Are you sure you want to talk about reading comprehension?
"Why does this show 'last updated 6 years ago?'"
"They all now show the release date instead of update date."
Seems pretty clear cut to me. If you're asking "Why do they suddenly show release date instead of date of last update?" Well. That's a different question, isn't it?
It's a different question only for those who like to be nitpicky just to be annoying.
If instead of playing the game of nitpicking, we play the game of "let's try to understand each other," it's clear that someone asking why it says "updated 6 years ago" when it was actually updated about a week ago doesn’t care about the response, "because for Inceton games, the last update field is filled with the original publication date."
What they're really asking is the reason behind this choice to deliberately provide misleading information to the public.
If you know this reason, it would be nice to just say it.
If you don’t know (or if you do but don’t want to say), it would be better to ignore the question rather than presenting a non-answer as if it actually addressed what was asked.