
Jul 30, 2022
Fuck this game, plain and simple.
Starts off great then decides to have the most massive liquid shit.

I'm gonna use this game as an example of how not to make a game from now on as it totally looses what it is suppose to be.

The primary game mechanic is farming, that is pretty well implemented and any tedium is understandable and within acceptable reasons. This is how the game is initially designed to push the story forward. I point this part out as it needs to be understood what the game promised.

You then have love interests with conditions to unlock their scenes / progression, this type of game it is understandable... until you start having multiple conditions that are blocked by other multiple conditions all for what seems as to pad game time.
Keep conditions simple and not gate kept behind other progression that is long.

Next is stacking events in a limited time. How many weekend only shit is there. Too often it clashes and forcing the player to needlessly play through another week.

Having stupidly extensive time periods, really 3 weeks of wasting fucking time to progress 2 story lines? Are you fucking kidding me.

Then after that bull shit you introduce the fucking escape room. How fucking drunk and stoned to come up with this idea? How the fuck does this mini game tie in at all to the game itself? How much fucking time was fucking wasted on making this bullshit waste of time when it's a throw away?
It is so fucking badly implemented that I really have no clue what the dev was thinking. Way too much nuanced mechanics to keep track of for a throw away mini game and then add in bullshit RNG just to make sure it's completely annoying.
The two sisters were some of the LI's I liked the most, now I want to see them drawn and quartered all thanks to the fucking escape room.

How many scoops are you gonna force us to collect just to progress the stupid bitch reporter so that we can unlock another character?

I'm sure much of this has been already mentioned, frankly I'm not going to read 50+ pages to find out what was said. I've wasted too much time on this shit as is.


Feb 5, 2024
im do everthyg but game wont work for me The installed version of the Intel graphics driver has known issues.
Please install the latest driver version.

Would you like to visit the following URL to download the driver?

Intel(R) HD Graphics 520
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Game Developer
Nov 7, 2017
I'm wondering if I'm missing something or I ran into some kind of bug.
I'm stuck with Ornella. I've had the cookies made but it now says I need to give them to her except I can't seem to give them to her. I've tried visiting her many times and both talking and asking for training despite having max boldness.

I might be missing something however. I have not spoken with her outside of her apartment since getting the cookies.

Interesting and mostly well done game.
One thing I do however find an annoyance however is how many other characters are stuck behind long progression of others.
I feel it's over used and much of it can be started much earlier.
It feels like an attempt to needlessly prolong the game when there is plenty of things to do.

I would also suggest an option for progression after unlocking it, for example Saturday lunch, the marathon and others like this. It's annoying when it is forced and uses up time you want to do other things.

I also had a bit of a bug with the marathon event, I met the conditions and it said next Sunday and it ended up taking 3 weeks before it actually triggered.
Fuck this game, plain and simple.
Starts off great then decides to have the most massive liquid shit.

I'm gonna use this game as an example of how not to make a game from now on as it totally looses what it is suppose to be.

The primary game mechanic is farming, that is pretty well implemented and any tedium is understandable and within acceptable reasons. This is how the game is initially designed to push the story forward. I point this part out as it needs to be understood what the game promised.

You then have love interests with conditions to unlock their scenes / progression, this type of game it is understandable... until you start having multiple conditions that are blocked by other multiple conditions all for what seems as to pad game time.
Keep conditions simple and not gate kept behind other progression that is long.

Next is stacking events in a limited time. How many weekend only shit is there. Too often it clashes and forcing the player to needlessly play through another week.

Having stupidly extensive time periods, really 3 weeks of wasting fucking time to progress 2 story lines? Are you fucking kidding me.

Then after that bull shit you introduce the fucking escape room. How fucking drunk and stoned to come up with this idea? How the fuck does this mini game tie in at all to the game itself? How much fucking time was fucking wasted on making this bullshit waste of time when it's a throw away?
It is so fucking badly implemented that I really have no clue what the dev was thinking. Way too much nuanced mechanics to keep track of for a throw away mini game and then add in bullshit RNG just to make sure it's completely annoying.
The two sisters were some of the LI's I liked the most, now I want to see them drawn and quartered all thanks to the fucking escape room.

How many scoops are you gonna force us to collect just to progress the stupid bitch reporter so that we can unlock another character?

I'm sure much of this has been already mentioned, frankly I'm not going to read 50+ pages to find out what was said. I've wasted too much time on this shit as is.
Wow, you can really tell the escape game left its mark o_O

First of all, thank you for sharing your thoughts and suggestions. This is my first game, I’m new to development, and there are tons of bugs and weird or unworkable ideas.
My vision of a video game is that it should have gameplay. Just pressing a button to skip through dialogues is—not to me!—very fun. That’s why I’ve tried to include some gameplay elements, like the farm or mini-games. None of it is perfect, and the escape game is overall a failed mini-game.

