This game has been tagged with pregnancy since the game released. Emily has been involved and had sex scenes in the past, yet now you're turned away by pregnancy content? Seems a strange jumping off point, but if it's not your thing, no worries
It's Katie's birthday and you love her, so you go along with it. If you choose you dislike it though, it does cut out all the sex scenes that involve the MC while bodyswapped.
Visit Vee at the workshop twice.
If you dislike fantasy creatures and magical shenanigans, this game is not for you. Honestly, it hasn't been for a long time, but I can tell you that you will not like future updates if that's not your thing.
Amy and Meg are the only futa main characters. Out of seven main characters.
Sam and Phoenix are the only futa side characters, which there are around a dozen. Edit: Forgot Leanne.
There's a few futa's in the club, but they only appear in single scenes and don't even have names. There are also many non futa characters there.
So claiming everyone is a futa is extremely disingenuous. Not to mention, every other futa character except Amy chose to be that way. Amy's story is entirely focused around her waking up with a dick one day without knowing why. Her story makes perfect sense, I don't imagine many women wouldn't freak out if they woke up with a dick they didn't choose to have. Not to mention finding other futa characters even helps Amy become accepting of being one.
Other than the demons, who is a shapeshifter? It's kind of one of the key traits of being a demon.
"Fuck the game, fuck the story" = This game is going in a way I dislike and rather than accept that, I'm going to be rude about it and don't be disingenuous about your criticisms of it. Sure, tell me the things you dislike, but be honest and accurate about it.
As many people have seen me say multiple times in this thread alone, this game won't be for everyone and I'm not making it for everyone. If I made something that tried to please everyone, it'd be boring as fuck and please no-one. So I have no issue with people disliking the game, it's inevitable, but if you do end up disliking it. At least admit it's because of your tastes and don't trash the game and everyone else who does enjoy it, just because it's not your thing. It makes you look silly.