RPGM - Completed - Lust Epidemic [v1.0] [NLT Media]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    His Bastardlyness

    I'll admit I wasn't exactly fond of the aspect of the "Milfs" concept of the game, namely as some parts would fit more into the realm of Cougars to me. Yet after playing I must say... the game has surpassed this basic and initial detraction by the sheer excellence of quality of content.

    I will say that some of the puzzles can result in a bit of impatience. Enough to the point in which I can't honestly discern if it is due to design or simply wanting to see what has been added to the updates.

    For a mystery/puzzle game it does an excellent job of presenting various surprises and twists. The characters are also more dynamic. From descending into corruption to others willfully aiding or engaging in it themselves. Even Amanda offers an interesting dichotomy in regards to her actions and part in the story.

    It is definitely worth a review. And if the thread is searched I suspect one would be able to find a save game file to preview the erotic portions of the game. Perhaps it will be enough to inspire an actual playthrough.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewed v.83081

    I’ve never been a big fan of RPGM because it involves a lot of backtracking. I went into this game cautious expecting backtracking and lots of filler missions.

    I could not have been anymore wrong. Lust Epidemic is an excellent piece of art. Where to start?

    The art assets and animations are beautiful and enjoyable to watch. There has clearly been a lot effort into crafting the scenes and the rooms as well as the animations. The H-scenes are super engaging and the female characters amazing. It’s got a bit of everything for everyone: straight, lesbian, milf, pregnancy.

    The gameplay is exactly what you’d expect to find in a RPGM, a little slow, lots of collecting and consequently a lot of backtracking. The slowness and constant backtracking is mitigated through the use of the teleport system which may be unlocked (albeit a little far into the story) and the use of the HYPER WALK SPEED which allowed me to speed through rooms, cutting out the most annoying parts of the game and increasing the pacing of the story.

    Now to the best part of the game: the story. Initially I thought it would be a pretty run of the mill harem story with lots of confusing choices made by the characters which would eventually lead to H-scenes. After 10 minutes, it became clear to me this was not the case, there were times when I kept playing longer than I should have because I just wanted to find out what was next. What was the next part of the story? Would my questions be answered? I was captivated by the narrative which is well written and well-paced, I never found at anytime I was bored or exhausted from the story.

    Bearing this in mind, I would have spent way longer trying to figure out some of the puzzles if it wasn’t for the comprehensive walkthrough. The maze would have been an absolute head-scratcher for me, no doubt about that.

    Here are my thoughts summarised:

    • Captivating narrative
    • Excellent renders and beautifully crafted animations
    • H-scenes and female characters are a treat
    • Some options to mitigate the worst parts of RPGM
    • Did I mention how awesome the narrative is
    • Still a lot of backtracking
    • Some objectives are hard to find sometimes (might be just me)
    • You haven’t played it yet
    As for suggestions: Not much to be honest, I hope to see what you have installed for the future story-wise. If possible make objectives a little easier to see. Keep up the awesome job!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    So, I finally decided to give this game a go and all I can say is WOW. If like me you’ve been avoiding this game due to RPGM then I’d advice you to reconsider because you’re missing out on a masterpiece.

    • Fantastic render
    • Excellent animation
    • Well written and interesting story
    • The female characters are beautiful and plentiful
    • Proper milfs, not your generic 20 yo looking models of most other games
    • Plenty of H content
    • Some of the hottest H content I’ve seen, makes most other games look vanilla
    • Replay scene gallery, a real must a for a game so much H content
    • Harem, pregnancy, need I say more
    • Game can be daunting without a walkthrough (fortunately there is a good walkthrough available)
    Finally, one thing this game has that I haven’t seen before and I really appreciate is the % complete indication. It both lets you know how far along you are in the game as well as how much of the game is left to develop. No more wondering how many updates are left. It also shows that the dev has planned out the game from the start, he knows where the story is going and what it should look like when complete. This gives the story a coherency lacking in most other games.

    One of the best games being made at the moment. I’m really looking forward to see what it’s like when 100% complete. Keep up the good work dev (y)
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the first porn games I've played in quite a while. I did not expect much but came away pleasantly surprised and entertained.
    The setting and plot are actually interesting. Stuck at some old Christian school in the middle of a bad storm that makes them isolated and some odd murder mysteries between all the sex involving milfs, a nun, and even a couple of younger girls.
    Sure it's not crazy unique but it's also a bit different than usual.
    I also like how it takes a nice steamy dump on religious bs too.

