Others Completed Magic Matchup [Final] [HentaiWriter]

4.50 star(s) 4 Votes


Oct 9, 2017
If you beat/loose the game 3 times in a row it auto triggers the other one. Theres a ending somewhat where it allows you to enter text some things give a response but I am unsure if I found everything. Ive done "God" for the first and that does seem to get a response then the 2nd one appears to be a yes or no and the third seems to be something I can not figure out.

Deleted member 368974

Was not expecting the game to have any sort of story aside from some "plot". Fun and interesting little game.


Well-Known Member
Respected User
Jun 14, 2018
I wasn't expecting much, and it delivered that... and so much more.
The gameplay is easy, the choices limited, the sex scenes practically non-existent and the graphics pretty simple... and yet, the voice acting, the humor and other aspects raise it to a whole new level.

If you only play the game once... you are missing out on so much. At least a 3rd play through could be seen as mandatory, but I found myself replaying additional different combinations of win/lose to see how things impact the story.

I found the vibrator up the butt funny (as it seems intended to be). If that's not funny to you, just win your matches.
(a reminder that it's just a game. It's not real. That vibrator is about as real as the guy you shot in the head in Call of Duty. If you can't differentiate between reality and fantasy.... seek help).

If you're looking for the next ... this isn't it. But is still definitely worth your time if you like simple mechanics and a well thought out story requiring multiple play-throughs to uncover.

Deleted member 368974

I've noticed that in the chat box section of the game, some answers will make her mad, but some answers will get different lines of dialogue. I wonder if there are hidden unlocks in there.


Jun 27, 2017
This is the most beautiful porn game I've ever played with a great story and an ending that tugged at my heartstrings. We need to give this man all our money.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Hey, I'm the writer for this game, and I'm honestly surprised at the responses/turnout for it (in a good way)!
This post is pretty much a post-mortem for the game; the next post will be replies and such to comments or questions. Feel free to just go to that post if you want questions answered.

Also, just in case anyone was thinking it, I'm not going to DMCA the links for it; and why we don't DMCA links or mind pirates at all.

Magic Matchup was the first NSFW game I ever released and due to some limitations with the art (more on that in a bit) I was pretty limited with what I could write, so to me I've always kind of simultaneously cringed at my writing in this while also being proud of how I reworked what the art was originally for into what Magic Matchup became, as well as what we did with the variations in paths on each loop and the continuity in writing that required.

Magic Matchup actually started as a completely different game; it was going to be a rock paper scissors game where you played as a student in a magical college. You basically got bullied every day by a lot of the staff and your fellow students, but you came upon an amazing amount of magical power through some macguffin and ended up being able to challenge those people by placing a bet down on the line where if you lost, you'd do whatever chores they wanted/homework/buy them stuff etc., but if you won, you got to do whatever you wanted to them.

Unfortunately though, the artist was too busy with college at the time himself and after doing the art you see in the game for the first character (which was actually intended to be the gym coach, out of about 10 or so girls in the game), he had to back out of the project.

Fastforward a year or so later, and I realized I had these art assets I had paid for that I still wanted to use somehow. I came up with a completely alternate plotline, disguising said true plotline with what the original intent for the game was (magical college, stripping women, etc.) and then we got to work on it.

Part of the main difficulty was that due to the art being incomplete as it were, I could only do a set amount of emotions for the characters while still having it fit the art; for example, during the prostate stimulation scene, I absolutely couldn't have The Teacher come off as angry or irritated or sad, because there were no visuals for this. For the normal conversations, I couldn't have her come off as seriously angry, only irritated, and similar limitations for the player character's expressions too. This is why some of the script might seem a bit "stiff" at times.

(To be clear, I have zero grudge against the artist; they gave me warning well in advance that they'd have to back out, and they did all of the art that was paid for, as well, and they also knew full well about Magic Matchup before it even started up.)

Another challenge was the continuity between timelines; since there's a separate set of dialogue for every time you miss a rock paper scissors attempt or win one, as well as every possible sex event, and then that's multiplied by whether you won or lost the last time around, plus the "intro" text for each loop, I had to maintain information that the player had learned in the last loop(s) across all possible variations without inaccuracies or too much/too little info being divulged which could screw up future loop text. (This was great practice for Future Fragments, though!)

Speaking of Future Fragments, if you did enjoy the overall plot in this game and the twists at the end, you should go check that out;

Also speaking of the twists at the end, I was pretty proud of those; "hiding things in plain sight" and "unreliable narrator" stuff have always been two tropes I've really loved in storytelling, and I was happy I could get them in this both.

Everything I'm working on currently with separate teams per each game (Future Fragments, , (F95 topics and public for those soon!)) has that same kind of stuff in it; portraying something in plain sight as one thing, but when you get the context later on, the game takes a completely different tone and a lot of what you knew gets turned upside down. I'd like those tropes to be something you should expect when playing my games, so again if you like that kind of stuff, definitely go check out the other stuff I'm working on when we get public demos out for them (and the demo link above for Future Fragments is the most polished public demo for it).

Making Magic Matchup was really fun though overall and it definitely helped me out a lot for training on future projects, so I can say that without it, my later projects would have been a lot messier and harder to create.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
And now, for responses to questions/comments;

Is the- uh, vibe-in-the-ass thing mandatory? Or can you ignore it completely?
It is actually mandatory if you go through the entire game and all the loops. Since then we've started implementing options in our future games where material like that which may not fly with a good deal of players can be blanked out of said games.

