They don't say officially that they are in a relationship, that's the worse part, they make both Sam/Audrey flirting in the living room, MC comes near them, they left MC eating air to go fuck upstairs because Audrey is "hungry", MC says a bunch of phrases that you expect from a 5 year old kid like "Wow, they are going to paint their nails", Sam and Audrey are basically naked "making out", Sam is called by the dean mid act.
If you decide to go inside their room, you fuck him/her and she keeps sucking your magic, after she/he cums she/he gets angry and starts the humiliation part, to the point of him/her telling you to jerk off quickly looking at her, MC can't because he's exhausted from all the magic sucking, she keeps humiliating him until he can't keep his erection, he leaves the room like a wimp. End of last scene, great way of finishing her path on current update.
What makes me so frustrated overall is that the game is good, outside of this overall situation the game is one of my favorites and is pretty well written, but it's like the whole game is written by someone and Audrey+Sam by someone else that want X content in the game.