For those who never found out; A wet washcloth and a clothing iron fixed many a wrinkled 8 track that I owned.
Never could stand how 8 track broke up songs right in the middle.
"I get a peaceful, easy..." hisssss, Ka-Chunk, hisssss "feelin' and I know you won't let me down... 'cause I'm already standin' on the ground." Hahaha

"No more Mister Nice..." hisssss... Ka-Chunk, hisssss "Guy, No more Mister Clean, No more Mister Nice Guy, They say he's sick, he's obscene..." Hahaha

"I'm the king of the..." hisssss, Ka-Chunk, hisssss "Night time world and you're my headlight queen... King of the night time world, Come live your secret dream, alright" Hahaha

I could do this all day and not exaggerate once. It was awful!
I went from reel to reel to cassette and still preferred vinyl LP.
But, I'm familiar with "tape salad" all the same...
Wet cloth, clothing iron on the lowest setting and it will still never sound right again.
It can be done but is it worth the reduced quality results? IDK.
How in the hell did this thread get THAT damned sidetracked??? WTF??? Oh yeah... old timey games... Couldn't play them. The poor graphics actually hurt my eyes and caused migraines. So, my rpg play stayed on tabletop from 1980 until the late 90's.
Anyway, before we got totally and utterly, "And now for something completely different..." derailed I was just stopping by to say thanks to the dev, PT Games, for yet another update (hope it's good) and thanks to
TheImage for posting it. New playthrough required so I nuked my old game folder and say YOLO let's give it a go!!! Will return to report any mad buggery I might find... Peace out.
Adventure ever on my friends, Phat