I'm still waiting for the dev to implement a club that scales off something, anything. I know there's a weapon that does more stamina-damage but it's so awkward to use.
A club that scales even half of your attack stat would be phenomenal.
Well...there is a way to increase the Faint damage by
a fuck ton
And that would be Obtaining the "Keigo's Pendant"
If you're past that mission event, either using
Cheat command (like /get acce_s_04 1) or /qp command to reset the missions
(I recommend you go and search for how to reset missions/events/quests in this thread)
Another way is a Cheat item called "wp_deb_club" a debug weapon with 10000 stun damage
same as above, (/get wp_deb_club 1)
But yea, the more LEGIT way of you getting a High level "Untackle-able" Native during a High level Raid wave
1. Try and Obtain High level "
Elite" Female native with Tackle move, using Macro can easily knock them out
(and accidental Rape)
2. Get the "Jack O Lantern" from Trader
3. Use "Flower Totem" (crafted from plant workbench) to get Female native Raiders that spawn with Pumpkin looking outfit & "Pumpkin Club" with the highest Faint weapon for Female native
4. Equip those High level
Elite Female Natives with
Pumpkin Club
5. Carry a NPC with "
Decoy Charm" & Combat as "
Survivor" and put him/her in a field of those
Purple Spike, making the area around the NPC as a "Raid Zone"
6. Put down a Table near the NPC and then click onto the table to place down 100 "Vegetable Pizza" OR 100 "RoastedFoasted Female body" near the NPC
(100 is because during Raid, only 100 food item buff will be counted)
(Recipe for those two are in attachment...From what I know of, these two are the ones with the highest Faint stats of 2...)
Now you are able to take down pretty much most Untackle-able Raiders and get some HIGH Level Elite NPCs...
This is my method on getting my Elite Large Female Native and Elite Large Male Native, if there is a better way is beyond me.
The leveling of those lower level NPCs imo is really NOT worth it unless you love/like some of them, otherwise "retiring" them would be your best idea...or put them somewhere far away for them to be on their own gathering resources for you.