and surprisingly for an H game didn't have any continuity errors when it comes to picking choices that'll affect the ending of the game.

    While the controls are simple, some scenes require a degree of thought and timing to get the correct outcome. Thankfully, with a purposeful checkpoint system coupled with the option of replaying certain missions makes this game a solid contender in a market where H games are either abandoned or are left on an infinite development nightmare where games aren't updated but the Patreons that these developers have continue to rinse you for your money.

    I would highly recommend this game to people who are patient with storylines and can overlook the occasional bug. After all, it's a finished project that is getting updates to fix the small kinks that need to be ironed out. I would also recommend that you, the consumer, contributes to
    Vosmug's Itch page.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Mister Wake

    I do not think I've played a game on this site from start to finish in a very long time. But this game had me hooked from the moment I started with very fun systems, a point and click adventure with a very good story. The characters are well thought out and I loved seeing every scene.

    For some, this game might be a bit too slow. It is a point and click, after all, not an action game or horror game that fills this site. I cannot express enough how well it plays in its own genre, with very lewd sprites mixed in.

    The only bad thing I can say about this game is that the gallery isn't very good. It shows every sprite in the game, but also shows how limited the porn actually is. When you play the game properly, the lewdness has a sexy buildup and feels rewarding, satisfying and quickly spirals into more lewds the longer you play. I do not think the gallery reflects this.

    Amazing game, I hope to see more like this
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    It's great to see Vosmug, an experienced H game developer, back after so very long. He's made some pretty entertaining, if a bit too talkative, H games in the past, but this one... Not so much. It's a shame he spent his dwindling motivation on it over just making animations and a novel to go with it I suppose.

    Low HCG count, a ton of writing spent on the B-movie scifi plot, walking simulator-esk gameplay with cinematics to boot, and a male protagonist that behaves mostly as the plot device more than anything essential to the H mechanics. The HCG, while a charming reminder of the flash games of yonder, and boasts an impressive fetish count, ultimately feel soulless. By that I mean it feels strangely uninvolved with the H game despite the way the story is structured, likely due to the main focus being a cinematic game vibe. I hope the dev plays more H games and gets inspiration to craft a fresh take with more interest in keeping us just as well.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Quest-like sidescroller, no shooting and madness jumping. No dies, no labyrints. Animations are not so good as can be, but well enough. Sci-fi plot is fun, dialogues are pretty simple, no need do use translator.
    Good game, 5 stars
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Before I start I'm gonna say there will be some mild spoilers in this review since it's a story-based game and there's not much to speak of gameplay-wise. It's a point and click adventure game so uhh yeah. I probably won't talk much about the story, mostly it'll be about how it annoyed me.

    Also, my rating is more of a 2.5 rather than a 2. Closer to a 3, I guess.

    Now, I don't mind the game focusing more on story. Vosmug did say from the beginning of the development that this would end up being a point and click adventure game with more writing, less gameplay.

    The puzzles are there as to be expected in an adventure game. They're alright, nothing too difficult. No mouse control, though. You move the cursor using the keyboard. It's kind of clunky but I can tolerate it. The only time it started to annoy me was late in the game where there's a timed sequence. On top of that it's not immediately obvious what you have to do there, either.

    Still, I wasn't bothered by the lack of gameplay. I thought to myself "so long as the story is good and the scenes are plentiful, right?"......right
    The story is.... I don't know what other people here are smoking. It's not amazing. It's meh, or well it's fine. It's serviceable. It does its job. The thing is, the story should be more than just serviceable in a story-based adventure game. Otherwise, what can the game even stand on? I think some people here are confusing worldbuilding/lore with storytelling. The lore is interesting, the story itself being told is a pretty generic "heist gone wrong, must escape prison" story.

    It does start off interesting with our cyborg protagonist trying to steal something on a space ship and then gets captured by a couple of girls whose uniforms look pretty similar to the ones in Xenotake. They then all get arrested and imprisoned on a large ship owned by the Lunar Guard, one of the three main factions in this game.

