
Feb 19, 2019
Updated the picture text to be less messy for anyone interested. Also considering making an attempt at cleaning up the MTL. If I do, it will still be MTL and I can make no guarantees to accuracy. But if there's interest I'm considering just working through the raws and MTL to try and make it into something coherent and understandable for the most part since I'm doubtful this is going to be getting a proper translation anytime soon. (Though if there is someone working on a proper translation, please feel free to make use of these images and hopefully that will save you some of the more annoying work done.)

Images belong in <game folder>/www/img/pictures/ so they'll need to be extracted to the <game folder>/www/img/ and select yes to overwrite.
Figured out how to start going through with a better MTL and likely going to take quite a while as I will be very lazy and irregular about it. However, I am curious to hear what people think about the character names the MC and main antagonist's names, as MTL likes to be rather inconsistent with their names. According to the asset files, it looks like it should be Ahma (MC) and Simical (Antagonist). Though MTL likes to randomly translate them as Afuma (and sometimes even Apuma) and Shimical (going by the katakana of his name, this is more correct).

I'm personally planning on using Afuma and Simical for their names, since that's what I used in the image files I edited and let's me avoid going back and fixing those. Technically, Ahma is probably more correct for MC. At least, it appears to be a name that you can sometimes find outside of this game. (Which doesn't seem to be the case for Simical's name as searching 'シミカル' will only find links to this game that include it lol). However, Ahma sounds a lot like "Ah, um" and an exceptionally foreign name to me while "Afuma" at least sounds like an odd, but name-like name.

I have half a mind to use "Regulus" instead of Simical as his full name シミカル・レグルス (Simical Regulus).

If anyone has suggestions for names to use, let me know sometime within a month of this post. As I probably won't be too far along with the MTL editing by then. For now the right most column will be what I use.
CharacterJapaneseMTLName in Asset FilesName I plan to use
Red Hair GirlフィリーPhillyPhillyPhilly
Blond Hair GirlクローナKronaKronaKrona
Brown Hair GirlミオMioMioMio
Track GuyマラインMarineMarineMarine
Photographer GuyニクマサNikumasaNikumasaNikumasa
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2019
Figured out how to start going through with a better MTL and likely going to take quite a while as I will be very lazy and irregular about it. However, I am curious to hear what people think about the character names the MC and main antagonist's names, as MTL likes to be rather inconsistent with their names. According to the asset files, it looks like it should be Ahma (MC) and Simical (Antagonist). Though MTL likes to randomly translate them as Afuma (and sometimes even Apuma) and Shimical (going by the katakana of his name, this is more correct).
I once translated the game's prologue for the purpose of testing the water (until the mtl came out).
Yes, just like you, I use Afuma, Philly, Krona and Simical as their name.


Feb 19, 2019
Are you guys working on improving the MTL? That would be greatly appreciated
I'm working on it somewhat lazily. Wouldn't expect it to be done anytime soon as there's well over 6000 lines and MTL does not handle the language used in this well. (Saw someone else mentioning it earlier in the thread. A lot of slang that confuses MTL.) Currently, I've still got around 300 lines left to do for the prologue and so far, probably only around 5% of the lines are fine with just what MTL spits out. Though I am thinking about maybe trying to just knock that out tonight.

That said, if someone's got the skills to decensor the images maybe they'll be able to finish by the time I get through this lol. (I have little idea how long it normally takes to decensor stuff. Guessing it is quite a while given that it took me around a day just to make the picture-text translations look okay. But I've also only got the photoshop skills of a monkey that recently found a computer so maybe it's not too bad.)

Semi-related: While it's generally a bad idea to try and make sense of a porn plot, either I'm completely wrong in my attempt to make sense of the opening courtroom MTL, or the justice system in this world is uber-fucked as it sounded like:
-Krona's parents are convicted of treason
-Her parents become slaves to work until they die
-Krona had no idea about what they were doing and was uninvolved in their treasonous deeds.
-But by nature of not investigating her parents weird behavior and reporting it(?) Krona loses all money, status, and rights as a human for the next decade as a girl who's maybe a few years into college. Literally nothing to her name, no legal recourse, dependent solely on the pity and goodwill of others.

Not sure if the parents conviction was more centered around shoving it in their face how badly they just fucked over their daughter rather than the being slaves thing...