So why leave it in, you ask? Well, there’s the context. I don’t want to get into my life too much, but this project takes up a lot of time. I’m working on it solo (I have some help with UI graphics, and that’s it), which means I handle the story, mini-games, filming, coding, distribution, communication, and debugging. And spoiler: it doesn’t make enough to live off, so I have another job on the side :p
As you’ve probably guessed, I’m short on time. My rookie mistakes forced me to port the game to a different engine (UE, in this case) and recode the game’s core several times due to various problems.

In all that, the escape game took a back seat. I added an option to skip it, and honestly, I’m ready to leave it at that. I just can’t afford to spend more time on it.

About the game’s pacing: I get that sometimes it might be a bit boring to go through days in a row, and I’ve tried to make it so you never have to do that for more than a week. The exception is Leslie and her study trip.
Why these quiet periods? To try to maintain some temporal consistency. It’s a delicate balance and part of the game’s tuning. So it’s not perfect. Theoretically, Leslie’s trip should last several months, not just three weeks, but you understand why that’s not feasible.

Another critique is the requirement to progress in certain storylines to unlock others. Again, it’s a matter of consistency. My dialogues reference events that have happened. How could you move forward with Lisa’s story in Dom without progressing enough with Leslie and Ninie beforehand? At some point, the story wouldn’t make sense anymore.
My initial intention was to keep the storylines completely separate so you could focus on the girls you’re interested in. And you can see that at the start. But I couldn’t stick to that because I chose to have characters interact with each other.

Edit :
I’ll add that in Cathy’s case (the journalist), you need her to progress in the story. Olga is also important. That’s why new characters are locked behind them.
Roughly speaking, you have storyline blocks like [Verner Family], [Nora/Rebecca/Nancy], [Tracy/Hilda], [Karen/Rachel]. Penny, Lucy, and Irina, for example, are a bit more independent, mainly because they don’t need to interact with the other characters.

Later, there will be pregnancy. How would you justify Berry or Rachel being pregnant without their mothers or sisters saying anything?
As for filming my scenes, you’ve probably noticed that some need to take place during the day or night “for no damn reason.” Well, there is a reason: I filmed the scene during the day, but you can visit the character at night. I’m not going to launch a daytime scene if it’s nighttime. It might sound silly, but I’m also not going to film every possible variation. Just imagine the time and storage that would require.

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts!
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Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
What is Bridge version meaning?
It to help make older saves work in the newer builds of the game only.

I don't remember how far back your saves are to need it so if your save works now then your good to go otherwise you will need to use the bridge version to get a save that will work in the newer version of the game.

Read about save on the OP.
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Jul 30, 2022
Wow, you can really tell the escape game left its mark o_O

First of all, thank you for sharing your thoughts and suggestions. This is my first game, I’m new to development, and there are tons of bugs and weird or unworkable ideas.
My vision of a video game is that it should have gameplay. Just pressing a button to skip through dialogues is—not to me!—very fun. That’s why I’ve tried to include some gameplay elements, like the farm or mini-games. None of it is perfect, and the escape game is overall a failed mini-game.

So why leave it in, you ask? Well, there’s the context. I don’t want to get into my life too much, but this project takes up a lot of time. I’m working on it solo (I have some help with UI graphics, and that’s it), which means I handle the story, mini-games, filming, coding, distribution, communication, and debugging. And spoiler: it doesn’t make enough to live off, so I have another job on the side :p
As you’ve probably guessed, I’m short on time. My rookie mistakes forced me to port the game to a different engine (UE, in this case) and recode the game’s core several times due to various problems.

In all that, the escape game took a back seat. I added an option to skip it, and honestly, I’m ready to leave it at that. I just can’t afford to spend more time on it.

About the game’s pacing: I get that sometimes it might be a bit boring to go through days in a row, and I’ve tried to make it so you never have to do that for more than a week. The exception is Leslie and her study trip.
Why these quiet periods? To try to maintain some temporal consistency. It’s a delicate balance and part of the game’s tuning. So it’s not perfect. Theoretically, Leslie’s trip should last several months, not just three weeks, but you understand why that’s not feasible.

Another critique is the requirement to progress in certain storylines to unlock others. Again, it’s a matter of consistency. My dialogues reference events that have happened. How could you move forward with Lisa’s story in Dom without progressing enough with Leslie and Ninie beforehand? At some point, the story wouldn’t make sense anymore.
My initial intention was to keep the storylines completely separate so you could focus on the girls you’re interested in. And you can see that at the start. But I couldn’t stick to that because I chose to have characters interact with each other.

