Unity - Abandoned - Lust Man Standing [v0.11] [EndlessTaboo]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Ripped off another VN by killing off love interest. Tried to top it by having LI pregnant with MC's child. Not the way to go. First time some one did this at least he could claim to be original (although I did not like it that story either), now it's just cheap imitation.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is the ultimate waste of time. Not worth the space it'll take up on your drive. It offers the least intuitive navigation system, bizarre hitboxes for point a click travelling. One of the most horrible interaction mechanics in modern games. Pointless transitions making the game twice as long as it needs to be. RNG based item discovery.

    To top it all off, there's more bugs than there are scenes. Save yourself the trouble. Could be so much more if it was even slightly polished.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Good start. Enjoy the pregnancy content. The city center search function could be more intuitive (no other scenes require clicking the blank background in order to perform a task, and this is not explained, either). It'd be nice if the zombie apocalypse felts a *bit* more dangerous than it does.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing Game. Much potential. I hope there will come some better spots for Finding Food. Also some more Fights /Weapons/Interactions with the Characters would be amazing. I like it.
    Keep up the great work
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    excessively grindy weapons break after one use. Spend 7-10 ame days grinding for food to exchange for a weapon and it breaks after first use spend 7-10 more game days grinding for food repeat repeat repeat
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Great renders and decent characters. The "sister" is very sweet and a lot of the other girls look amazing. Probably top 5 renders around. Anyways, the game is a bit annoying. My weapons break after like 2 / 3 kills and then I need to grind finding food to get more. Surely there should be a less tedious way around this.

    The game is just a bit annoying to have to click so much to get to one small part of the story. That is why open world games like this are a bit frustrating to play. Besides that, it's a pretty decent game just a bit vanilla and not much really happens throughout it just yet.

    Probably would rate 3.5 and hopefully after some updates I would be willing to increase that rating.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 167032

    I guess it's not a game for everyone looking at some low scores.

    Gorgeous renders, even more gorgeous girls and for me interesting story.
    I don't mind the click n grind feel to it all. It's not so annoying as that one game we all know was for instance.

    Getting food I feel is pretty balance, just farm a little and youre set for a long time. Trading food for weapons will cut into your rations but you can quickly make it up. The two girls living with you also bring in their bit.

    Kaylee .. man do I love her and MC's sister. Then the Daughter lookalike honey which is now pregnant in my game is super hot. Overall just hot women which is always a bonus.

    Very nice little twist at end of latest update and I really love this game and the animations are super well made.

    Quality game for me in a sea of young boy going to college and seeing his mom and sisters after so many years..

    Great work dev...
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    • New updates have better renders and animated content
    • Wasted effort since most new players won't make it through the frustrating early parts
    Writing 2/10
    • Writing is childish and almost a cartoon networks interpretation of the zombie theme
    • Dev mentions on patreon that he hates doing romantic scenes, which were the best part of the game
    • As others have stated, sex scenes are yawn material
    Graphics 6/10
    • Static images are of average quality
    • Animations look bad compared to other animated games. Should have stuck with just images
    Overall 3/10
    • This would have made more sense and had more support as a renpy vn
    • Frustrating point and click gameplay makes the walkthrough a necessity, only to inflate the dev's revenue per patron
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Some UI issues and a lack of an in depth quest or objective system do mean it's nice to keep a walkthrough handy, but given that one is provided by the creator, it's not a big deal. The models and animations are extremely high quality however and the setting and plot are interesting. Really glad that this has been picked back up and looking forward to more.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I rate this game a little differently.
    Due to Dev circumstances, this game was once abandoned away.
    But EndlessTaboo is back and the game is continuously updating.
    Countless games are abandoned away irresponsibly.
    But Lust Man Standing doesn't give such disappointment. How great is this?
    And this game has unique playability.
    Diversity is really important. I think there should be a lot of creative games like this.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    From the first demo version it was clear that something completely unusual was waiting for us. After 1,5 year of development now it's clear that LMS - interesting game with a non-trivial plot and real live characters. I really hope that the developer don't give up, and will continue to please us with timely updates.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    This game had a lot of things that could work and be very good, but it ended up going wrong. Progress was slow and lacked objectivity, which resulted in early abandonment. Unfortunately things didn't happen but if there was maybe a little patience and focus things would definitely work out.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I’ve played for about an hour, so no deep analysis of characters or story. Two main reasons I’ve only played for an hour:
    1. Random events. Just – why? Who thinks ‘Hey, I bet people would feel a real sense of accomplishment when that random number generator will allow them to advance the story’? If every random number would lead to a different event – that would be great. Instead, the author expects you to repeat the same scene and hope for a different result.
    2. The UI. It’s terrible. I don’t know what else to say, I hated it.