    After that there's a sequence where they're all like "bla bla bla don't try to escape" and then you can immediately escape via a drone the protagonist has in his leg. You hack the door, escape the cell and from then on you can explore the ship and get more insight into the world. It's fairly linear but there's some additional things you can find which will influence the ending a bit.

    There is a fair amount of world building here. Every day you explore a bit more, gain more info about the factions of this universe, do some shenanigans around the ship and sabotage everyone's plans and generally you're being a little gremlin and infuriating everyone.
    It's fun but it doesn't last and you realize that the protagonist is less of a clever "my plans are beyond your comprehension" type of guy and more of an idiot who just does not give a shit about anything in general.

    You encounter some aliens, help them escape and at this point you're probably thinking "this is when the sex stuff happens, right?". Nope.

    I don't know if it was intentional or not, but this game really seems to not want you to see sex happening.
    Every time it seems like something is about to happen it just...doesn't.

    This is also when I started to get frustrated with the writing. The reason the sex doesn't happen is because the girls keep escaping, and the reason the girls keep escaping is because the protagonist does not really care what happens. He's just an uncaring, emotionless dickhead. He also doesn't speak because he had his vocal chords ripped out or something. On top of that, he straight up refuses to communicate in other ways such as by nodding his head, even with his allies. Does he expect everyone to read his fucking mind or something? The only way he ever communicates is by vaguely pointing in the direction of something and the other characters are naturally all very confused about it.

    Speaking of frustration, there is for example one scene where you have to sabotage the access to the armory and set up an ambush using your newfound alien friends. When you gain access to the armory and scan around the room and you see that the soldiers have access to short teleportation technology which allows them to instantly teleport their weapon from the armory to themselves. You look around a bit more and the game outright tells you that there's an extra, unaccounted weapon there. You can not do anything with it, you can't take it and you can't destroy it. At this point it clicks and I think to myself "one of the girls will use this weapon to escape, isn't she? *sigh*" and lo and behold, that's exactly what happens.

    Another example is later in the game where you stumble upon a tentacle creature with a machete stuck in its side. You have to use this creature to restrain some of the girls trying to ambush you. You can't take the machete, you can't do anything to the creature other than wake it up. So you do that and the girls come into the room and they get captured and it doesn't matter because they use the machete to cut off the tentacles and escape (though not for long, you capture them right after)

    There are a lot more scenes like this and it got more and more infuriating. Basically, whenever you stumbled upon an item that you could only examine and not take it with you it meant that one of the girls would use it to thwart your plans and escape you. Over, and over, and over again! This always happened right as they were about to get fucked.

    Worst part is that you know it's going to happen. There were so many times in this game where I thought to myself "I'm walking into a trap, I should not go here. This is obviously a trap" or "I should pick this item up otherwise someone might use it against me" and the game does not let you. Failure is the only option. It pissed me off to no end. You have no choice but to sit there as the game blueballs you with scenes that seem like they were gonna lead to sex and then the girls escape at the last second. I really wish I could grab the protagonist by throat and tell him "FUCKING TAKE THAT ITEM WITH YOU, THEY'RE GONNA USE IT AGAINST YOU IF YOU DON'T!"

    The game's all like
    "Sike! You thought you were gonna see some chicks have all of their holes plowed by these tentacley facehugger-like creatures? Too bad, they were standing right next to the button which increases heat in the room and stuns the creatures. Too bad so sad" You reload a save, thinking you can prevent it but nope. There's nothing you can do. They escape.

    "Oh you thought this big dog-dug creature thing was gonna capture the engineer and have its way with her? Oh too bad she just took out a gun and blasted it to pieces lol"

    I'm not angry just disappointed. Everything is so underutilized. You gain access to mutant powers and the protagonist doesn't do much with them other than restrain the girls, fuck them a bit(without even a visible cumshot) and then leave.
    You gain access to an insectoid you can control manually and there's no sex scenes with it, you only use it like twice or three, maybe four times in the entire game to restrain the girls and never do anything beyond that.

    You lead the girls into traps and they manage to escape almost every time. On top of that they manage to catch you with the dumbest possible shit too. There were a coupel of times where you could actually read and listen to logs saying that they will ambush you in the next room and there's nothing you can do except be ambushed like a fucking idiot.

