Nov 7, 2017
I think many of you don't realize the game is being redone with new content. If you want to play this game with full content then go play v0.37 until the game is fully restored in a future update. If you're wondering why most of the content was cut here is why and these are the exact words from the developer Lurking Hedgehog himself. Yes the game is being restored but being redone and being fix the same time. Right now v0.40 and v0.41 are basically demos and don't have all the old content, the other girls and sex scenes restored yet along with the new content. Again this is why I highly recommend you to play v0.37 at the moment because it has most of the content that you want except incest isn't included in this version. I don't know if v0.42 will be the next update that will have the game fully restored but I know a future update everything will be restored eventually.

Here again I will provide you the links to version 0.37.

Here are the MEGA links for v.0.37:

PC - Mega
MAC - Mega

Changelog: +3 new scenes with Roxie.
(To start her corruption, first get at least 30 points either of her love or her submission, then she'll ask you to train her and after this her corruption options will become unlocked. )

You're welcome.
The exact words from the developer:

"MAY 26, 2021
As you already know from previous posts, we totally rewrite the whole code of the game to make it fit for all future planned mechanics. It's going to be the last time when save files from previous versions don't work, and starting from the next update you'll never have to start playing from the beginning."

"AUG 1, 2021
So we finished restoring and upgrading main character's room mechanics and art and we also started to restore Emma's room content. We already made the coding for the scene where the player enters the room. The short dialogues during the entering actually consist of about 350 lines of text and code and were seriously extended to better express Emma's current attitude toward the player."

"SEP 2, 2021
Many functions of the house are marked as 'under construction', but we'll start to restore them in the next update, as well as the Dark Book (which will allow you to upgrade your magic spells) and some Kelly scenes."

"OCT 3, 2021
So, to sum, we added 7 hot scenes, 17 common scenes, 2 new interfaces, 3 new spells, 9 items and some bug fixing, and it took us a month. So the speed of restoring + extending the content of the game is really close to 1 scene per day which is exactly what I expected it to be.

Sorry for being silent for the recent month, sometimes I'm just in the circumstances where I can't keep you informed, but I always try to see to any opportunity to fix it.

Thank you for your patience and for your support."

"OCT 29, 2021
So, 25 days passed since the last update. 6 of them were my days off, 2 days were spent for tests and bug fixing, 17 of them were devoted to the development of the game. We still manage to be close to restoring/adding 1 scene per day, as planned.

Your bug reports also were very helpful! Please, send me more bug reports and don't forget that it's much better to copy the text from error message and send me than just describing the problem.

Thank you for your support, guys!"


Aug 15, 2017
I think many of you don't realize the game is being redone with new content
Maybe it would be better if game was... you know... done already? And then he could’ve move on to the next project and then he can flex with new art and content. He makes graphic overhaul, game mechanics overhaul, adding landlady/incest stuff (which means he needs to make changes into writing as well) AND new content for earlier stages of the game. Its a shit ton of additional work almost from the start. And after year or so he would find another way to improve his game instead of finishing it. So there’s two possible reasons why is this happening: 1) Milking 2) Perfect is the enemy of good. Both of them not very good.
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Feb 1, 2019
Je pense que beaucoup d'entre vous ne réalisent pas que le jeu est en train d'être refait avec du nouveau contenu. Si vous voulez jouer à ce jeu avec un contenu complet, allez jouer à la v0.37 jusqu'à ce que le jeu soit entièrement restauré dans une future mise à jour. Si vous vous demandez pourquoi la plupart du contenu a été coupé, voici pourquoi et ce sont les mots exacts du développeur Lurking Hedgehog lui-même. Oui, le jeu est en cours de restauration mais en cours de refonte et de réparation en même temps. À l'heure actuelle, les versions 0.40 et 0.41 sont essentiellement des démos et n'ont pas tout l'ancien contenu, les autres filles et scènes de sexe ont encore été restaurées avec le nouveau contenu. Encore une fois, c'est pourquoi je vous recommande fortement de jouer à la v0.37 pour le moment car elle contient la plupart du contenu que vous souhaitez, sauf que l'inceste n'est pas inclus dans cette version. Je ne sais pas si la v0.

Ici encore, je vais vous fournir les liens vers la version 0.37.

Les mots exacts du développeur :

"26 MAI 2021
Comme vous le savez déjà depuis les articles précédents, nous réécrivons totalement l'intégralité du code du jeu pour l'adapter à toutes les futures mécaniques prévues. Ce sera la dernière fois que les fichiers de sauvegarde des versions précédentes ne fonctionneront pas, et à partir de la prochaine mise à jour, vous n'aurez jamais à recommencer à jouer depuis le début."

