Unity - Completed - Mage Kanade's Futanari Dungeon Quest [Final] [Dieselmine]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a short, extremely simple, linear game where you go through a few thematic zones and can lose to enemies for defeat H content.

    The artwork itself is fantastic, especially a lot of it being high res pixel art styled. It's a shame there is not more to it, I feel like it could have been made into a much larger game and really shone with the quality of art.

    As it stands it's barely a game and just a collection of scenes if you lose to what stands in your path forward. No real story or meaning behind any of it.

    Worth playing if you like the tags, they are a little spicy.

  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one o f my favorite H-rate games of all times, the creator overpassed himself with this work.

    Everything here is very well done, maybe one of the best games of the year. The escenes are very good, the voice acting, the characters are very enjoyable, the gameplay is very well done too. 10/10
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played this game a while ago, but it was already complete back then. What is worth knowing is that the scenes are very hot, the art is great and the gameplay is fun, definitely deserving more stars.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Everything good about the game:
    -Great scenes(both pixel and brush).
    -A lot of the game is voice acted.
    -Unique encounters.
    -Fast gameplay, easy to go to parts of the game and re-encounter enemies to see their scenes.
    -CG viewer for all of the nonpixel scenes.

    good if you like the genre.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    It's rare to see such a good game all finished and polished up, this game isn't replayable and it's short, but the fact this game is actually finished with it's high quality animations. If you like futa this game is absolutely going to be a 5 star experience for you while it lasts
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Currently one of my personal favorite Dieselmine games. I'm a little picky with these "loss is a reward" type of games because their gameplay is an afterthought but here the gameplay is serviceable but not in a bad way. It's not great but not bad because it isn't the point of the game but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be here as to me these kinds of games benefit when losing is more "rewarding".

    You can play the game as a "game" and it is still kind of fun but the main focus is still great as there are plenty of scenes where you lose and are enjoyable to watch.
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: Final

    A pretty easy and short game that can be finished in an hour or two, which make the game feel more like a demo rather then a full release. Despite that, i enjoyed the game quite a bit, the animation and art are stellar and the sexual scene variety is short but well made. Not much else to say about this game considering how short the overall experience is.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    3/5. The game aspect is very easy, mobs only going to chase you and dashing is kinda op.
    But I still like the 'leveling', it is like leveling your passive. But that's that; it doesn't matter that much in the actual fight.

    Although it is short, it gets a bit repetitive, but at least you get h-scene if you intentionally defeated. There's 3 kinds of h-scene, it's normal mobs, area, and boss.
    Overall, this game is an Okay.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    This was a short game so I'll keep my review short as well.

    You play as Kanade, a mage who has wondered into a succubus lair, where she receives an extra appendage that she did not expect. Her quest is to defeat the evil succubus and get rid of said appendage.

    The gameplay is extremely simple. Basically the only things you can do besides walking are attacking and dodging, and that's about it. There are various enemies that you encounter, and in typical eroge fashion, every time you are defeated you unlock a short H-scene. There are 3 variations for each scene so prepare to grind if you want to unlock the entire gallery.

    There are 4 levels that you get to "explore" (the game is completely linear) and each come with their own enemies and traps. Your character's clothing also changes based on the level that she is in. My favorite was the monkey costume in the forest level which looks hilarious.

    At the end of each level there is a boss that you have to beat. Of course, first you have to lose to them if you want the H-scene. The game is very easy though. The only time I lost a battle was on purpose.

    There are 2 types of H-scenes: CGs and animations. The animations are actually p. well animated. Props to the artist. The CGs on the other hand look p. bad if I'm honest with you. Definitely not the best artist. The game features a wide array of fetishes surrounding the futa tag, however my only two complaints is that 1) the futa has balls (which is kinda gay), and 2) that there aren't that many penetration scenes; Kanade still has both holes but she never gets penetrated, and she doesn't do that much penetrating herself either. The art is almost fully uncensored except for the sprites during the dialogue scenes, which was kinda strange.

    Speaking of which the Kanade's voice one of the most annoying grating nasaly voices I've ever heard in anime. I quickly turned off the voices and so should you. The music on the other hand is nice and adds to the eroticism.

    Overall a decent game, with very simplistic game with loads of H content featuring a wide variety of fetishes. The game is also very short, however due to the repetitive nature of the gameplay this isn't necessarily a bad thing.

    Rating: 3 stars. Good, but not essential. Futa fans will certainly be well served tho.

    Total play time: just over 3 hours with 100% gallery unlocked.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    I seriously debated buying this on Steam. Poor as I am, I'm fine with supporting developers that put out high-quality content, but dieselmine... always seems to under-deliver. The biggest problem I have with their games is that they seem to value visuals over everything else, having pretty bad pacing, writing and gameplay. So their games don't always qualify even as walking-simulators, because walking simulators usually care more about the experience of "walking".

    Okay, okay. The point: It's a game that's in the style of a playable doujin. The plot is threadbare, the game proceeds linearly and there is a little bit of top-down beat-em-up gameplay, but it stops short of being engaging, as everything is done on two buttons, and the combat is designed as a timesink more than anything else. It looks like a competently made game, but the only place that has any detail put into it are the high-res pixel-art-scenes.

    There are technically multiple fetishes emphasized, like brainwashing, latex etc, but the writing doesn't really put in the effort to focus on those features, and they come and go as nothing more than references to tropes. Corruption-games are at their best, when you have characters, and character-dynamics you can work on subverting, and the game just never puts in the effort, just rushing at the climax of it all with no buildup...