    The sex scenes over all are also very lackluster. There's less than 10 scenes and they're pretty vanilla too. There's a couple of doggystyle and missionary positions with humanoid aliens and a few average tentacle scenes, on top of that it seems like he re-used assets for the tentacle scenes. They look pretty samey. Only vaginal penetration too. No cumshot animation or anything, when the scene is supposed to end it just cuts to black and then they're suddenly covered in cum.
    There's no variation to them, either. You don't get extra buttons for changing positions or even a cum button like in Ghost Hunter Vena or Xenotake. All you get is two different speed options: fast or slow.

    The ending itself is also pretty meh. So as it turns out you stealing that thing in the beginning was a job for the redhead chick from Xenotake. Yeah, this is a sequel to Xenotake but I figured that was obvious from the ship architecture, uniforms, alien designs and a small minor detail of oh you know...the main faction from Xenotake being in this game lol

    Yeah I said ending, not endings. There's only one. There aren't actually three endings like other people said. There's only ending and you get more of it depending on how much you explored. At 50% you get pretty much nothing and it feels like the game just ends early
    At 75% you get a sex scene with the redhead chick and then it ends. This is the ending I got.
    From what I saw from other people's comments the 100% ending is not much different. You just get a bit more story and some closure and that's it. Same stuff, pretty much.

    Don't bother. Gallery also sucks but that's to be expected right now. Vosmug always had crappy galleries in his game and the good galleries in his older games were only added later after the games came out. I don't blame him for this, he has made it perfectly clear several times in the past that he hates creating galleries. I'm not sure why but oh well, maybe we'll get a good one like 6 months down the line.

    As for bugs? Well I guess I'm the luckiest person here because strangely enough I actually found no bugs at all. None whatsoever. I crashed once but that's it. Game ran fine otherwise.

    TL;DR this is "Missed opportunities:the game". Mediocre/serviceable at best writing, subpar and lackluster sex scenes. Underutilized mechanics. Extremely disappointing. I can't believe this took almost as long as Ghost Hunter Vena to make.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Vosmug is a weird game dev because he is almost anit-fap in making hentai games. Ghost Hunter Vena had to practically be played with a guide if you wanted to complete it, but this one is just dull and boring with way too much dialogue and cut scenes interrupting it. With a mix of just genuinely poorly running gameplay, and a heavy focus on the uninteresting plot it drags hard. Even if the plot, and writing was better that is not why most people are playing hentai games. Besides animation this game has nothing going for it.

    As of now there are a lot of glitches that just cause the game to crash constantly. Also the gallery is shit. Updates will likely improve this, but it is a shame that Vosmug wasted so much time making this instead of something good.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Vosmug outdone himself this time. Cinematics(!), plot, interesting gameplay (probably closest genre would be point-and-click, specifically the 'escape rooms' counterpart), some branching for different endings... The only thing that's probably worse compared to previous works is that sex scenes are the same, or arguably worse because of use of CGI. Not that much variety in scenes and poses either.

    Oh, and MC doesn't do much fucking himself(only 2 scenes that I've seen) , for those of you who can't fathom playing anything but harem games. Made sense to me though, because he's basically 70% machine(that gets mutated with alien dna halfway) that is there on a time-limited mission. I imagine libido is not a priority.

    Overall, good game by itself that doesn't waste your time. Not that good if you only in it for fapping(in that case, alien and tentacle sex needs to be in your fetish list).
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Version : 1.0

    It's... fine, I guess?
    Compared to Vosmug's previous games, it feels both like an upgrade and a downgrade.

    -Really good looking game (even with 3D cinematics!)
    -Girls are hot (especially the captain)
    -The story is good (at least I liked it)
    -I really like the point&click gameplay, even though I think the action gameplay from Xenotake and GHV was better
    -Surpise sex scenes found during gameplay makes them especially hot, like looking through security cameras and stumbling unto a girl having some fun.

