Nobody is reviewing the game just the paywall lmao.
That's because people want to review the game, but the paywall doesn't allow it.
Jokes aside,
I already made a rating on the previous game, and the reasons I didn't rate that game with a good score, were unsurprisingy the same I would give on this one. Nothing changed. 0 care in customer feedback, all the posts focus to patreon, and a shit ton of paywalls that even make the game clunky and full of bugs. Which again, is sad, because the premise and art had everything to be one of the most beloved games and devs out there. Yet the dev ruined it himself.
I understand everyone wants to protect their property. I also understand this is also a piracy forum. But many around here do have a sense of goodwill, specially if the dev is engaging with their fans. This dev does the opposite, it disencourages people to support it. Why would I pay for something that's full of bugs because you focus more on a paywall than actual content?
At this point it isn't only the paywall. It's the lack of any trust between dev and customer. Why do you think I'll never buy EA games, but I ended up buying games after I pirated them here or anywhere else? Of course not everyone is like this, some will just be pirates, but that just proves the point, the dev is focusing more on those that won't ever support the content over those who could.