"1 AOT 2021
Nous avons donc fini de restaurer et d'améliorer la mécanique et l'art de la pièce du personnage principal et nous avons également commencé à restaurer le contenu de la pièce d'Emma. Nous avons déjà fait le codage de la scène où le joueur entre dans la pièce. Les courts dialogues lors de l'entrée se composent en fait d'environ 350 lignes de texte et de code et ont été sérieusement étendus pour mieux exprimer l'attitude actuelle d'Emma envers le joueur."

" 2 septembre 2021
De nombreuses fonctions de la maison sont marquées comme "en construction", mais nous commencerons à les restaurer dans la prochaine mise à jour, ainsi que le livre noir (qui vous permettra d'améliorer vos sorts magiques) et certaines scènes de Kelly."

" 3 OCT 2021
Donc, pour résumer, nous avons ajouté 7 scènes chaudes, 17 scènes communes, 2 nouvelles interfaces, 3 nouveaux sorts, 9 objets et quelques corrections de bugs, et cela nous a pris un mois. Ainsi, la vitesse de restauration + extension du contenu du jeu est vraiment proche d'une scène par jour, ce qui est exactement ce à quoi je m'attendais.

Désolé d'être silencieux depuis un mois, parfois je suis juste dans des circonstances où je ne peux pas vous tenir au courant, mais j'essaie toujours de voir toute opportunité de le réparer.

Merci pour votre patience et votre soutien."

"29 octobre 2021
Donc, 25 jours se sont écoulés depuis la dernière mise à jour. 6 d'entre eux étaient mes jours de congé, 2 jours ont été consacrés aux tests et à la correction de bugs, 17 d'entre eux ont été consacrés au développement du jeu. Nous parvenons toujours à être proche de restaurer/ajouter 1 scène par jour, comme prévu.

Vos rapports de bogues ont également été très utiles ! S'il vous plaît, envoyez-moi plus de rapports de bogues et n'oubliez pas qu'il est bien mieux de copier le texte du message d'erreur et de m'envoyer que de simplement décrire le problème.

Merci pour votre soutien les gars!"

tank for this version


Jan 21, 2019
Has dropping straight to main menu/abandoned house from Kelly's room
issues have been fixed? - got a helmet, but no wish to continue until then.


Jan 25, 2018
There is no walktrough or something ? i almost maxed everything and some lewd scenes(except sex scenes) but i can't even go other places. Someone can help ?

edit: i played this game before, this is about me or version ?
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Active Member
May 20, 2019
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New Member
Jun 13, 2017
Damn, looks the develop is definitely directed to wrong direction. The attractive point of this game is NOT that RPG things such as items, equipment, enhanced magic battles, visual effects. A man has a magic power, realizes his lust in very restricted situation such as a demonic world. Audience of this game is attracted by the story telling and the layered progress how MC corrupts them to the certain points.
Don't spend your efforts for wrong selling point. Or is it on purpose?


May 21, 2019
When you are going to to search houses, there is a precentage showing on the icon. i saw it grow to 100%. What is it for or what does it mean?


May 9, 2017
New version is too annoying, first in battle ya hard to catch 0cd of skill, and panel magic appear ya have to press close button (it will be better if press outside panel to close it). then with each item that put in store form inventory ya need to press with each one, dun got deposit half or all into store. With each room enter, when get back it back mc room, not house hallway that when ya want to meet next char ya have to comeback hallway


Jun 28, 2017
New version is too annoying, first in battle ya hard to catch 0cd of skill, and panel magic appear ya have to press close button (it will be better if press outside panel to close it). then with each item that put in store form inventory ya need to press with each one, dun got deposit half or all into store. With each room enter, when get back it back mc room, not house hallway that when ya want to meet next char ya have to comeback hallway
Did you have a stroke while writing this? I can't understand a word.


Engaged Member
Aug 24, 2018
How does the current version stack up against v0.37 now?
I understand it'll take time to get it all back, just wondering how far you are.

I will start over from the beginning when all of the previous content has been restored. Your game is too good to lose interest over a "hickup" like the rebuild.

If any of you can recommend similar games where a guy has total power and corrupts the girls around him with both great visuals and decent dialogue and characters. It'd be a great way to waste time while we wait.
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Engaged Member
Aug 24, 2018
Damn, looks the develop is definitely directed to wrong direction. The attractive point of this game is NOT that RPG things such as items, equipment, enhanced magic battles, visual effects. A man has a magic power, realizes his lust in very restricted situation such as a demonic world. Audience of this game is attracted by the story telling and the layered progress how MC corrupts them to the certain points.
Don't spend your efforts for wrong selling point. Or is it on purpose?
I think you should consider the rebuild of the game a way to expand the rest of it later on. I agree that it's been in a sorry state for a while though.
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