    The models are all very well done imo, of course some others seem to take big issue with the faces for some reason ("grannies" really??) that doesn't cross my radar. Amanda is the oldest of them all and she's still smoking hot.
    The only issues with some of the faces I see are the expressions during dialog, their faces seem a bit ham-fistedly made with oddly sharp angles to evoke different emotions, comes off a bit cheap sometimes.

    I liked the music, it reminds me a little of soft Opeth with the indoor acoustic song (also much like the song NLT used in My Summer, in the house).
    I also like that there are sex sound effects during the scenes. As well as the women have their own voice acted lines in the sex bedroom as well as when greeting Bradley.

    The dialogue is done very well most of the time. I found myself laughing a lot with some of the situations and innuendos. Teasing the shit out of Simon was great.
    However there are a lot of problems with misspelling and grammar mistakes. You know, like when 'woman' is supposed to be used in the singular sense, he keeps putting 'women' which is of course plural. How hard is this to grasp?

    Anyway, I liked the overall gameplay. It requires some actual thinking here and there which of course turns off some people who don't have two brain cells to rub together. Oh well. Though, a couple of the passcodes are a bit of a reach.
    There is a nice gallery that saves all of the acquired scenes that are easy to access. The overall UI is pretty easy to use.
    The game runs nice and long making you wonder what is going to come next.

    For future content,
    I would really like to see some more threesome action involving the dude moving his dick from pussy to another chick's mouth as well as one of them catching the jizz from another chicks pussy. I know there's a little bit of that in the game but there certainly needs to be more!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    my first review ok this game

    great story
    good looking milfs
    dam hot animations
    very good puzzeles
    jump scare
    pretty long took me 2 days to finest it

    with out a walktrue it can be very hard
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy shitballs how well made this one is. The story is frankly solid, serves its purpose well, the entire exploration is basically a puzzle in and of itself, not a bad thing, gameplay-wise the game wants you to explore the entirety of the castle in what is almost metroid-vania style with X keycard that opens X door. And yes, there's lots'a porn and the animations are quite unique and frankly enhance the entire experience with proper attention to details, this is worthy of Patreon, not another visual novel with son fucking the family bullshit, proper game, try it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    story,gameplay,this game is perfect the girls are the best,has a lot of sex move just perfect and the gameplay is unique and has some puzzle and it make the gameplay has so much more fun! hope this game getting better and better
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Saint Creek

    I'm normally not into RPGM adult games but this... this is so good. I'm glad I gave it a try. I thought I'd stop playing in 15 minutes but I found myself playing it for hours until I finish all the available content.

    The characters look good. The women are beautiful and do look their age (imo anyway). The story has me curious . It even has music appropriate for certain locations.

    This game blew all my expectations and now it's one of my favorite games.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A rare gem among the games in development. Frankly, I'm not a fan of the MILF, but this game is really exciting.
    One feels that the developers understand what they are doing and where the process is going, just what many other patreon games lack.
    In terms of gameplay, this is a good sequential quest, good animation, and partial scoring. I really do not know what to find fault with in this project. Just a rare gem, many indie developers should take an example.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Some of the best looking models I've seen all the girls look unique and each have their unique personality, the story is very engaging and interesting with a bit of humor here and there. Highly Recommended
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game! It has a little bit of everything, almost. I'd say it's a puzzle-solving VN. Choices don't have consequences. There's no game over scenario. You don't miss anything. If you don't find an element, you can go back and find it many updates later, if you want. There are one or two exceptions to this, but they don't impact the story. You still get the girls, and you can still advance the plot.
    There are lots of pros, and i'm struggling to find many cons. For those who like NTR, there is none. That could be one possible addition, or adding some scenes which depend on doing something at the right time. But that doesn't seem to be the goal of this dev. He wants us all to enjoy all the fap-tastic scenes he's devised.
    The animations aren't the most fluid, but the scenes imagined are hot. There are myriad repeatable scenes which means that you can enjoy the game, even between uploads, if you just wanna fap.

