There are just 9 radiators at this moment....Anyone show me where all 10 Radiators are? i'm currently at 9 out of the 10th i need to disable the laser in the Messy library maze.
There are just 9 radiators at this moment....Anyone show me where all 10 Radiators are? i'm currently at 9 out of the 10th i need to disable the laser in the Messy library maze.
ah well sorry but i've made a mistake that led me to believe i needed that 10th radiator. false alarmThere are just 9 radiators at this moment....
Here in the Elavator Task is explained where is the Dynamite as well.anyone know where the dynamite is located?
i found the 2nd wheel out in forest near dead body late in the gameAnother thing, the crystal ball says that I should find all chips to open the second door in the dungeon but I know that it's behind a box and I need the second wheel for that..
I figured that I can't find the wheel after I finish this though..?
after you have the hand truck working and can move boxes its top floor west wing left room south....go up all the way go rt then go south its in thereanyone know where the dynamite is located?
Basement and way up the hill in the woodsI didnt get the first wheel..!
i take all from this forum.for your info... i know of at least 2 different versions of game,, and at least 3 versions of walk through....
Elevator Task if somebody need
1. First you must collect the Dynamite. During the play Buddie gives you the Security Card which unlocks the room where the Dynamite is. After that go on the 3rd floor and go right. From there go south and inside the room (Picture 1). There you can collect the Dynamite, Serum and chat with Andy through ventilation hole. But be aware to have free Heart Container on Valerie before you pick up the Serum or you'll miss to earn the Heart from Valerie.
2. With having Dynamite go into the woods. Climb on 1st rope then go left. From there follow the screenshots starting from Picture 2.
Name Nadia Is Female.The new game Treasure of Nadia is male or female protagonist?
Male. The dev wrote about it on discordThe new game Treasure of Nadia is male or female protagonist?
I believe that they are the same across platforms. Try using this.where is the pc save files ?
Asking the right questionsWill Treasure of Nadia contain any incest?