
Active Member
Nov 26, 2018
This game have some of the best renders, animations, camera angles and h-scenes. Excellent work mate, keep it up. ;)


Sep 3, 2017
Need help. After some play its says you need to complete a special event for AMY to play.......Any idea what that is ?

Thanks in advance.


Jul 1, 2021
Need help. After some play its says you need to complete a special event for AMY to play.......Any idea what that is ?

Thanks in advance.
It's the same special event that you have to complete to be able to continue the story with Megan and Zoe too. The one where main character realizes how to stop the time. However this update is so full of bugs currently so I would just wait until they put out the hotfix for it and then some hero shares it here.
Nov 27, 2017
Just to be clear here, this is considered rape by more and more people and in a growing number of places could get you sent to jail. She's drunk enough where she can barely stand. It's not much different from a sleep sex scene. It's kind of weird to see people not getting this, despite having a bit of a rape fetish myself. I have no problem with it being in the game, as it is just a game. The MC has done worse, and in fact probably should be doing far worse. What's the fun of being stuck in a time loop if you don't just run wild at some point? At this point he's basically a serial rapist, but an especially timid and stupid one. And the scene was a huge disappointment. It was there so the devs could tease us with at best a mediocre sex scene and save something better for later. Except having been through that scene, it just makes anything in the future with her anti-climactic.
Just because someone considers something to be rape, doesn't mean it actually is rape. You have to consider if that person actually is telling you a factually correct statement or is just full of shit. You also have to consider the law. I don't know which places you're talking about but let's examine what they are in the USA and UK anyway.

There are different types of rape, statutory rape being one of them. Quote:

"If both parties are under the age of 18, it is not common for either to face statutory rape charges. This is because it can be extremely challenging to determine who should be considered the victim and who, the perpetrator. In such cases, it is highly unlikely that prosecutors will decide to file charges. Instead, they may simply receive counseling about the dangers of sex before adulthood. However, if one person is 18 and has sex with a girlfriend or boyfriend who is underage, he or she might be charged with statutory rape." - Source:

All characters are all stated to be above 18, so above the age of consent in the game, so this wouldn't ever be classed as statutory rape.

Now, let's go into the legal definitions of rape in the USA and UK.

1. The legal definition of rape is when a person intentionally penetrates another's vagina, anus or mouth with a penis, without the other person's consent - UK Police definition (Was the first one that showed up on Google).
2. The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim. - USA Department of Justice definition -

The key word in both sentences being consent, which is open to interpretation. Going to go with wiki here.

"The act may be carried out by physical force, coercion, abuse of authority, or against a person who is incapable of giving valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, has an intellectual disability."

Both parties in the game consented to the sex by a drunken Megan and sober MC at the party. They had also both consented to oral penetration earlier in the day, then when Megan said no to vaginal penetration and ran away, the MC didn't pursue. As far as the law is concerned, they already penetrated each other. Megan clearly got cold feet. The MC also voiced his dismay, but he had no authority over Megan.

When they meet again later, Megan had clearly gotten herself drunk by her own accord. She wasn't coerced by anyone, but herself and she initiated the sex. The MC complied and Megan never complained again. Until she told him not to cum inside her, but was too late. However, that small act in that split second can't be classified as rape either as they were already in the midst of penetration and the MC wasn't given enough time or warning within reason to pull out in time.

The biggest problem here is that it'd be insanely hard to prove the truth and would just be based upon the word of both parties. There were also no other people aware of this or observing or any cameras. So, unless either one of them is mispresenting or withholding the truth, no. This would never be classed as rape and you wouldn't ever go to jail for this unless you have a corrupted jury.

Also, I'm pretty sure thatMegan would have to be the one to file a charge of rape against the MC, since no one else would be aware of their sex that night. Chloe being the other after she sees the dribble of cum down her best friend's leg would suspect, but until her best friend told her who, she wouldn't be sure. Plus, I'm pretty sure that Megan would never have even considered it rape and if she told her friend the story, Chloe wouldn't either.

In other words, those who would consider this rape don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Especially since they'd probably never know the full picture like us who have played the game and seen it all.
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Apr 15, 2021
Does anyone know if there is like a walktrough /guide for season 2? The one on the main page is a guide for 2 hidden events.