    I seriously give this game 9.7/10!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Possibly the best game of it's type I've ever played. Has it all:
    - Very good quality graphics in the user interface, general gameplay and porn scenes
    - Well structured game puzzles, augmented with an in-game guide
    - So you can play and challenge yourself, or take more of a graphics novel approach
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game. It has a nice scenario, great sex animations. Maybe the characters could be a bit more differents. If you go for it, you're in for several hours of game with a nice balance of sex, puzzles, story, etc.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Rarely do I rate stuff. I usually come for the fap and then dip, but the story isn't bad. The dev does a great job of setting the ambiance. I'd be hard pressed to call this a horror game, but I can call this a horror mystery very easily.

    From the start screen you can hear a song that is sampled from the Michael Myers theme. The song that plays during the game gives me resident evil vibes. The vibe is there and it does give a good job of setting up the story. The fap is good, but the story, while not amazing is very good for this type of game. Rarely do I rate a game and play a RPGM game, but I am for this.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    First thing off. I enjoyed this game. Every scene related to Valerie is a must see and anyone who wants to experience the story should get the patch, otherwise you're really missing out.

    But while I enjoyed this game there is something crucial to it that kills the pace. Absolutely murders it. It's the painful linearity. If you actually thought you could choose which girl you want, well you're shit out of luck. Either you get the Harem ending or you quit.

    I know some people prefer routes like these but to me they're just boring. At least half the girls in this game I wasn't interested in and oftentimes they actually hindered me from watching more content of those I liked. What was the point of introducing and finding these sex mcguffins throughout the game if the story still played out in a linear fashion? I was constantly wondering: Hey, why do I have to give this potion to this girl? I wanna see more of the other.

    Most painful thing about it that most girls have to share screentime with eachother in order to advance though their relationship. I just wish there was a way, for example, to get the Kat content only, without having to talk and have sex with another woman. If you're interested in just fucking the nun, well you're shit out of luck, you have to fuck another horny bitch first.

    Next problem of the linearity is the way you advance through the mansion. The fetch quests are sooooo boring. Who even enjoyed these? I get you want to lock optional sex stuff behind puzzles but did you have to make me go through 8 different trash cans in the mansion just to get a bit more mandotory story content? Jesus. Talk about padding. I can't even skip the 10 minute intro which is garbage when you lose your gamefile or notice that you might have skipped one optional cutscene.

    I doubt that after finishing their story, they'll make some changes for people with more specific interests but I'd welcome it. You don't have to instantly create another game just after you finished the last. Heard NLT is already working on their next project but maybe work on your older stuff more so I won't get replaced in a few years by your maybe then superior new game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    First time i rate a game on this forum, but this one really is worth your time, it's an amazing game with somewhat interesting (and various) characters, a great story, incredibly well animated scenes. I honestly did'nt think anything coming out of rpg maker could be so good. The fact that there are mysteries to solve, that the game is a little dark sometimes, and that you have to actually kind of work for the sex scenes are all the more reasons you should play this game.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    One of the most overrated games.

    It's a generic RPGM game, you have some errand boy quests and some mysteries to find out.

    Good sounds (voice, music...)
    Some kind of interactivity beyond the usual VN game type
    Good interface

    Bad animations (like 5FPS) and sex scenes (the opening animation is a lie)
    Takes too long to get to the "action"

    If you are here just for the faps go elsewhere.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best sex oriented games i ever played, and i played a lot.

    Story 5/5 - Keeps you interested and is acualy well written.
    Gameplay 4.5/5 - Im not a big fan of "item searching" type of a gameplay but still in this game it doesn't feel as bad as in some of them.
    Sexscenes 6/5 - Most heroines are "fappable" and at least two are super hot, animations and voice acting is super sexy.
    Overall 5/5

    Sadly game isn't finished yet so everyone needs to wait till it is. There are only two things im hopeing for:
    1) harem/pregnancy ending
    2) maybe 1-3 more milf heroines
    With those, this game could be eazly 6/5 and absulute MUST PLAY game for everyone who likes playing erotic games.
    Edit: BTW i recomend playing with Incest patch... i play with and without it, and ther is small difrence but makes one heroine from "ok" to "super hot" in my opinion.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best sex games out there using rpgm. The lore and puzzles are great, the renders are good and the interactions are awesome. I like the eerie suspense vibe we get throughout the game and the development of characters.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Great renders , promising story whith cool dark atmosphere , updates are really fast the dev hav amazing pace , i think this is one of the few games on milfy city lvl when it comes to incest genre which make it a masterpiece.