Played the game yesterday (yes, I paid for it) and dropped it after playing through around 80%. This game is nothing close to what Vosmug did before and barely has anything I loved his previous games for.
Here we have a silent cyborg male MC who hangs out on a space ship full of hot big boobed girls. Sounds exciting, right? WRONG! The MC doesn't bang any of them (except for
one actual sex scene, and a few scenes where MC grows tentacles of his hand). Instead he walks around, does random boring stuff and makes aliens bang the girls. Dunno about you guys, but that's no fun to me at all

I mean, not like I feel cucked or something, but it just doesn't click. I just don't understand what's the point of it? If you add a male MC to the game, why not making him bang everything he sees? Isn't this obvious? Isn't this the whole reason of having a male MC in a porn game? Yeah, instead we have a porn game with a male MC who's not interested in sex. Nice.
Also a few words about h-scenes... I dunno how to explain it, but due to the fact that 99% of sex scenes don't involve our beloved MC, they feel like nothing. The girls are not the main characters, but just NPCs, so I couldn't feel any attachment to them either. Thus, it's like sex scenes happen somewhere there on the background with some NPCs and with zero attachment to you. So at some point I've just lost any interest in playing the game, because it didn't feel rewarding to spend another 20-30 mins on going through a bunch of chore "quests" to see some random alien bangs one of the NPC chicks.
Plus visually, imo the scenes are barely close to what we had in other Vosmug's games: too many of them have the most generic side view where you can't see anything
(I mean pussy, ofc), and too many of them are just re-used existing scenes with different girls' heads.
Don't want to say anything about gameplay, sound or some technical stuff. It's all fine to me and I don't focus much on things like that, because I play porn games for porn.
So... After two masterpieces that were both of Vosmug's previous games, it's really a big disappointment to me to see this. Especially considering that it's been 7 years since his last game... I dunno what the heck did he do all this time, and what happened to this creator, I don't understand why everyone on his discord is totally cool with this game, because it's objectively worse than both of his previous projects while it took him that long to finish it...
TL;DR: if you expect something like Xenotake or Ghost Hunter Vena, don't waste your time, this game is nothing like those two.