    The smattering of gameplay here makes me think that maybe dieselmine is doing some sort of slow-motion waddle torwards maybe producing a deeper kind of game at some point, but until it happens, I'll remain sceptical. As it is, this is a short, pretty game with pretty animations, lots of themes and even voice-acting, some good and some bad, that rushes through it's scenes and content in a few hours without providing anything else.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty fun game overall. Art is good and the animation is excellent. The gameplay is fun and simple. The length of the game is relatively short so that's a plus in my eyes.

    My main issue is that, getting hit twice (usually) causes a sex animation to play and although you can fast forward it, it takes too long to play out. This becomes an issue in boss fights were after the first time you see the animation you just want to finish the fight and you just sit there and wait for the animation to play out.

    The other issue that I have is that even after beating the game some scenes are still locked. The ones that I would have to get are the death/ loss scenes that are annoying to unlock mainly because dying takes so long due to the long animations. This left me not bothering to unlock al the scenes.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1715822

    I didn't have any expectation but man this game...if your into futa, this game is for you. The animation, the voice actress, the drawing (essentially the art) is very good. An other thing i liked was the replay value sometimes you just want to clear an area which can lead to missing some content but at any time you can go back and doing again to see if you miss anything.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is very well done. The controls are simple and responsive and the animations are smooth.
    The combat isn't too challenging, I managed to complete the game without a single death. (I did realise close to the end that if you ever so slightly delay your next attack, you can spam the first attack at a much faster rate than a full combo)
    My only gripe with it is that the bosses were used 2.5 times.
    The uncensor patch not being a 100% uncensor is not that bad, (since only the idle animations are still pixelated)
    Likes: mc247
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Quick review - Game is great but I can't give it a 5 out of 5 yet. Here's why

    Gameplay: 5 out of 5
    -Not grindy fun and very simple.

    Characters: 5 out of 5
    -Unique funny and basically tropes but I have no problem with that

    H scenes: 4 out of 5
    -Now here is my take on it. Too much 3rd base and not enough penetration. Hopefully it could be improved in the next game. Example of how to make it better IMO

    Each time you get attacked or harassed it fills up a meter up to 3. Would be great if in each meter point you get a different variation and at the 3rd the penetration. Sample

    Mushroom boob enemy - 1st meter tit suck plus HJ, 2nd meter tit fuck + bj, 3rd meter like pussy or ass penetration.

    Regardless I dont like too much masturbation or 3rd base heavy game but this though provided enough to make me finish it.
    Likes: mc247
  15. 3.00 star(s)

    Duke Greene

    This isn't a bad game but it has too many shortcoming for it to be good either.

    • Excellent pixel art scenes.
    • The game knows to create a difficulty curve: every mini-boss introduces a type of attack pattern, then real bosses combine several patterns that are thematically linked, then the final boss uses every single one.
    • Most voice actresses are fairly good. A pity you only hear them during game over scenes, though it's also a blessing in disguise (see Cons).
    • The gallery is fully unlocked after beating the game, you don't have to farm defeats.
    • Gameplay is far too simple. You can either attack or dodge, there is no special ability whatsoever. Beating bosses requires simply memorizing their attack patterns and exploit their openings. For a mage Kanade sure is a musclehead...
    • You can't remap controls.
    • CG quality is a noticeable downgrade compared to the pixel art.
    • The protagonist's voice is terrible, the VA is really overdoing the nasal noises. I guess it's supposed to evoke a "return to monke" feeling but it just ruins the scenes.
    • There's a forced delay when cumming in pixel art scenes, you cannot skip it in any way regardless of how many times you've seen the scene.
    • The game really is focused on penis milking to a point Kanade could have been a male protagonist instead of a futa. Despite all the slimes and machines only her penis and nipples are ever stimulated directly.
    It's worth playing to experience the really good pixel art animations, at least.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    While this game overall is good, there are too many small annoyances on every corner:
    1) Combat is simplistic to stupidity. You have one single attack and you have a dodge. Wow.
    2) Gallery doesn't unlock on beating enemies/bosses. You have to sit there and wait for your HP to run out against every. single. enemy.
    3) Speaking of waiting. Sex scenes don't end if you fastforward them, you have to sit there and wait for the animation to loop until the girl cums. And you have to do it 3-4 times per every enemy.
    4) Every time you get exposed to a sourse of damage, you get a pseudo-corruption progress bar, upon filling which you get a sex scene and dialogue changes. Except progress resets on leaving the location, which makes you instantly grind to see the alternate versions, as well as just being jarring to see someone addicted to aphrodisiac a second ago act like it's the first time they breathe any.
    5) The damn area where you get turned into a monkeygirl. Dev clearly had a fetish. I think it's a huge turnoff.
    6) I really don't think the VA fits the character. The noises are more weird than arousing.

    Despite all of this though, I am giving this 4 stars, because the scenes are still pretty hot and it doesn't take long to get through the game.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I do like some dommy succubus games, but this one wasn't that great. Most of the fights are basic. Dodge, shoot, repeat. Not very fun. The succubi are kind of hot I guess. But there are also some strange fetishes in here, like the monkey crap. I guess there are some good drawings. Mary especially, although her legs give me anxiety just to look at. Anyway, a pretty bland game overall.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing and simple game. You play as a futa, you run around, get attacked by sex, rinse and repeat. Every enemy and boss has a "captured" animation that plays while you struggle to break free and a "cumming" animation which are all of the highest quality.

    There is so much to love about this game. Just go play it~
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is great. The game is fun to play. Good controls, easy to understand. The story is alright. The animations is well made. Honestly one of the better games I've played in a while. 5/5 would play again
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    art is good, sound is good, animations are really nice and have some slight variations. the characters are also pretty well written. the game is 100% female on futanari and it is pretty bdsm-ish? and dom-ish? in a more obvious way than the typical X defeated by Y game, but the fact that all the fetishes are primarily sexual and directly involve the penis makes it all passable even if you're not necessarily into being crushed by walls or whatever