RPGM - Completed - Lust Epidemic [v1.0] [NLT Media]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Nice little point and click adventure - works well. The main issue I have is the same issue I have with most 3D adult games, the character models and animations. The women all basically look the same and the animations are stiff af.

    If you like 3D stuff, you'll probably like this.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Off to a really slow start that almost had me abandon at the 10-20% mark, but grew on me as it went on.

    The production quality here is obvious and is a step above pretty much every RPGM I've seen. Sex scenes are great and there's lots of them, just not initially. All animated. Most are fairly short but there are some longer ones too.

    No combat, it's a pure adventure and puzzle game. Unfortunately, the vast majority of "puzzles" are just fetch quests. "Now that you have done X, go talk to person Y who now has more to say. Then go talk to person Z" and so on. So 95% of the game is running back and forth. The dialog rarely states just who you should talk to next so you just have to guess or flat out brute force it by talking to everyone over and over again. OOoooor.....

    ..... you can use the hint system. This thing keeps the game from ending up in a Lily of the Valley situation (which I don't like for this very reason). It's great and will usually flat out tell you who you should check on next so you don't have to manually run around and click every single character at every quest step. It's good enough that you rarely need the walkthrough, but some quests are so damn obtuse anyway that you will probably want to keep it on hand.

    Tips for new players:
    - The in game map shows you rooms you haven't visited yet in green. Useful to find where the hell that room you just found a security card for really is.
    - You can increase walking speed in options. This makes running around a lot less tedious.
    - Use the hint system.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the first lewd game I've played that I was actually interested in playing as a game and not just porn. Very high quality complete with classic point and click adventure style gameplay (it's very playable without a walkthrough, and has pretty intuitive problem solving), great animations, lots of content (probably around 15-20 hours worth of gameplay), and a moderate amount of voice acting. Definitely a must play.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Mason Jr

    Very relaxing. Cool graphic. Awesome storyline. And the Incest patch even made it more interesting. The only thing troubled me is I got crashed sometimes, but that does not stop me from rating this game 5 stars.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    •The game has an extremely good and an easy to follow story line, including a great, plausible plot.
    •Each character's relationships develop over time with your character in ways that are original and interesting.
    •There is a range of kinks/fetishes that are thoroughly covered.
    •Great replay system and 'private sessions' with each character that are in no means lacking.
    •Fabulous animations and character models.
    •Very good amount of content.
    •No stale/boring game-play, the story is relatively easy to play through yet not so easy it becomes a chore. Anytime you get stuck you can use the crystal ball in the menu to help or simply message the discord sever.
    •Constant updates from the creator on a regular basis that never fail to impress
    •There is currently tonnes of hours' worth of content to play through and the game isn't even completed yet.

    • Nothing to see here my dudes, keep scrolling ;)

    Amazing game, one of the best I've played on this site. I can say without a doubt that this game is worth playing, even if it isn't your preferred genre. It is filled with content and has a great story line with virtually non-existent bugs (if there are any. they are extremely minor). The character development and plot make this game 100% worth a try.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I rate this 5 stars for not only NLT excellent content but for muttdoggy also. I ve read many of his threads and they are all worth my time.I know there are many incest games and comics out there but NLT make it new level.
    - The art totally got me, with incest kink we definitely love milf too and all milfs in NLT products are perfect at least for me. And I love the juicing making love style in those frames of picture, the detail is incredible when love juice makes everything around wet too. Face expression is one point plus too.
    - The content is not unique but NLT knows how to make it really interesting with good opening, leading and I like open ending, we still have room for our imagination. And the way he connects all of his comics and events in games is genius, like Disney works of Marvel.
    * The things I want to add are pregnant, prego-sex and x-ray.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Wonderful animations and graphics, the characters are well developed and the storyline is interesting and very well done.
    Interaction between characters is almost perfect, with a good sense of humor that sometimes almost crosses the line between funny and absurd.
    I'm not giving it 5 stars tho because sometimes the game is a bit grindy, with a lot of wandering around the map (a bit less painful after the discovery of teleports) and some interactions are (in my opinion) a bit forced.
    Also: the game sometimes crashes during scenes, so REMEMBER TO SAVE FREQUENTLY

    Overall NLT did a really great job!
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    game crashes often, and games save system is oddly implemented. Cutscenes are inconsistant, some "chunky" and some look like made out of clay or playdoe. I would give this 4/5 if game didn't crash so often.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    First of all: I normally don't like 3D games. The visuals of static pictures are often times better than non-trailer animations, proportions, faces, skin and important parts are just looking unnatural... with a light reminiscence of Tomb Raider II...

