Ignoring the math for a second.
Ignoring math and logic is the only way to make an Inceton story make sense... there's no need to make shit more complicated than it really is. Milfs here look so good and young cuz they on healthy diets, work out a lot, do yoga and drink MC's magical cum that is said to do wonders for their skin and youthful appearance.
She WAS his significant other during their relationship so she was clearly a LI during that time. This clearly can be categorized into NTR spectrum because of that.
I think they did mention right out of the gate that she cheated on him. I remember turning her down immediately, because I knew she had cheated. Never gave her a chance to try to weasel her way back in. Don't tolerate cheating exes, if they cheated once, they'll always cheat again, without exception.
Yeah, but this time, any type of cheating happens off-screen, and nobody forces the MC to put up with her bullshit and forgive her for 'the plot' or whatever, if the player don't want him to. Don't think she's an LI, she's prolly an FWB at best for those of us who only want a side bitch on speed dial and nothing more than this. Sounds pretty reasonable to me.
The holier-than-thou wannabe priest who looks down on whores, sluts, drunks and all the other types of sinners like them, but still goes to buy himself some sweet anal action from a potential whore for the lolz or cuz he's off-duty isn't someone whose word should mean shit, IMO. Wouldn't trust a hypocritical idiot like that to walk my damn dog in the park, cuz he'd prolly try to molest or seduce it into doing something real disgusting lol, believing him to be a good judge of character is a mistake.