Edit :
I’ll add that in Cathy’s case (the journalist), you need her to progress in the story. Olga is also important. That’s why new characters are locked behind them.
Roughly speaking, you have storyline blocks like [Verner Family], [Nora/Rebecca/Nancy], [Tracy/Hilda], [Karen/Rachel]. Penny, Lucy, and Irina, for example, are a bit more independent, mainly because they don’t need to interact with the other characters.

Later, there will be pregnancy. How would you justify Berry or Rachel being pregnant without their mothers or sisters saying anything?
As for filming my scenes, you’ve probably noticed that some need to take place during the day or night “for no damn reason.” Well, there is a reason: I filmed the scene during the day, but you can visit the character at night. I’m not going to launch a daytime scene if it’s nighttime. It might sound silly, but I’m also not going to film every possible variation. Just imagine the time and storage that would require.

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts!
I'll be further brutally honest, much of this sounds hand waving to legitimate points.
I'm not saying the escape room as a story point to mend relations is bad, rather the mini-game is both a waste of time due to it being both a one time thing with far too complex game mechanics for a mini-game and further holds nothing to the rest of the gameplay. It's complex enough to build it's own damn game around.

I made it clear the farming aspect is well done and the things that slow game play or slightly annoying are acceptable to what it is. I'm sure things could be tweaked to be better but is solid and fits into the game itself. This is what the game was built around.

The "Pacing" is all off due to all the BS requirements all over the place. Your constantly waiting on one thing or another with very little to do in the mean time. It forces skipping days which is horrible pacing. Trying to keep temporal order is a luxury in a GAME like this, I highlight game as that is what this primary is. If you want the story to be primary make a VN. This is something devs need to keep in mind when making things, you need a clear understanding what your making and prioritise those elements first and only after can you indulge in other things that make it more luxurious.
What you initially had was a GAME about FARMING which leads to the women around the MC desiring him including his family.
So GAME element is farming> FARMING leads to story progression > Progression leads to payoff (sex scenes)
This is the most basic flow chart of your game, these are the key elements you need to always keep as priority.
Adding to this you have to consider if it adds to these elements or detracts. Having temporal consistency CAN add depth to the story, is it worth derailing the story and progression to have it in there though?
If your just telling a story it's not an issue having Leslie take of for X amount of time, you time skip and oh X time has passed, in a game where that time skip does not work it adding lots of dead time to play unless otherwise filled with other things which is lacking at this time.

Having certain points gate kept by other events is fine, when done sparingly, this game seems to use it at every point, so much that it's a hurry up and wait situation.
Have you done an actual chart of each character with how much time it takes to get their events? I mean marking down how many days to achieve the conditions without cheating and prepping ahead?

The whole family thing progressions is far too much of a mess. You have us deal with them as both independent and cohesively at the same time. It NEEDS to be one or the other and from what your saying it's seems like you want it to be the later for story purposes. If you want the family story to be one way just have them be considered as one unit in terms of conditions so we don't have to do a shit load of waiting to move forward. I'm really curious how many people were like me wasting 3 weeks waiting to continue the story as everything else was basically done by that point, besides the bs reporter who I gave up on due to the ambiguity of needs more scoops despite giving her 8 and nothing to indicate things have changed I only had the Rachel story line which is weekends only.

Locking up the whole family progression for 3 weeks was a bullshit thing to do. I'm willing to bet many other people were like me waiting on it due to the condition for Leslie to go on the trip (The quality crop), that is a fair condition but takes time to achieve and in that time the other story lines are gonna be finished up before she even starts on the trip then if your timing is bad oh gotta wait a week before she even leaves meaning a possible 4 weeks of time wasting.

You need a flow chart that shows just how much time each character needs tied in with conditions/gates of other characters.
Not in game, for your own reference so you can see the actual pacing.

Going back to the escape room. Axe the mini-game, too much work for a one off throw away and would likely need a lot of work to get it to a good spot. Instead make the escape room a cut short cut scene tying into the reconciliation of the siblings.
You don't even need many renders extra, just mostly text dialogue. Yes still work but I'm willing to bet less than getting that mini-game to a state where it's widely accepted.

The inventory is not a bad idea but unless your planning on having more things that go in it likely not worth the time. As to the cookies for granny have a simple check to see if player currently has cookies or not. If not then (Need to have more made) added to the progression trigger so we know they have been used.

The reporter scoop thing needs to be more clear some how. If it's waiting for some kind of BIG SCOOP that is part of the story line make it clear, if it's just collecting a bunch of the small shits have some kind of progression shown how close we are getting. I gave up due to a lack of idea where the goal was and having to waste time on the family progression, restaurant progression and the rest.