    -Way not enough scenes (remember the big scenes in GHV, where you could use arrow keys to change their positions and speed? Well, forget about that here, most scenes are just one animation, with only a few having a disappointing climax)
    -Lack of variety in the scenes (no DP with tentacles, only one gangbang,...)
    -Obviously no battlefuck
    -maleMC (just... why?)
    -Broken gallery (probably will be fixed in the future)
    -Feels shorter than GHV, perhaps because there's no exploration/combat

    In the end, it almost feels like Vosmug's more interested in making a game with some porn than an actual porn game, and I fear that his next project, whatever it may be, will follow this trend. I really hope I'm just overreacting.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Miss Y

    I've been waiting for years to get my hands on this game, and bought it literally with minutes of the store page going up in the middle of the night. Beat it in one sitting, and took me around 3-4 hours which I spent on the edge of my seat with every little twist and turn with the story. I am probably going to mention a few negative aspects, but I want to make it absolutely clear: I enjoyed the hell out of this game, and don't regret buying it in the slightest.

    From following the blog, I know that there were two major concerns with this project early on: the removal of combat, and the decision to put the player in the role of a male character instead of a sexy lady. For the combat, I can't say that I really missed it at all. If anything, I feel like the gameplay in Lunar Crisis is a much better match for this being a hentai game, where all of the sex is simply a reward for figuring out how to progress (or *is* the solution that you use in order to progress, which is downright delightful), compared to the awkwardness of previous games where you had to lose on purpose in order to see a good chunk of the sexual content. Having all of the sexual content be given to you via the story instead of encouraging you to fail at the combat just seems like a much better use of resources.

    And for the main character... I will say that part of me does miss playing as someone with more personality like Eerien or Vena in his previous games, but I did find myself really getting into the way that Lunar Crisis has you playing as a conniving villain who isn't being subjected to sexual situations, but is the one pulling the strings and putting the female characters into those situations. It brings such a powerful sense of dread and anticipation to the game as you watch certain characters manage to escape unscathed from several encounters until they finally run out of luck.

    The writing is just rock solid, plain and simple. Throughout the entire game, I'm pretty sure that I only saw a single mistake (referring to a character's personal room on the ship as her "quarter" instead of "quarters"), which is pretty damn impressive compared to most hentai games I have played. The characters all have amazing designs that show how far Vosmug has evolved as an artist while still preserving his art style, and there are a lot of fun interactions as they bounce off of each other in different ways where the writing of the dialogue does an admirable job of conveying their personalities in a way that feels effortlessly natural.

    But one major thing I will hold against the story is that I genuinely think it was a mistake to have multiple endings — or at least, to have three of them instead of just two. Depending on how much you investigate the ship, you either get the 50%, 75%, or 100% endings. I haven't gotten the 100% ending yet, but I got the 50% ending on my playthrough... and after replaying to get the 75% ending instead, the 50% ending feels more like a game over screen than an actual ending, which seems a little unfair to the player when the game never does anything to encourage that kind of mindset, for you to explore for extra things beyond the immediate solution to your current goal at the time. I genuinely think that the game would be improved by just removing the 50% ending entirely and making 75% the "default" ending with 100% being a special "secret" ending. If you finish the game and accidentally get the 50% ending, it just gives a terrible impression that the game suddenly ran out of time or budget. Of course I went back to see a different ending because I've been following this game's development for like five years now and needed to know, but if I had just randomly picked this up on a whim because it looked interesting, I feel like I wouldn't have been willing to give the game a second chance to wow me with its finale.

