Animations take a long time and personally to me aren't really worth the time investment for the limited skill I have with them. I'd rather put out more story and faster updates than bog things down with an animation you'll watch for a few seconds.
What exactly was a let down content wise in V0.17?
I felt the content was too little, usually updates have more protein in them? But maybe that's just me wanting to see more of this. I love the entire narrative, and think it's great.
As for animations, I'd have to disagree with first saying your skill is not limited, the early animations like claire's footjob or even the repeatable scenes were all good and made it more visually appealing. I understand time constraints and your point of view. But in a perfect world, I'd love to see the boat scenes animated, or the club scenes - Those would be amazing, and oh the pegging scene with katie !
Since I'm here making wishes, might as well please more pegging with katie <3
Thanks for all the hard work, do not take any of my comments as anything other than a fan with wishes. Keep up the great work.