Engaged Member
Nov 6, 2017
There are different types of rape, statutory rape being one of them. Quote:

"If both parties are under the age of 18, it is not common for either to face statutory rape charges. This is because it can be extremely challenging to determine who should be considered the victim and who, the perpetrator. In such cases, it is highly unlikely that prosecutors will decide to file charges. Instead, they may simply receive counseling about the dangers of sex before adulthood. However, if one person is 18 and has sex with a girlfriend or boyfriend who is underage, he or she might be charged with statutory rape." - Source:

All characters are all stated to be above 18, so above the age of consent in the game, so this wouldn't ever be classed as statutory rape.
just thought i'd mention that in the usa, the states set the statutory rape laws, some states are highly restrictive like texas, you can be 17, gf is 15 or vice-versa and you can be charged and convicted of statutory rape because you are 2 yrs older, same applies if the older one is 15 and the younger one is 13.

some states have a romeo-juliette amendment to their law, if you are 6 months close in age, it's not statutory rape(unless her parents are rich haha)
even more interesting is, if you are 20 or older and the girl is under 18, you can't have sex with her at all, unless you marry her. 15 with parents consent.
oddly if you are male and underage, the woman will still be charged with a sex crime, she can't marry you either until you're 18. i guess cuz males take longer to mature. even then these things vary from state to state.


Engaged Member
Nov 6, 2017
so i entered the bonus content code for the latest version, under the menu it even states bonus content is on, in the game however, i see naked ellie saying i didn't enter the code, wtf???

mr john

Jul 30, 2020
Although i love the game, the female characters seem to be maturing with each day,as if time was still passing for them, the personalitys of each of them is more hardened as if retaining every experience from every friday that has passed. i think the devs have to examine the characters from E OF L EP 1 compared to E OF L EP 2. They were innocent then, and not so brazen.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2017
Just because someone considers something to be rape, doesn't mean it actually is rape. You have to consider if that person actually is telling you a factually correct statement or is just full of shit. You also have to consider the law. I don't know which places you're talking about but let's examine what they are in the USA and UK anyway.

There are different types of rape, statutory rape being one of them. Quote:

"If both parties are under the age of 18, it is not common for either to face statutory rape charges. This is because it can be extremely challenging to determine who should be considered the victim and who, the perpetrator. In such cases, it is highly unlikely that prosecutors will decide to file charges. Instead, they may simply receive counseling about the dangers of sex before adulthood. However, if one person is 18 and has sex with a girlfriend or boyfriend who is underage, he or she might be charged with statutory rape." - Source:

All characters are all stated to be above 18, so above the age of consent in the game, so this wouldn't ever be classed as statutory rape.

Now, let's go into the legal definitions of rape in the USA and UK.

1. The legal definition of rape is when a person intentionally penetrates another's vagina, anus or mouth with a penis, without the other person's consent - UK Police definition (Was the first one that showed up on Google).
2. The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim. - USA Department of Justice definition -

The key word in both sentences being consent, which is open to interpretation. Going to go with wiki here.

"The act may be carried out by physical force, coercion, abuse of authority, or against a person who is incapable of giving valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, has an intellectual disability."

Both parties in the game consented to the sex by a drunken Megan and sober MC at the party. They had also both consented to oral penetration earlier in the day, then when Megan said no to vaginal penetration and ran away, the MC didn't pursue. As far as the law is concerned, they already penetrated each other. Megan clearly got cold feet. The MC also voiced his dismay, but he had no authority over Megan.

When they meet again later, Megan had clearly gotten herself drunk by her own accord. She wasn't coerced by anyone, but herself and she initiated the sex. The MC complied and Megan never complained again. Until she told him not to cum inside her, but was too late. However, that small act in that split second can't be classified as rape either as they were already in the midst of penetration and the MC wasn't given enough time or warning within reason to pull out in time.

The biggest problem here is that it'd be insanely hard to prove the truth and would just be based upon the word of both parties. There were also no other people aware of this or observing or any cameras. So, unless either one of them is mispresenting or withholding the truth, no. This would never be classed as rape and you wouldn't ever go to jail for this unless you have a corrupted jury.