    Bright Spots
    Just a random list of little details that I really appreciated.
    • Having the character eventually be given control over little alien minions, adding more of a "horror movie monster" vibe to the way you (as the player character) approach situations. You go from needing to avoid any kind of confrontation to waiting for the right moment to strike. Though maybe there should have been a more explicit tutorial for how the bug can jump up to crawl on the ceiling. If you happen to jump while moving around, it just does a little hop; you need to be standing still in order to discover that, and if you don't get it immediately, that first encounter can feel a little frustrating.
    • The surveillance camera mechanic was a wonderful addition, and I just find myself wishing that there was more to discover with it. When the story eventually disables it, I really started missing it... and the bug minion just didn't have enough sexual content to fully replace that.
    • I loved the slow progression of the ship being taken over, and how that changed the environment over time. Letting the aliens out of their cell was probably the biggest moment in that regard, to see them break into the lounge area and completely take it over after you spent a good portion of the game avoiding it because that room was always filled with guards. Or literally EVERYTHING about Day 7, when you finally reach the space station. Whatever the next game looks like, I really hope there are more moments like that!
    • Time lapses, and "surprise" sex reveals. There are several moments in the game where it just jumps right to a sex scene, and those are easily some of my favorite parts (
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    Pet Peeves
    These are just purely subjective things that hampered my experience slightly but ultimately didn't take ~too much~ away from my enjoyment of the game. Not really flaws as much as what I think are missed opportunities or room for improvement in future games, colored by my personal preferences.
    • Not enough scenes with Geminis, the captain. Despite being what feels like the poster girl of the entire game, she really doesn't get to see much action. For most of the story, it feels like the game is really teasing her as the "ultimate prize" for the player, with how she keeps managing to avoid falling into sexual situations like the other girls. When that line is finally crossed for the first time... Well, it feels a lot more random and unearned than I would've liked, since it doesn't really feel like a culmination of her character arc at all with how overconfident she is about dealing with aliens. Then she gets one more big moment right at the very end... and while I really should like the concept of that scene for her on paper, it just doesn't land as hard as I would want it to because she is sharing the spotlight with another character, they are both using the same animation side-by-side, and you never really get to see a reaction from her about it. You do at least get to see her fate in the 75% ending, which is nice and feels very fitting for the game's premise; I just wish it wasn't such a brief glimpse.
    • The nature of the sex never really changes that much throughout the story. "Vosmug-style" games have always had a really unique tone compared to other games I've played, where sex is treated more like a momentary annoyance than anything too serious or traumatic. It's really charming and lighthearted, but also doesn't feel like the game is making it all ~too~ silly by making everyone into an eager nymphomaniac. But I do wish there was a little more sense of finality, where you get to see some of the female characters reluctantly start to enjoy the sex in later parts of the game, to give it a little more drama when you see a proud, stoic character's willpower finally break and they just embrace the mindless pleasure of it all.
    • I would've liked seeing at least one or two male characters around, like the two goons from Ghost Hunter Vena. Obviously the aliens are the main attraction here (other than the ladies themselves), but I feel like it would've helped add some extra flavor to the early parts of the game if you saw some men around the ship and were able to hear them talk to Geminis or Sallika (or talk ~about~ them in private). But I'm sure that is something very specific to my interests.
    • Gar, the "top alien" you converse with... Even if I understand the reason of making him look visually distinct from the other aliens on the ship, part of me couldn't help being disappointed with how I feel like his design of being the fit and muscular one was so much less interesting than if he had looked like any of his underlings, with the more bulky "ugly bastard" body type? Again, very much just a matter of my personal taste.
    • Related to the previous point, I feel like the variety of aliens could've been a little more impressive? You get a bunch of different alien designs, but only a certain number of them get anything that feels like a "real" sex scene. From what I recall off the top of my head, you have
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      It's very tentacle-heavy, if that wasn't obvious, and the ones that don't use tentacles are just two different flavors of humanoid.
    • Compared to Xenotake and Ghost Hunter Vena, Lunar Crisis doesn't really have a ton of "sexy dialogue" because most of the aliens are too dumb to speak, and the player character is mute. You get some between the girls — especially with how much lesbian tension there is in the mix, which I do appreciate — but I do miss some of the more hard-edged, degrading dialogue from previous games (again, the thugs from Ghost Hunter Vena, or how Xenotake had two openly misogynistic aliens). Even Gar feels a little too soft by comparison, and when you make it to Day 7, you don't get a chance to spend time with the more aggressive aliens to see much of that from them.

    So yeah, that's a lot of text! Long story short: a great game that is held back only by a frustrating ending if you aren't careful and not really giving the best character (in my opinion) enough content. For the price, this game really has no right to be this damn good. I already find myself dying with excitement to learn about Vosmug's next project.