I'll continue to fix bugs as they get reported, it's crazy how many bugs get found when other people play your game as oppose to play-testing it yourself.
Here's v0.15 with some more bugfixes for those who are interested.
what a crap "game." Boring grind with no payoff and zero story I mean not even any background exposition nothing. There is no game and no story and no sex seems pretty bloody pointless even when taking this as a demo/1st release.
I like the concept, BUT can only get to day ten then it starts over at day 1 again, cannot raise sisters lust, or get the chick in the store to give her name of phone number, just keep doing the same grind over and over again
I think my game is glithed no matter how many times I sleep I don't go past day zero and I can't change the sisters stats or get the shop girls number and am I meant to see a shimegami because I don't.
It seems like there's no real content yet in this game as the day gives the same options over and over again. This game has a lot of potential but it's super bare bones right now and there's nothing to do.