Also, I'm pretty sure thatMegan would have to be the one to file a charge of rape against the MC, since no one else would be aware of their sex that night. Chloe being the other after she sees the dribble of cum down her best friend's leg would suspect, but until her best friend told her who, she wouldn't be sure. Plus, I'm pretty sure that Megan would never have even considered it rape and if she told her friend the story, Chloe wouldn't either.

In other words, those who would consider this rape don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Especially since they'd probably never know the full picture like us who have played the game and seen it all.

There's a couple of errors in your analysis, although it is very well thought out. Where it comes apart is on the issues of consent. You make two curious interpretations of how consent is defined.

The first is the idea that consent for one type of penetration is automatically and continual consent for all others. Even if it were, then Megan's telling the MC no earlier in the day should have been taken as her revoking consent to the MC for everything, unless you believe consent cannot be revoked. But that's not how it works. She did not consent to vaginal sex with the MC while sober, and in fact gave him an emphatic no. That made her feelings on the matter clear, so he knew she didn't want to have vaginal sex with him. You also seem to be believe that she consenting to previous sexual acts in the past with the MC somehow negates her ability to withdraw consent.

Secondly, you make a point that it wasn't the MC that got her drunk. That is a loophole that appears in a few places that recent outrage over a man going free after raping a woman someone else had drugged is closing in the places it does exist. In most other places though, the inability to give consent because someone is drunk or drugged is independent of who made them drunk or drugged. If you stumble upon a drunk girl at a party, just because she says yes to sex in no way puts you in the clear because you didn't contribute to her current state. Being the person who helped incapacitated them for the purpose of sex just ends making you serious of a more serious crime, or results in a longer sentence.

Now, I'm not saying the MC would definitely go to jail, or that anyone would. The laws are pretty messed up, with lots of loopholes. Juries can make the wrong call even when the laws are clear. Victims often don't want to come forward. Megan may not remember a thing (assuming the timeline did not reset), or if she did, may not say anything because it was her brother. But could someone go to jail for what the MC did? Most definitely, in an awful lot of places. And again, in no way am I saying that it's wrong to have this scene in the game. I found it disappointing as a rape scene because it was boring and because Megan was so drunk. If you're going to give us a rape scene, give us something longer and more involved. So let's first of all not dance around the fact that this was a rape scene, although a very weak one. The devs like to include scenes like this that are rape but aren't actually the MC "forcing" himself upon a resisting target. It's him sticking his dick into a sleeping/drunk/distracted woman and then often getting called out on it before anything happens. There is the one time when he penetrates Ellie when she tells him no that ends in him getting kicked in the balls, instead of the MC finishing what he started that could have been an interesting scene, just as the MC doing something similar with Megan during their sober fooling around earlier. But t

The devs seem to draw the line at very weak rape scenarios, so perhaps their own views are that those don't count as rape either. It could be too that they're located in a country where they don't count, because laws are different in different parts of the world. For most of western Europe and the english speaking part of the world though, this would be considered rape. Again, not making a value judgement against in being in the game. Just a statement that claiming it isn't in this day and age is incorrect, and perhaps shows why it still happens so often because people are misinformed.


Active Member
Oct 10, 2018
Oh, Megan totally is a creampie loving virgin on birth control with the ability to swallow Pringles can sized dicks whole. She probably just teaches other virgins how to do blowjobs, because she practiced on actual Pringles cans beforehand.

Also, didn't the sex scene with Zoe happen on the day that didn't reset in s1?
I thought that was more about her using massive dildos and porn game magic and whatnot.

I could have sworn the game was implying they were virgins from the beginning, and that they wanted to lose their virginity together with a threesome. Hence why they made such a big deal out of it, and Zoe's own insecurities about her body and whether someone might find her attractive. But are the two characters actually just massive whores? Has the game creator ruled on it at all? Maybe I should look over the first season again.


Aug 5, 2016
Does anyone know if bug fixes usually come on gold tier or silver tier release? Reading about a few messed up animations for Jessica has me holding off on this.
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Oct 13, 2017
A question for developer...
What's meaning of "DUPLIC PARALLELEL VOID"?
I made it up from bold letters as in attached image.

As I see, there is a next message from bold letters in game: "AI ON EXTINCTION"
Sounds more like a joke.
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