Feb 19, 2019
More or less done with the first week. Probably needs another pass through as a quality check as I feel this is turning into more of a rewrite rather than a touch up of the MTL (More on the TL decisions below if interested). That said, first week is probably only around 15% of the lines if I'm guesstimating generously and I suspect I'll be having less time to work on this so, optimistically sometime in March maybe?

So. Why is it so slow? See below (fairly long read):
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Oct 23, 2018
More or less done with the first week. Probably needs another pass through as a quality check as I feel this is turning into more of a rewrite rather than a touch up of the MTL (More on the TL decisions below if interested). That said, first week is probably only around 15% of the lines if I'm guesstimating generously and I suspect I'll be having less time to work on this so, optimistically sometime in March maybe?

So. Why is it so slow? See below (fairly long read):
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However long it takes, you're still very appreciated for this massive undertaking. Looking forward to seeing this translated well!
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Feb 19, 2019
Trying to finish the "Pure Love" route first (figured that would be the most tedious route to work through, and doing it a route at a time seems like I'm less likely to make a mistake/mess up somewhere) and I've come across a question I figured I'd pose to those interested. Spoilers as to how to reach the Pure Love ending contained within, though I'll try to keep them to minor.

Edit: spending some time jumping around in the script, it seems the original is just fairly inconsistent with corruption aspects/corruption "rates" progress differently. So probably won't put too much effort into changing events mid-game to make more sense with character reactions in endings. (e.g. looks like beginning of total loss ending characters are still irritated with having to do these things for Simical...yet recruitment events in the last week are pretty much "near-total succumbing to pleasure".

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Feb 19, 2019
EDIT as of 5/17
Barring any unforeseen catastrophes, should be uploading the final translation by the 19th at the latest.

Status update on the TL:
Around 99% TL'd. 70% proofread.
Around 100 lines left to TL by rough guesstimate.
Game portion is fully finished. One ending scene remaining. Copying some scenes into the recollection room. And final proof reading.

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Mar 7, 2019
Status update on the TL:
Around 60% TL'd. 40% proofread.
1st week and Sports fest is fully finished.
2nd week is fully TL'd, but different race variations still need proofread

All variations of the Culture Fest still needs done, but hoping to get through that this weekend.

Pure Love route is fully completed aside from the Culture Fest.

3rd week and endings where you lose one or more matches are yet to be started.

EDIT: as of 3/21
TL work is slowing down a lot and likely will stay at this slow pace for the next month or so due to some unexpected life stuff. Well, finishing March was always an optimistic time estimate anyway.
3rd Week recruitment events for Marine/Rail/Nikumasa completed. Random people you can talk to around the map finished (excluding piercing shop).

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First of all, thanks a lot for the translation. The amount of dedication + the extra explanation is highly appreciated, at least by me. I'm not great in Japanese but i was trying hard to understand how you truggle along the way, make me learn/precise one thing or two along the way. I know we aren't a great number of people who have read this niche thing about what you've translated and all the details but let assure that at least me was interested to read it.

Having said that, i'm happy you translate the pure love first, because it is what i'm the most interested of. As i've said on some other part of this forum, NTR is for me an horror show, and i'm always trying to save the girl if possible (i'm part of these supposedly annoying people who like to know if NTR is avoidable). I've, like a lot of people here, tryed to do some trial and error to finish some week but since you are doing an effort to translate this, i'm gonna wait one or 2 month more to see how it goes. (and yeah i agree that the time spending thing in this game are confusing, is it only a week before each event? )

Also even if i don't know you , i hope you are doing fine with your unexpected life stuff.Thanks again for your work and sorry for my rambling : )


Feb 19, 2019

First of all, thanks a lot for the translation. The amount of dedication + the extra explanation is highly appreciated, at least by me. I'm not great in Japanese but i was trying hard to understand how you truggle along the way, make me learn/precise one thing or two along the way. I know we aren't a great number of people who have read this niche thing about what you've translated and all the details but let assure that at least me was interested to read it.

Having said that, i'm happy you translate the pure love first, because it is what i'm the most interested of. As i've said on some other part of this forum, NTR is for me an horror show, and i'm always trying to save the girl if possible (i'm part of these supposedly annoying people who like to know if NTR is avoidable). I've, like a lot of people here, tryed to do some trial and error to finish some week but since you are doing an effort to translate this, i'm gonna wait one or 2 month more to see how it goes. (and yeah i agree that the time spending thing in this game are confusing, is it only a week before each event? )

Also even if i don't know you , i hope you are doing fine with your unexpected life stuff.Thanks again for your work and sorry for my rambling : )
Still have a few more endings left to TL (as well as one or two more route branches of week 3), including the biggest ending(s?) that give you a whole extra week of events...but of the endings I've worked on so far, Pure Love is honestly far and above the most satisfying end. Which is a bit unusual for an NTR game as normally they give you little more than a short, token vanilla scene and nothing more.