Ease up on the whole, need to wait shit. Penny is the only indi LI that has any significant plot and most of it plays out as you just play the game. The rest don't have enough to make up for all the done this now just gotta wait.


Game Developer
Nov 7, 2017
I'll be further brutally honest, much of this sounds hand waving to legitimate points.
I'm not saying the escape room as a story point to mend relations is bad, rather the mini-game is both a waste of time due to it being both a one time thing with far too complex game mechanics for a mini-game and further holds nothing to the rest of the gameplay. It's complex enough to build it's own damn game around.

I made it clear the farming aspect is well done and the things that slow game play or slightly annoying are acceptable to what it is. I'm sure things could be tweaked to be better but is solid and fits into the game itself. This is what the game was built around.

The "Pacing" is all off due to all the BS requirements all over the place. Your constantly waiting on one thing or another with very little to do in the mean time. It forces skipping days which is horrible pacing. Trying to keep temporal order is a luxury in a GAME like this, I highlight game as that is what this primary is. If you want the story to be primary make a VN. This is something devs need to keep in mind when making things, you need a clear understanding what your making and prioritise those elements first and only after can you indulge in other things that make it more luxurious.
What you initially had was a GAME about FARMING which leads to the women around the MC desiring him including his family.
So GAME element is farming> FARMING leads to story progression > Progression leads to payoff (sex scenes)
This is the most basic flow chart of your game, these are the key elements you need to always keep as priority.
Adding to this you have to consider if it adds to these elements or detracts. Having temporal consistency CAN add depth to the story, is it worth derailing the story and progression to have it in there though?
If your just telling a story it's not an issue having Leslie take of for X amount of time, you time skip and oh X time has passed, in a game where that time skip does not work it adding lots of dead time to play unless otherwise filled with other things which is lacking at this time.

Having certain points gate kept by other events is fine, when done sparingly, this game seems to use it at every point, so much that it's a hurry up and wait situation.
Have you done an actual chart of each character with how much time it takes to get their events? I mean marking down how many days to achieve the conditions without cheating and prepping ahead?

The whole family thing progressions is far too much of a mess. You have us deal with them as both independent and cohesively at the same time. It NEEDS to be one or the other and from what your saying it's seems like you want it to be the later for story purposes. If you want the family story to be one way just have them be considered as one unit in terms of conditions so we don't have to do a shit load of waiting to move forward. I'm really curious how many people were like me wasting 3 weeks waiting to continue the story as everything else was basically done by that point, besides the bs reporter who I gave up on due to the ambiguity of needs more scoops despite giving her 8 and nothing to indicate things have changed I only had the Rachel story line which is weekends only.

Locking up the whole family progression for 3 weeks was a bullshit thing to do. I'm willing to bet many other people were like me waiting on it due to the condition for Leslie to go on the trip (The quality crop), that is a fair condition but takes time to achieve and in that time the other story lines are gonna be finished up before she even starts on the trip then if your timing is bad oh gotta wait a week before she even leaves meaning a possible 4 weeks of time wasting.

You need a flow chart that shows just how much time each character needs tied in with conditions/gates of other characters.
Not in game, for your own reference so you can see the actual pacing.

Going back to the escape room. Axe the mini-game, too much work for a one off throw away and would likely need a lot of work to get it to a good spot. Instead make the escape room a cut short cut scene tying into the reconciliation of the siblings.
You don't even need many renders extra, just mostly text dialogue. Yes still work but I'm willing to bet less than getting that mini-game to a state where it's widely accepted.

The inventory is not a bad idea but unless your planning on having more things that go in it likely not worth the time. As to the cookies for granny have a simple check to see if player currently has cookies or not. If not then (Need to have more made) added to the progression trigger so we know they have been used.

The reporter scoop thing needs to be more clear some how. If it's waiting for some kind of BIG SCOOP that is part of the story line make it clear, if it's just collecting a bunch of the small shits have some kind of progression shown how close we are getting. I gave up due to a lack of idea where the goal was and having to waste time on the family progression, restaurant progression and the rest.

Ease up on the whole, need to wait shit. Penny is the only indi LI that has any significant plot and most of it plays out as you just play the game. The rest don't have enough to make up for all the done this now just gotta wait.
I wasn't justifying my mistakes; I was explaining them. What matters most to me is understanding what went wrong. But you have to realize that entire sections of the game were designed this way, and it's too time-consuming and unnecessarily complicated for me to go back and redo everything.

Take the three weeks with Leslie as an example. They are now necessary for the family storyline, but initially, Leslie's storyline was independent from the rest. It was only later that I changed my approach, but I can't completely rebuild the game every time I realize a system is poorly designed.

The escape game was supposed to be the starting point for a new type of mini-game. That's why I invested so much time into it. If you've made some progress with Berry, you'll find a much simpler version (which, by the way, I've received no feedback on, so I assume it went smoothly).

