Before I completely forget where to get them here is what I remember how to get each follower
Several of these are in areas you would spend some time but the events only trigger once you buy the brothel
Brox and Helena come by default with the brothel (If i'm wrong about that then I completely forgot where you get them)
Nile you get him by killing some orcs in orc asault in northshire the starting area of the game
Adam and Eva both in Sormwind Adam is in Old town back alley and Eva in Cathedral square
Lupin and Bestia you can free them after beating the masion loop at leas once in Duskwood
A'polo and I'ris you get them in deadwind pass inside Karazhan, you have to find some weird marks in theatre of pride, banquet hall and hall of pain, you'll unlock the Nether, I don't remember if you need to defeat Malchezaar or Valthor, try Malchezaar first
Dravag he is in dragonblight, I don't remember if in top temple or wyrmrest temple, but I know he is there
Osborn and Ria you go to westfall then barn then deadmines then you get them in the slave market
Deimos after you got A'polo and I'ris then you can farm imps in the banquet hall to try to trigger his scene and add him to your collection
Update #1 the slave trolls Tol'dic and Vul'ja are in Stranglethorn inside the pirate ship
Update #2 the slave orcs Grand and Sashayak are in burning steppes, blackrock entrance, blackrock mountain, blackrock depths, go to grim guzzler, talk to Krypto, defeat the fire elemental andthen go after Thaurissan. go back with Krypto and you'll get them, after that go back to the same location and there will be a "?" location, you can get the orc Tornak there
Update #3 Dela the female elf is located in Old Town, she appeared after I fully upgraded Nile the male elf, but it could be something else