Jul 8, 2017
Doesn't require any unlocks at all, so it should be available straight up.
Just to ensure, you know you can scroll down in the crafting list? (Both scrolling, as well as click and dragging (in between icons))
Also don't forget clicking the hammer icon in the bottom left when interacting with the workbench!
oh i never though of clicking on the hammer so more craftable stuff will show if i open the craft menu while using the workbench cause i defeated the spider boss so dont know if i unlocked more stuff to craft


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2022
oh i never though of clicking on the hammer so more craftable stuff will show if i open the craft menu while using the workbench cause i defeated the spider boss so dont know if i unlocked more stuff to craft
After the spider, there should be a chest that unlocks spider-style crafting. "Spider storage" is the most useful part of it.
Anyway, there should be a "spider workbench" on one of your workbenches, and it has a new set of craftables.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
I know it's tough guys, but if you want to hang out here and not miss out on stuff, you'll have to actually learn to figure some shit out on your own. Is it that hard to think "Hmm, if I'm having trouble with this, maybe somebody else had trouble with it in the last 393 pages and already asked this question"? Use the search function, look at guides, nobody wants to answer the same question a hundred times. We're patient enough to help out once in a while or if people have already tried basic shit and failed, but a lot of people expect to be spoon fed here like little babies constantly, it gets old. Feel free to search how many times somebody has asked about the dlc content here. There's 20 pages of results, almost all of them saying the same stuff, lol.

Do you really want to be the type of person who can't even figure out simple shit yourself?
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Jul 8, 2017
hmm yes but seems got alot of work done on this game but seems still got some spots thats in red that dont know if cant do yet or what since beat 3 bosses so far collected gems beat the giant boss still trying to see if can find them androids


New Member
May 31, 2018
Does personality actually have a gameplay effect besides compatibility between npc and response to player's action? Since I have two different 100 people villages setup where one with all the villagers with good natured and liked good natured people, while the other village had churlish people who liked churlish people. And I'm getting very different outcomes in moral over time.

I also started out maxing their moral and having all of them hate mean people. Both villages had all the amenities with of wells, food, beds, houses, and even showers though I don't think it does anything. Even made sure all the villagers could reach all of these and had the same amount of farmland and pens to maintain, basically everything is the same besides personality. The result is that the good natured villagers are all at high or max moral while the churlish village basically hate each other.

Is there an in-depth chart on what personality does what? I know the there was one for reactions to player actions like dance or threaten but not if there was one where a certain personality type village just goes to hell.


Apr 6, 2019
Does personality actually have a gameplay effect besides compatibility between npc and response to player's action? Since I have two different 100 people villages setup where one with all the villagers with good natured and liked good natured people, while the other village had churlish people who liked churlish people. And I'm getting very different outcomes in moral over time.

I also started out maxing their moral and having all of them hate mean people. Both villages had all the amenities with of wells, food, beds, houses, and even showers though I don't think it does anything. Even made sure all the villagers could reach all of these and had the same amount of farmland and pens to maintain, basically everything is the same besides personality. The result is that the good natured villagers are all at high or max moral while the churlish village basically hate each other.

Is there an in-depth chart on what personality does what? I know the there was one for reactions to player actions like dance or threaten but not if there was one where a certain personality type village just goes to hell.
Most likely that there's just some NPCs that are "liked the most" by multiple and their libido just doesn't accept that many actions with others (libido of over 20 or perfume required for them to accept).
So from those NPC's that're in range, the one they like most will be their target for sex - if the target's libido is less than 20 however (easily possible with multiple liking the same one the most and constantly being in range) their morale will drop as they get declined.

One solution I find, when setting up the village, is to isolatate those without a "fixed" partner, until you have one that fits their personality and vice versa, then have them spend time together to get them to like each other, then throw them together closeby in the same village. (ideally a bit seperated from the others, so they can still gain love for each other and all)

So too many thrown together may very well end up just being worse than two that don't really fit each other, but don't hate each others personality either.

The "solution" is just guess work with what worked best for me.
Alternative solution could potentially be to figure out which are the most liked npcs and throw perfume at them constantly (if they're already in the act with another, they shouldn't reduce the morale of the one that attempts to do so) Or alternatively, throw toilets around, for those that do get declined. (I do have trouble getting my people to use those, though)
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