Ask for a discount and then you'll have the date do you go on the date? i've fucked jamal but the only thing that happens if i press talk is he wants to fuck me again.
Armour Shop in Trade District in StormwindWhere is Jamal i forgot and cant find him now
Ask for a discount and then you'll have the date option.
I think Date with Jamal is currently only available with Male MC only. I tried with Female MC and didn't see the do you go on the date? i've fucked jamal but the only thing that happens if i press talk is he wants to fuck me again.
Only male and female. Can't be a trap.Soooo, before trying it, can i ask if we can choose a "Trap" MC?
How do I get Jamal to fuck my character??
Suck dick until Jamal's orgasm bar is over 50.
Select Missionary, Doggy Style or Cowgirl. Then get him to orgasm.
Wasn't that the point though? You go go on a date with him and your responses soften him up.Am I the only one who thought the Jamal scenes were kind of regressive in the sense that the original ones were a lot more extreme?
You have to be successful on the date with Jamal and then choose to use the ropes on him.How to make me FUCK Jamal?