My main issue with the game is that once you MAX out the 3 "script generators" and set them to Auto, money becomes worthless. At later "hacks" the player has to wait long periods of time for new scripts to be generated before the next hack attempts. If the game allowed the player to buy scripts for money, then he could at least be clicking on the money generator and have something to spend all his money on (thereby speeding up the getting scripts so the next area can be hacked).
I have completed the game, as I enjoyed the hacking puzzles.
1. when crafting you have to "right click" on the icons to the right to clear them out in order to set up the next crafting pattern- this took me a while to figure out. I don't think that part is in the tutorial.
2. Earn money for step 3. Buy "click cyber security" to increase the earning of every click on the "earn button". Buy "Auto cyber security" to increase the amount auto earned over time. The more expensive levels of each "cyber security" are more cost effective per purchase. I buy each "click" level up until Level 10, then buy the same Auto Cyber up to Level 10, then go back to buy the next more expensive click up to Level 10 and rise and repeat until I have bought the 100K version of security on each side. I then start buying script generators.
3. You want to get buy the first script generator (done in tutorial) and buy the bottom ($150,000) option ASAP. The bottom of the script generator sets it to Auto so it will be generating them in the background.
4. Upgrade the 1st generator to MAX ASAP, as you need that one more than any other.
5. alternate hacking, making money and buying script generators (get the last to generators auto making scripts ASAP so they will be making scripts while you are hacking or making money).
6. Hacking Tip: I find it easiest to start at the end points and work back to the beginning (note: it a puzzle has multiple "ends" ALL off them need to have lines to the beginning at the same time).
As mentioned earlier, once all 3 script generators are MAXed and set to Auto money is then useless and you can end up waiting long periods of time for scripts to generate before your next hack can be done. This is a major problem it you want to play the game straight through. I set the game to Window mode, turned off the music and shrunk the windows while I did something else for an hour. When I came back the scripts were made and I could get back to hacking (puzzle solving).