Get your "Duelling Level" to 10,
Get your Combat spells up to 200, (for me it was "Combat Bolt" and "Rictusempra ")
Go to the Colosseum, and ask to fight the minotaur, (Repeatable) Win one (Selene) and Lose one(Nurse) to get scenes.
Losing the fight.
<Inner Garden/R-Wing>, <Inner Garden>,
<Entrance>, <Outside>,
XXXSave 3-2-LT1 XXX
Fight the minotaur
Lady on top,
Cum inside,
(New Gallery image unlocked)
Winning the fight.
<Inner Garden/R-Wing>, <Inner Garden>,
<Entrance>, <Outside>,
XXXSave 3-4-LT1 XXX
Fight the minotaur
WIN <<<<<<<<<<<Selene
Wait a mimute,I think I know you!
(New Profile Selene)
Look into her eyes,
Lick her, Cum on her boobs
(New Gallery image unlocked)