Mmmm. So far the MC comes off as a bit a of a douchebag, not in a huge way but it is kind of creepy sometimes. He's overly familiar with female characters he's just met (calling them baby and stuff when they've known each other for less than a day), he also can't seem to take a hint on when someones not interested in him and tries to make them out as being unreasonable or anti-social when they don't want to talk to him. This game just seems to be full of awkward dialogue, some seemingly shallow characters and a self imposing MC, who ends up having to jump through hoops just to get them to look at him, it's an odd dynamic and one I'm not totally comfortable with, but I'm still fairly early into the game so hopefully it gets better and comes into its own.
I'm not really drawn to any of the characters so it doesn't actually feel rewarding to spend time with any of them except for maybe Sam, but any time you spend with her is fleeting and usually spent on solving her problems so she can spend her time on another person. Which as one of those players who doesn't like my LI's to show interest in other characters, it's somewhat off putting, but as the hypocrite that I am, I'll stick around for the prospect of a threesome, I would just prefer to be at the centre of the relationship, the top point of the triangle if you will.
Huge bonus points for adding a VN version into the game and allowing players like me to strip out the repetitive grindy mini-games and having to tediously click around to navigate different rooms. Renders are top notch and character designs are nice and diverse, even if some personalities could use some work. I just don't really like any of them on a personal level... yet. So many of them treat you like dirt unless you're explicitly doing something for them and once they get what they want it's back to dirt again, why would the MC want to spend his time trying to crack the shells of people like that?
Edit; It would be nice to be able to skip to coffee shop mini game too or just like all mini games, just saying.
Edit2; Restructuring, several miscellaneous corrections.