TLing this also may be taking it's toll as I have to think waaaay harder about a porn game than one ever should trying to make sense of it and I'm getting an increasingly negative opinion of the game lol. But still managing to chip away at it a few times a week anyway. Trying to be consistent in updating progress in my above post.


Mar 7, 2019
Still have a few more endings left to TL (as well as one or two more route branches of week 3), including the biggest ending(s?) that give you a whole extra week of events...but of the endings I've worked on so far, Pure Love is honestly far and above the most satisfying end. Which is a bit unusual for an NTR game as normally they give you little more than a short, token vanilla scene and nothing more.

TLing this also may be taking it's toll as I have to think waaaay harder about a porn game than one ever should trying to make sense of it and I'm getting an increasingly negative opinion of the game lol. But still managing to chip away at it a few times a week anyway. Trying to be consistent in updating progress in my above post.
Yeah generally Pure Love end in NTR is not that great; sometime it's just a few word and no scenes. Sometime it's even worse, it's called pure love or the good one, but the girl isn't even safe. Glad it's different here : ) . I'm also curious to see the end you can have if you lost after the first week but win everything after that.

I hope it's not that boring to translate that game to you. Sad to see that you review the game more negatively after traducing the game during this long amount of time. At least you will probably improve your japanese skills in the process : )


Feb 19, 2019
I'm also curious to see the end you can have if you lost after the first week but win everything after that.
There might be 2, possibly as many 4 endings for this. Could've sworn the first time I hit this I reached the "Betrayal" end. But then after TLing and going back to proof-read I got the "Devotion" end. And I'm pretty sure it's possible to get "Mio" end this way too. I'll probably note down where the route branches are whenever I find them and include a guide for those who want it. (I could also just be dead wrong and have completely missed that I did something else and not realized it)

I hope it's not that boring to translate that game to you. Sad to see that you review the game more negatively after traducing the game during this long amount of time. At least you will probably improve your japanese skills in the process : )
I half decided to do this to try and get interested in studying Japanese again. One year formal study and a few years of hobby study as I had time really does not make me cut out for accurate translation work. But MTL is decently good when you aren't solely relying on it and I've got my grammar guide and dictionary resources bookmarked from years ago.

The problem is less that it's boring and more the game not quite living up to personal expectations. I'll probably leave (edit?) a review when I finish it all. But setting out I felt this game could reach 4/5 stars and now I'm feeling like it's probably only worth 3 stars. Character dynamics are less interesting than I felt they could be. Some routes I also just do not like or care for the...fetishes? Decisions original devs made? at all. And having to spend time slowly translating those parts is tedious to say the least. Inevitably hit a point where I'm like "okay, I see where this is going. I really don't care anymore and want to just skip this" but that's not really how translating works lol. So long as the ending(s?) with the extra week don't end up like that too, it shouldn't be that bad. Start on the unexpectedly satisfying Pure Love route and end on what might be total corruption?

(also, while I'm here posting updates and discussing things again, any preference on inclusion/removal of -sama/-san/-chan/-kun? Definitely started off trying to color the personalities of characters a bit more through the use of those--i.e. Nikumasa being an awkward otaku who speaks carefully around Philly-san and changing towards Philly-chan or just Philly as he gets more familiar with her, Or Simical using -kun/-chan to emphasize his position of power over others--since English doesn't quite have that kind of nuance to it...but also kinda forgot where I had gone with it after having to put this on hold for a few weeks and just gave up trying to keep it up. Torn between leaving as is and letting it be what it will be with a mix of using and not using it or just using find-and-replace in the translation file to wipe all address suffixes from the dialogue)


Mar 7, 2019
There might be 2, possibly as many 4 endings for this. Could've sworn the first time I hit this I reached the "Betrayal" end. But then after TLing and going back to proof-read I got the "Devotion" end. And I'm pretty sure it's possible to get "Mio" end this way too. I'll probably note down where the route branches are whenever I find them and include a guide for those who want it. (I could also just be dead wrong and have completely missed that I did something else and not realized it)

I half decided to do this to try and get interested in studying Japanese again. One year formal study and a few years of hobby study as I had time really does not make me cut out for accurate translation work. But MTL is decently good when you aren't solely relying on it and I've got my grammar guide and dictionary resources bookmarked from years ago.

