It's missing the Bestiality tag, since some of the scenes involve her having intercourse with wolves from the tribe, and maybe some folks would rather know it beforehand
The game itself is quite good, simple yet interesting story, good pacing making everything enjoyable, and some really good art. As some have said, one would expect the goblin designs to be a bit more "brutal" or beastlike and less humanoid, but seeing how they are represented in the setting, this more civiliced look fits them.
A great work, and surelly it will only improve with the final version. Although the story wraps itself out nicely and the sex scenes are more than enough for it, the gooner in me still wishes there could have been a few more of them to enjoy, maybe even separate endings for Hobglob or getting revenge without fully letting go of the tribe, perhaps even one for the wolves/bestiality side separate from the main tribe one, who knows
P.S: The Save system is currently bugged, if at any point one tries to save it won't allow it, even choosing ignore will return to the game and won't create a save file. With the game beeing a short experience and all is not a big problem, but it makes it difficult for enjoying particular scenes once again, or trying different ending without having to play de full game again and skip to get to the desired point