EVERYONE, PLEASE BE NICE AND RESPECTFUL IN THE COMMENT SECTION OF THE FORM. We really don't need LD blowing up. Some of you guys love to get mad and let off steam here (including me about Khalgor), but you really don't need to be yelling at the dev over it, especially if you're not even paying for the game!
I mean the issue with LO was that it also started with a ton of humans and only had a few aliens. LD has a nice healthy mix of humans, humanoid beastly (and non-beastly like Orcs) races, and feral species, all of which are sexable, and I don't see that stopping anytime soon. Also, LO only listened to people who paid, while LD's poll is open to everyone.
There's still plenty of feral/"rape", what? There's also a WS scene here and there, but I'm not a fan of WS so I tend to avoid them where possible.
Also, ZoroJ didn't want to do feral which is why we were left with a ton of silhouettes.