    So how come I still spent several hours clearing the game?? Cause it simply is pretty good. It actually has gameplay instead of being just a visual novel. The story and overall tension development is pretty good. Lost of diverse scenes.

    There is a slight monotony in female characters, a somewhat boring main character and predictable sex scenes but then again... the game is good enough to let you ignore that and have fun.
    Just play it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is amazing, NLT games are ten. I love the women in this game, especially val and bancroft are very attractive women and the animations are perfect. Hope more games from nlt, keep up the good work.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I must say I'm not played this game to very end. Because of time. (45%)
    But during that time. I can say it is a good game. I was done 2games in rpgm before, and here, I see big amount of good work with RPGM to make game GUI looks so good. Great job here.

    Storyline is interesting enought to play forward.
    Renders is good, not great.
    Animations is great, but short and repeating.

    What I don't like much is
    very similar characters
    all animations and most renders is done with static background. It looks cheap.
    You must still walking from here to there.

    Overal: Good fun, but after some time more and more stereotype.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably one of, if not, the best game currently on the forum. The story is leagues ahead of any other games i have played here and most importantly has consistent updates. This game definitely deserves more recognition and even the top developers should learn a thing or two from this work. Keep up the good work with this game!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the game, the story line keeps you waiting for more. just looking forward to the future scenes where they return to the city and the MC rocks more girls.... and hope he finds out the missing girl
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Another NLT game those that follow his patron or have played any of his other games won't be surprised by the renders or the gameplay

    However this is my review

    +Great visuals and Renders
    +Animation is well done
    +Audio is interesting
    +Storyline is somewhat different
    +Very few bugs

    -RPGM so there is constant repetition to get to new content. Dev has created portals which helps but doesn't fix the problem

    -Uses a heart and adventure type system with puzzles. Adventure games need to die, die, die. It used to be on old systems they were necessary because games actually were severly limited in content. Now? People want the story not randomly running around searching for keys. Kings Quest and Myst type games are not being released for a reason

    -The grunting and groaning gets annoying after a while. Could have either hired real voice actors or done away with it entirely

    Overall it's a good game but it also has some flaws that will suck the enjoyment out for some people. 8/10
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    At this point in time and with this many reviews, what more really needs be said?

    - Unique storyline and execution.
    - Graphics and animations are top quality.
    - Humor spread throughout.
    - Used the best features of RPGM gaming rather then leaning into monotony.
    - Has a WIDE range of fetishes built in with easy way to replay those "special" scenes.
    - Built in Hint system.
    - Correct spelling and grammar!
    - Released updates in regular intervals (twice a month)!
    - Voices!

    - The Bonus Area (on the phone) does not include ALL the girls to replay. Granted their scenes can be replayed by visiting a certain room, but this made it feel disjointed.
    - A lot of frowns vs smiles and smirks. This is VERY minor and is part of NLT's style it appears.
    - Lack of Skipping option. This, for me, only really comes into play for replaying content as I do enjoy the story. This feature will be included in the next game though.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 24507

    The game was very well developed, for the whole matter of plot, animations, sound effects in general! The evolution of quality compared to previous games developed is much better indeed! NLT Media revived the RPG Maker program when most other developers left for the RenPy or Unit! For sure the next game announced will be even better!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Sooooo good!! There's everything!! Bitches, mystery, good puzzles, suspens... and boobs!! This is the "must play"!! Very good job for the play AND the animations! Thank you so much for that greeeeaaaaat job!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Despite not being a VN/Renpy (as is the trend in general), this game is enjoyable, gripping, and...satisfying :D

    There are many games which have characters drooling over the MC because he has a large cock or something. This game does not involve any of the typical scenes you find in games (massage, spa, beach, clothes shopping) and yet it packs a punch. I'm not saying that games which involve such scenes are bad, but seeing something different in this fashion is so refreshing. The story also progresses pretty well, with gameplay and completion not as straight-forward as it can get.

    The characters, one might argue, are not so well thought out and have as much depth as you might find in some other games (Acting Lessons comes to mind), but that doesn't bother as much because there's a reason for that as well. In that regard, NLT has vindicated themselves rather well with the plot!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Not a fan of rpgm but this one is the best game i have player on here, reminds of the old monkey islands game. fantastic game, animation, story, puzzles. only issue is the look of the women, they are hot but not hot like linda from milf city or melinda from foot of mountains. but still, would recommend for all who like point and click games. really really enjoyed playing this!!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    My rating for the v89091 of the game:
    - Even if I am not a big fan of the RPG type of gameplay, I do love the world the dev has created.
    - Models are well made and the blend in with the story.
    - Plot is not amazing but good for this game.
    I hope to see future games from this dev.