    The visuals, story and gameplay are about what you’d expect. That UI is just goddamn awful.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing quality, the renders are so detailed and lifelike. The writing quality is also much better than the usual porn game. Reccomend it to anybody who actually wants a decent story in their games. Using unity can turn some people away from the game, but this game does a lot that would be hard or impossible with Ren'Py so in my eyes it's more than justifyed. And the usual jankyness that I have experienced with other Unity games are not present in this one.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Good but could use some work on some stuff like for the bike for example been looking for it for a hour now in the city and still hasn't pop up yet. You meant when up the drop rate on it. That's about all i have trouble with so far.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I'd give this one 3.5 stars if I could, as I feel 3 is too harsh and 4 is a bit too optimistic. I'll stick to 3 because there's a lot of room for improvement.

    This game's a weird one. It has some things really going for it, but it feels like the dev might have started with something a bit too ambitious and has been struggling to fill this world he created since then.

    + The girls look great and the sex scenes are mostly alright, even if there aren't many of those yet;
    + The setting is interesting and exploring fun for the most part, game feels more like a point and click adventure than a VN.

    What could/can be better:
    - The game has a number of poorly used or straight up unused areas, which makes it fairly clear it's been a bit too expansive from the start, so a lot of the city is fairly lifeless, no pun intended.
    - The progression can be pretty awkward at certain moments, so keep a walkthrough handy (and even then some oddities can happen and they impede you from progressing).
    - There's little lewd content considering how long this game has been around at this point, and...
    - Some of it is fairly questionable, I'd like to not have to penetrate my sister and/or love interest with a chopped off zombie penis or a flashlight (and I could be wrong but I think it's necessary for an achievement), plus some issues with camera angles (no MC butthole, please).
    - Some UI issues, such as keeping the choices in the same box you have to click on to advance the dialogue, which can lead to unintended choices. There's no saving during a dialogue, and no scene gallery, so if you get a one-time only sex scene you better save in free roaming before triggering it, or you won't get to see it again until/if a scene gallery is added. Also, I couldn't find a way to advance the text with keyboard. A problem if you have to use the same hand to fap and to advance the sex scenes :cool:

    It might look a bit negative, but I REALLY like the girls and that weighs heavily upon my rating, and I really hope to see this game develop into something greater.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    The n00b game making skills really shine on this one:

    1. Pop up box chat windows have heavy tinting, obscuring game.
    2. Text can only be advanced by clicking on text box, which of course, is where any electable options pop up, so you cant quickly advance the game by spam clicking the text, or you hit options.
    3. No fast accessible save options, must hit escape, then click save. Must be done with mouse, no keyboard shortcuts.
    4. No rollback feature, so if you accidentally do hit an option, you must re-load from your last save to correct.

    All in all it makes for a dreadfully slow experience. The wounded plotline limping along doesn't help speed things up.

    Creator needs to spend a little time streamlining the gameplay. A review of the plotline to make it more interesting wouldn't hurt either.

    The idea of a post-zombie-apocalypse with only 1 zombie; and a no-significant-danger 'dystopian future' where the apparently only-surviving-male has to date women and butter them up for sex is quite milquetoast.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    this game is a waste of space almost 2GB for little content , the girls are not bad in looks yet they are boring ,same goes for the game play too slow,the world feel dead whith no action around also you cant play this game whithout a walkthrough , if you are a fan of apocalypse ,survival genre you will be dissapointed if you come to this game with big hopes.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Hi guys

    Heres my review of this game:

    The good:

    * The Main Girls are Nicely done
    * The Storyline is an interesting one
    * This is more of an adult Rpg rather then a VN
    * The Sweet way the Mc interacts with his Daughter...

    The less good:

    * At this time theres only one girl to enjoy in the bedroom
    * Lack of freedom to do even simple things like a hug or a kiss
    * The Sex Icon could be an icon rather then what it is... Even just the word Sex would have been WAY Better then whats currently there..
    * Fairly small content for Mc and Daughter...

    The Really Bad:
    * Ending up being a creep because of sleep sex (sneaking in and jerkin off / using a flashlight to penetrate...) Really??? Thats Really not gonna wake a girl thats 19 yr old or the friend thats also in 20s... FFS get real, they sleeping NOT Drugged... Personally, I think this should be removed IMHO.

    The Only good thing with that IS that its optional, so you dont have to do such things

    Its still early dev so more is coming tho, Lets Trust it will be worth the Wait

    I recommend this game, give it a shot and see if you like it as I do.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best games around here and one of my favorites.
    Everything is great.
    Renders and characters are top tier, and gameplay and story are really fun.

    Only con I can think of is the amount of content/speed of updates.