The problem is less that it's boring and more the game not quite living up to personal expectations. I'll probably leave (edit?) a review when I finish it all. But setting out I felt this game could reach 4/5 stars and now I'm feeling like it's probably only worth 3 stars. Character dynamics are less interesting than I felt they could be. Some routes I also just do not like or care for the...fetishes? Decisions original devs made? at all. And having to spend time slowly translating those parts is tedious to say the least. Inevitably hit a point where I'm like "okay, I see where this is going. I really don't care anymore and want to just skip this" but that's not really how translating works lol. So long as the ending(s?) with the extra week don't end up like that too, it shouldn't be that bad. Start on the unexpectedly satisfying Pure Love route and end on what might be total corruption?

(also, while I'm here posting updates and discussing things again, any preference on inclusion/removal of -sama/-san/-chan/-kun? Definitely started off trying to color the personalities of characters a bit more through the use of those--i.e. Nikumasa being an awkward otaku who speaks carefully around Philly-san and changing towards Philly-chan or just Philly as he gets more familiar with her, Or Simical using -kun/-chan to emphasize his position of power over others--since English doesn't quite have that kind of nuance to it...but also kinda forgot where I had gone with it after having to put this on hold for a few weeks and just gave up trying to keep it up. Torn between leaving as is and letting it be what it will be with a mix of using and not using it or just using find-and-replace in the translation file to wipe all address suffixes from the dialogue)
Oh, i think they are 7 different end according to DLsite


I'm myself not very good with Japanese but at least i understand these quote ^^ (i know around 200 Kanji and all kana, i also know a bit of grammar but i wouldn't call that basic grammar based of how bad it is )

Giving the number of different end, it should have plenty of different level of curruption or maybe some girl are corrupt and some other not, i dunno and i'm not sure i wanna know yet (gotta see when i will use the what would come of the translated version )

Also, i understand the problem of translating something you don't like. I myself don't really like when the girl are very corrupt so i generaly look around for curiosity and i stop reading/playing if it's too much, especialy if the man care for her or i can feel it. Yeah i know people like to mock other here for that, but i am who i am, to each their own.

On the topic of the honorifics, i don't know. I personnaly think it add something but in the meantime we, westerner (i assume you are a westerner too), don't do that at all. I think that i'm fine with both but maybe it could be best to do it or not based on how you have done it by the past. If it's too much work to look at what you've already have done, it's okay too : )


Feb 19, 2019
Alright. Here is the full game re-translated and with translated and cleaned up image text. I'm not sure how to show verification I virus checked it so mods yell at me if I'm doing this wrong... :

Alternatively, if you've already downloaded the game, I've attached the www/ folder with just the img and data files changed. If you unzip it and overwrite what's in the game folder's www/ folder, it should update files to this translation.

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Mar 7, 2019
Alright. Here is the full game re-translated and with translated and cleaned up image text. I'm not sure how to show verification I virus checked it so mods yell at me if I'm doing this wrong... :

Alternatively, if you've already downloaded the game, I've attached the www/ folder with just the img and data files changed. If you unzip it and overwrite what's in the game folder's www/ folder, it should update files to this translation.

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A bit late but i wanna thanks you for your job.
i didn't have try it yet but i will. Let's download this!
Also i know it's been a while since you've done this but what about the Betrayal End ? it's the only end where you haven't specified if they are H or not, so wanted to know : ). (not sure if i wanna try tbh , don't bother if it's too much work anyways)


Feb 19, 2019
A bit late but i wanna thanks you for your job.
i didn't have try it yet but i will. Let's download this!
Also i know it's been a while since you've done this but what about the Betrayal End ? it's the only end where you haven't specified if they are H or not, so wanted to know : ). (not sure if i wanna try tbh , don't bother if it's too much work anyways)
Checking the translation file, it looks like Betrayal should've been no ending H scene as well.



Mar 7, 2019
I've finished the game. I lost the first match the first time and i went to the devotion end. It's okay
After that i do the pure love and it was satisfying. It's rare to have a end like that, and i was also concerned because the main protag was really stupid sometime. But it was good nonetheless : )
The Mio ending hurt a bit to be honest,
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Interesting game, it change a bit of what we saw generaly.
Also the next game of tripleplay is about a women who is trying to launch her business, look like she is running a restaurant, but my japanese isn't that good as always : )
3.30 star(s) 4 Votes