You'll also notice that the affection system with the characters gets phased out as the game progresses. It didn't satisfy me. It’s the system that was replaced by the passage of days. You didn’t mention it in your critique, but having to spam the same dialogues to increase a stat (especially with Tracy, Lucy, and Leslie) is anything but fun. Now, you can choose to chat with the girls, sleep with them, or simply skip days to progress the story.

For now, my focus is reaching Phase 2 of the game. That step will allow me to reassess and adjust the game and its mechanics.

Even though your feedback is a bit harsh, I still appreciate you sharing it. That said, I'm sure you can express your thoughts without shoving someone's face in their mistakes.


Jul 30, 2022
I wasn't justifying my mistakes; I was explaining them. What matters most to me is understanding what went wrong. But you have to realize that entire sections of the game were designed this way, and it's too time-consuming and unnecessarily complicated for me to go back and redo everything.

Take the three weeks with Leslie as an example. They are now necessary for the family storyline, but initially, Leslie's storyline was independent from the rest. It was only later that I changed my approach, but I can't completely rebuild the game every time I realize a system is poorly designed.

The escape game was supposed to be the starting point for a new type of mini-game. That's why I invested so much time into it. If you've made some progress with Berry, you'll find a much simpler version (which, by the way, I've received no feedback on, so I assume it went smoothly).

You'll also notice that the affection system with the characters gets phased out as the game progresses. It didn't satisfy me. It’s the system that was replaced by the passage of days. You didn’t mention it in your critique, but having to spam the same dialogues to increase a stat (especially with Tracy, Lucy, and Leslie) is anything but fun. Now, you can choose to chat with the girls, sleep with them, or simply skip days to progress the story.

For now, my focus is reaching Phase 2 of the game. That step will allow me to reassess and adjust the game and its mechanics.

Even though your feedback is a bit harsh, I still appreciate you sharing it. That said, I'm sure you can express your thoughts without shoving someone's face in their mistakes.
For you sake, stop completely and work out exactly what you plan. Stick with that plan. You can't just keep changing game mechanics to progress the game, nothing good comes from that.
It also sounds like you are programming this in spaghetti code where everything is part of one file making changes a complete pain. If so check out Pirate Software discord. He has a section for game devs and it will help you out.

As to not noticing the affection system being dropped. How fucking closely with notes do you expect your players to be? Just cause it gets dropped by all does not mean when a character is done with it other we are still dealing with or the fact that people like me will keep building up the points ahead of time knowing we will need them to progress later.
I mean it's there all the way with Tracy all the way to end of her current progress. So check yourself on that.

I'm confused what YOUR goal of this game is. You have mentioned multiple things that don't align together. You are talking about how it's not making money which I take as your looking at this as a possible profession, then your talking about how it's too much work to fix things right now which makes this sound like your only doing this as a laugh which the quality does not matter but if you want it to be a business that will hurt you.

You mention wanting to get to phase 2 to get a better picture what you need to do to fix things here. That is wrong, you should already have the skeleton of phase 2 worked out and that should allow you to figure your stuff out now.
You really need the structure for the game figured out already, the decorations to it you can play with as you go. To put this another way your talking about building a house and fixing both the foundation and first floor after you have started building the second floor... You don't know if the structural support is suppose to be where it needs to be.
You sound like your building this house without any sort of blueprint, only a vague idea.

What I'm saying sucks, there is no sugar coating it. But at this point based upon what you said things are being held together with bubble gum and tape. What is the point of pushing forward just to find out your gonna be forced to redo what you have done later on when there is even more to be done.
I hope you can salvage what you have done so far once you figure out what you want to do, but it's going to be work regardless and the longer you go without a solid plan the more work there will be. Even with a solid plan you will still need to go back and adjust things.

I'm sorry but I think you bit off way more than you can chew for a first project. I don't want to see you give up on this but the way your going it's likely going to become too much as it seems your idea is keep moving forward.

I'm serious about stopping moving forward with the game for now. Check out resources about making games such as Pirate Software's discord and work out a plan for your game before moving forward again.

This game is damn refreshing idea and has solid look to it. But due to the indecisive plan has become a mess.
The farming game mechanics are solid, there is still some more room to grow with it.
The farm can be used more as a plot device in the stories, you can do both game mechanics and story by letting the MC hire people to work on the farm even if it's only two days a week or so. For example have the MC start pushing back against the Mayor by opening a stall on the farm where customers can buy directly, you stock the stall with veg you want to sell and X (random number) sell per day slightly above what Penny offers. Hiring people also then means you will have a need for continuing to make money as you will be paying them. Have Berry run it as right now her current shop seems underused (I don't know what your plans are so only offering a suggestion) This in turn can open things up to the two mentioned but missing aunts. Such as the one who has hired Berry being annoyed you poached her.
Having the LI's involved in the farm also can lead to having organic events with multiple LI's as their paths then cross there.

