This will be a short one, but I've been meaning to post this for a while.
I sorta-kinda solved the "making walls in the sky" issue by using a second level of platforms to create something more akin to a railing. Mostly to avoid my NPCs falling to the sea once I start bringing them in

Or, for that matter, me falling off when I'm running around LOL. Happened a couple of times TBH *coughs*
It doesn't look all that great, but it does the job until I figure out a better way of doing it.
And for those wondering why I don't just use walls, well... try using walls up in the sky and you'll get why. Damn things don't lock the way they should for some reason. It's buggy enough on land but it's much worse up there. Platforms OTOH snap just fine (though it does take a bit of getting used to to get it right). Go figure.
Oh, and Part 1 of this project
is here for those who missed it.
And yes, I built a swimming pool in the sky

(up on level 7).