Isn't that exactly what I said? It totally depends on what he is up to? / If he is OK with a game that has more gay content than straight content - but both are plenty?
Which part leads to "defensive", or "act like a snob about some people not enjoying it."?
If you're actually curious, it's the language you use that sets a tone.
"instead of just enjoying what the game offers to you, then there you go."
This part in particular. It's essentially dismissive of the opinions of someone who wouldn't be able to enjoy it because all of the gay stuff is such a turn off for them.
On the internet especially, with a lack of way to convey tone, replying without an easily readable agreement or supportive clause can easily be interpreted as picking a fight. There's not really much room for completely neutral statements like a real conversation would have. The internet equivalent to it would just be not replying.
So when someone reads that post, they ask "why did they even post this," because most people who read things don't bother replying. You weren't really answering a question, so the presumptive tone is negative.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. I'd like to thank Ryan for believing in me when I thought I could do it, but also fucking my loser ass when I didn't think I could.