The family needs rework, there is no splitting hairs here. You started it down one path then shifted over and it's made a complete mess of it. I can agree with your thought an the path you want them now on but it NEEDS to be done from the start. The primary family needs to be considered as one unit for your story to work. This will still allow for Leslie to take the 3 week trip and allow for story progression with the rest without getting to far ahead with them instead of the current 3-4 week void there. I'm not saying something has to happen every day but a minimum of 2-3 events for the family should be happening a week and that is not much considering there are 4 of them which means a event per character every other week.

You do have something I think can become one of the better games out there. I'm not gonna bull shit you saying your gonna make a lot of money cause that will be very hard due to not being on Patreon due the the incest aspect. But I can still see you making a significant amount.

-You have solid looks to the character design.
-You have a good amount of LI's in the game some of which need more fleshing out for content but that will come with time.
-You have a little more room for more characters as LI's (Less than 5 IMO) but you can always introduce throw away characters if you want (random events where they don't have money but are still willing to pay in other ways), I think adding in the two Aunts would be agreeable to everyone cause in games like this more incest is always better.
-Your primary game mechanic of farming is solid and still has room to move the game forward.
-Your story lines are solid, it works with what the game is and offers enough meat to move it forward without it becoming over done.
-Ice breaker mechanic for the love scenes is interesting concept. I don't mind it so much but do think it needs a little tweaking in regards to the gallery. It's more work for you but whatever aspect you have unlocked should be available in the gallery right away, not waiting until it's all unlocked. I think I know why you did it this way but it sucks for the players when there are multiple things to unlock in a single scene just to get the replay. Without knowing how you programmed it it's hard to say how easy it is to enable what I'm thinking but If I'm right and your just reusing the scene as is and don't want people to use the hammer to progress while in gallery disable the hammer if the scene was triggered by gallery.

You have a lot of things you have done right.
I didn't find the affection system too tedious, it could use some polish and balance but was a good way to keep from blitzing story lines. It also gives people a visual of their progression. If you decide to go back to it a few suggestions I would offer
Have some actions give more such as certain dialogues, then have let's say working for them offer a little bit as well just so we are not forced to choose, I would suggest one point per day period worked. You had a pretty solid amount of affection needed to progress where you had to put in work but was not too tedious.
A suggestion for Rachel, have a dialogue option with Karen that let's you build affection points with Rachel during the week. Such as convincing Karen that Rachel needs her own space or not to be so hard on her type thing, have it behind a charisma check even or flip it around a bit and you get the point for Rachel regardless but if you pass the check you can also get one for Karen.
Boldness and Charisma are underused IMO. A simple thing to incorporate them more and ties into what I said previously is having dialogue / actions that give more affection points but have them locked behind checks vs these two stats.
Having multiple game mechanics is fine, so long as conditions are met. First it's not a throw away, next is i'ts applied across the board (Don't make a unique mechanic per character) an example I can give is the Journalist, the scoop thing feels off as is as there is no visual tracking for the character. Instead have scoops be a way of gaining affection, simple way that is already there for players to keep track of progress.
I'm not saying you have to stick with affection but keep it so it's easier for players to keep track of how they are progressing with the LI's if you plan on having pacing mechanics.


Game Developer
Nov 7, 2017
For you sake, stop completely and work out exactly what you plan. Stick with that plan. You can't just keep changing game mechanics to progress the game, nothing good comes from that.
It also sounds like you are programming this in spaghetti code where everything is part of one file making changes a complete pain. If so check out Pirate Software discord. He has a section for game devs and it will help you out.

As to not noticing the affection system being dropped. How fucking closely with notes do you expect your players to be? Just cause it gets dropped by all does not mean when a character is done with it other we are still dealing with or the fact that people like me will keep building up the points ahead of time knowing we will need them to progress later.
I mean it's there all the way with Tracy all the way to end of her current progress. So check yourself on that.

I'm confused what YOUR goal of this game is. You have mentioned multiple things that don't align together. You are talking about how it's not making money which I take as your looking at this as a possible profession, then your talking about how it's too much work to fix things right now which makes this sound like your only doing this as a laugh which the quality does not matter but if you want it to be a business that will hurt you.

You mention wanting to get to phase 2 to get a better picture what you need to do to fix things here. That is wrong, you should already have the skeleton of phase 2 worked out and that should allow you to figure your stuff out now.
You really need the structure for the game figured out already, the decorations to it you can play with as you go. To put this another way your talking about building a house and fixing both the foundation and first floor after you have started building the second floor... You don't know if the structural support is suppose to be where it needs to be.
You sound like your building this house without any sort of blueprint, only a vague idea.

What I'm saying sucks, there is no sugar coating it. But at this point based upon what you said things are being held together with bubble gum and tape. What is the point of pushing forward just to find out your gonna be forced to redo what you have done later on when there is even more to be done.
I hope you can salvage what you have done so far once you figure out what you want to do, but it's going to be work regardless and the longer you go without a solid plan the more work there will be. Even with a solid plan you will still need to go back and adjust things.

I'm sorry but I think you bit off way more than you can chew for a first project. I don't want to see you give up on this but the way your going it's likely going to become too much as it seems your idea is keep moving forward.

I'm serious about stopping moving forward with the game for now. Check out resources about making games such as Pirate Software's discord and work out a plan for your game before moving forward again.

This game is damn refreshing idea and has solid look to it. But due to the indecisive plan has become a mess.
The farming game mechanics are solid, there is still some more room to grow with it.
The farm can be used more as a plot device in the stories, you can do both game mechanics and story by letting the MC hire people to work on the farm even if it's only two days a week or so. For example have the MC start pushing back against the Mayor by opening a stall on the farm where customers can buy directly, you stock the stall with veg you want to sell and X (random number) sell per day slightly above what Penny offers. Hiring people also then means you will have a need for continuing to make money as you will be paying them. Have Berry run it as right now her current shop seems underused (I don't know what your plans are so only offering a suggestion) This in turn can open things up to the two mentioned but missing aunts. Such as the one who has hired Berry being annoyed you poached her.
Having the LI's involved in the farm also can lead to having organic events with multiple LI's as their paths then cross there.

The family needs rework, there is no splitting hairs here. You started it down one path then shifted over and it's made a complete mess of it. I can agree with your thought an the path you want them now on but it NEEDS to be done from the start. The primary family needs to be considered as one unit for your story to work. This will still allow for Leslie to take the 3 week trip and allow for story progression with the rest without getting to far ahead with them instead of the current 3-4 week void there. I'm not saying something has to happen every day but a minimum of 2-3 events for the family should be happening a week and that is not much considering there are 4 of them which means a event per character every other week.

You do have something I think can become one of the better games out there. I'm not gonna bull shit you saying your gonna make a lot of money cause that will be very hard due to not being on Patreon due the the incest aspect. But I can still see you making a significant amount.

-You have solid looks to the character design.
-You have a good amount of LI's in the game some of which need more fleshing out for content but that will come with time.
-You have a little more room for more characters as LI's (Less than 5 IMO) but you can always introduce throw away characters if you want (random events where they don't have money but are still willing to pay in other ways), I think adding in the two Aunts would be agreeable to everyone cause in games like this more incest is always better.
-Your primary game mechanic of farming is solid and still has room to move the game forward.
-Your story lines are solid, it works with what the game is and offers enough meat to move it forward without it becoming over done.
-Ice breaker mechanic for the love scenes is interesting concept. I don't mind it so much but do think it needs a little tweaking in regards to the gallery. It's more work for you but whatever aspect you have unlocked should be available in the gallery right away, not waiting until it's all unlocked. I think I know why you did it this way but it sucks for the players when there are multiple things to unlock in a single scene just to get the replay. Without knowing how you programmed it it's hard to say how easy it is to enable what I'm thinking but If I'm right and your just reusing the scene as is and don't want people to use the hammer to progress while in gallery disable the hammer if the scene was triggered by gallery.

You have a lot of things you have done right.
I didn't find the affection system too tedious, it could use some polish and balance but was a good way to keep from blitzing story lines. It also gives people a visual of their progression. If you decide to go back to it a few suggestions I would offer
Have some actions give more such as certain dialogues, then have let's say working for them offer a little bit as well just so we are not forced to choose, I would suggest one point per day period worked. You had a pretty solid amount of affection needed to progress where you had to put in work but was not too tedious.
A suggestion for Rachel, have a dialogue option with Karen that let's you build affection points with Rachel during the week. Such as convincing Karen that Rachel needs her own space or not to be so hard on her type thing, have it behind a charisma check even or flip it around a bit and you get the point for Rachel regardless but if you pass the check you can also get one for Karen.
Boldness and Charisma are underused IMO. A simple thing to incorporate them more and ties into what I said previously is having dialogue / actions that give more affection points but have them locked behind checks vs these two stats.
Having multiple game mechanics is fine, so long as conditions are met. First it's not a throw away, next is i'ts applied across the board (Don't make a unique mechanic per character) an example I can give is the Journalist, the scoop thing feels off as is as there is no visual tracking for the character. Instead have scoops be a way of gaining affection, simple way that is already there for players to keep track of progress.
I'm not saying you have to stick with affection but keep it so it's easier for players to keep track of how they are progressing with the LI's if you plan on having pacing mechanics.
I guess that’s what happens sometimes when it’s your first project. Of course, I had plans at the start, but unforeseen issues forced me to revise them. I reorganized my mess and tried to fix some problems… while experimenting with other things.

Naturally, the end result is a bit of a chaotic mix.

But focusing on Phase 2 is precisely about starting fresh with solid foundations. Rather than seeing it as another floor on a shaky house, I’d compare it to building a second house a little farther away, trying not to repeat the same mistakes.

In any case, I’m taking note of what you’re saying. It’s definitely more constructive than "fuck this game" :D
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Active Member
Oct 27, 2021
im do everthyg but game wont work for me The installed version of the Intel graphics driver has known issues.
Please install the latest driver version.

Would you like to visit the following URL to download the driver?

Intel(R) HD Graphics 520
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...Wouldn't driver issues be on your end though?


Active Member
Oct 27, 2021
im do everthyg but game wont work for me The installed version of the Intel graphics driver has known issues.
Please install the latest driver version.

Would you like to visit the following URL to download the driver?

Intel(R) HD Graphics 520
Minimum required:
I'm genuinely curious, but... how many eroge/point and click adventures have you played?
Because... a lot of what you complained about isn't really unusual in these types of games.
Granted, some games do it better and some do it worse.
I've followed this game from the beginning and, while I will admit to some hiccups here and there, none of it is worth ranting about this harshly.

Also, if you were paying attention to the story, the escape game segment isn't a throw away thing not realted to the story since it's about trying to smooth things over with the both of them.
I'll grant you that there might have been a 'better way' to go about it, but I've played the escape game several times in a row and had no issues clearing it.
The point isn't really even to clear the game, though doing so is fine too. No, the point was to get them both happy. You don't even need to escape escape room. You just need to make sure they had a good time. And yes, that part could use some tweaking, but it's nowhere near as bad as you're verbally screaming about. Like, chill out.
But, that seems like a tall ask I suppose.

Honestly, it just seems ridiculous to be so harsh when all we are are just playing the game but not contributing to it in any way but whining.
It's the guy's first project and honestly, I've seen way worse.
And, frankly I can only respect the dev for sticking with it despite all of this pointless whining and vitriol.
Yeah, I do wish the dev spent more time testing thing before releasing builds but frankly, that's been my only real complaint with the game since it does have a clearer vision then ppl are giving the dev credit for.

But I suppose that's just how it goes.
Anyway, I think you should play something else... simpler? Less mentally intensive? I dunno... but clearly, this game just wasn't a good fit for you and nobody needs this toxicity.

As for the dev.
I won't tell/expect/or even ask you to not let comments like this get to you, but hang in there.
I've played a lot of games around here and yeah, some are objectively put together 'better' than this, but hey, that's honeslty just how it goes for a first project you dove into with literally no experience. I can respect the effort and this is far from unplayable. Far from it relaly.
I don't really understand what the above meant by stacked conditions to unlock stuff here. Seems fairly straightforward to me, but again, I've been playing for awhile. Though, I suppose you might really need to hand hold players with your hints and just drop exactly how much of what needs to be done for triggers seeing as ppl have the patience of monkeys in a zoo waiting for food I guess.

About the only really 'decent' bit of constructive, if you wanna call it that, advice is sticking to your plans, which I think you are trying to do.

I dunno. There's just something about this game that pulled me in and hasn't let go.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2023
Guys, i need a bit of help:

In order to progress the quest with Leslie, i need to get the last veggie at high rarity, but....

so far, only normal quality.

I have all the researches done, and the 4th ploy as well. I'm planting them 4 at time, but only normal rarity.

There's something i'm missing?

Thanks in advance for everyone will answer my question, and have happy holidays o/


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
Guys, i need a bit of help:

In order to progress the quest with Leslie, i need to get the last veggie at high rarity, but....

so far, only normal quality.

I have all the researches done, and the 4th ploy as well. I'm planting them 4 at time, but only normal rarity.

There's something i'm missing?

Thanks in advance for everyone will answer my question, and have happy holidays o/
Use the upgraded fertilizer.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2023
Another help: someone knows the combination for the perfect film/series for Lisa? I' going insane trying all the combinations :'(


Active Member
Feb 22, 2023
Guys, i have the domination path with Lisa, and i need to trigger the event with Leslie. Any suggestion?


Active Member
Jul 4, 2021
Anyone else having the game Soft Lock or Unable to do anything, after cheating. A day or so later you enter a room and nothing happens, no options etc.
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