Wow I remember seeing this little animation what feels like years ago. are you sure it was released in 2017?
It was released around May 2016.

a little hint of what to do, ( is kinda a guide)
This is actually interesting; this isn't really a guide as it is so much the literal gameplay script/parser text we used on the game! (Did you extract this from the game or?)
  • `v indicates a voice line
  • `c indicates the character speaking (text color)
  • `a and `b indicate character portraits
  • `s changes the text speed to that number (more on this in a bit)
  • `x triggers a visual effect
Something that might not be too obvious is that The Teacher's facial expression changes in time with the voice lines, and that the text sometimes has pauses to allow the voice to catch up. This was all done entirely with a parser and so I would have to test out the appropriate speeds over and over to make sure that the text wouldn't scroll too fast or too slow, and that expressions changed at the right time as a result.

Part of the difficulty of writing the game was that everything in that text document was typed by hand, no auto-fill stuff, and the only way to test out this stuff was to send it to the programmer, who would inject it into the game, then send me a new build (and compiling it took a bit of time), repeat, so it was a pretty big grind/time sink for both of us trying to do that back and forth.

Oh yeah, this was a fun one. I think this was the first game I bought on Itch and even though it's really short I'd say it was worth it. :)
Definitely a fun little game. Good way to kill around 45 minutes
Well... I did not expect the feels... I like it.
Was not expecting the game to have any sort of story aside from some "plot". Fun and interesting little game.
This is the most beautiful porn game I've ever played with a great story and an ending that tugged at my heartstrings. We need to give this man all our money.
Really happy to hear that you all liked it :D

I wasn't expecting much, and it delivered that... and so much more.
The gameplay is easy, the choices limited, the sex scenes practically non-existent and the graphics pretty simple... and yet, the voice acting, the humor and other aspects raise it to a whole new level.

If you only play the game once... you are missing out on so much. At least a 3rd play through could be seen as mandatory, but I found myself replaying additional different combinations of win/lose to see how things impact the story.

I found the vibrator up the butt funny (as it seems intended to be). If that's not funny to you, just win your matches.
(a reminder that it's just a game. It's not real. That vibrator is about as real as the guy you shot in the head in Call of Duty. If you can't differentiate between reality and fantasy.... seek help).

If you're looking for the next ... this isn't it. But is still definitely worth your time if you like simple mechanics and a well thought out story requiring multiple play-throughs to uncover.
And thanks a lot for the detailed review! It means a lot when one of our games strikes a chord with someone enough to write out a review like this. (Not to say we don't appreciate shorter reviews though, of course!)

The content was kinda lack luster, the game wasn't very challenging and the sex scenes were just the same ones over and over. The whole fully voiced thing was cool, but it really needed something more than vanilla sex.
Also can't blame you for feeling this way; part of the sex stuff was that we didn't want to "rock the boat" at the time as sex games were pretty much just barely starting to really take off in the west (this was early 2014-2015 or so, remember)

45??????? it only lasted around 10 for me, how did you got an extra 35 of it?!
Make sure to play the game through multiple times; it changes after the first playthrough. You'll know when the game's actually over. :)

I've noticed that in the chat box section of the game, some answers will make her mad, but some answers will get different lines of dialogue. I wonder if there are hidden unlocks in there.
The end-game chatbox thing was admittedly me wanting to add something unexpected at the end where the player would get actual keyboard interactivity, and there are a lot of responses that register in there.

There's no "canon" response though or "hidden ending" beyond typing in a curse word to her (we put in a good long string of derogatory words it checks for, both in US and UK slang).

The initial answers you can give are;

"Me" (or some variant like "I am") - leads to a set of yes/no questions
"Derogatory" (things like "fuck you", "cunt", "eat shit", etc.) - leads to instant ending and The Teacher being quite pissed
"Author Names" (Hentaiwriter, ASANTE, or Shamefuldisplay) - leads to some implied 4th wall break lore stuff
And answering anything besides those three categories at the start also goes to its own ending.

If you answered "me" or any variant, it then can go in any of the following paths;

No > I don't know (end)
No > author names (end)
No > "Me" > Yes (end)
No > "Me" > No (end)
Yes > No (end)
Yes > Yes (end)

Ok, this was unexpectedly deep. But I don't quite get the text part.
She just kinda left.
Thanks for the praise :D

As for why she just "left", she didn't leave of her own free will; she was reincarnated at the end of the game, along with Mucio. The game originally "takes place" (when they were both alive) around the 1940's-1960's, but when they were reincarnated, they were born around the year 2125. The Teacher in this incarnation, although distantly, does affect the storyline for Reclaim Reality, another game I'm working on.

You can probably use WINE to emulate it, but it's PC native. Sorry!


New Member
May 11, 2017
I've played many (200+) games on here, & this was one of the very few (6 or so) games that artistically made use of limited assets. Most games just loop the same scenario & then give you the option to skip the tutorial, but this one was great. All that being said, I did have one issue with it. During the first play through, I honestly didn't understand the mechanics. I understood that I had to destroy the "stars" (for lack of a better word) but I didn't know how to know what to click. Because the girl fired a colored symbol at me before I took damage, I felt that was my window. I now know that I should look at the top right-hand side, but this was the opposite to where my eyes were drawn. Ergo, that didn't feel very intuitive. Outside of that, the game was great!


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Because the girl fired a colored symbol at me before I took damage, I felt that was my window. I now know that I should look at the top right-hand side, but this was the opposite to where my eyes were drawn. Ergo, that didn't feel very intuitive. Outside of that, the game was great!
Yeah, that was definitely a screwup on my part. Glad you liked the game otherwise! :D
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2018
a little hint of what to do, ( is kinda a guide)
Uhhh, huh huh, Beavith thith thucks- if I wanted to read, I'd go to thchool. Uh huh :) (For any who may have missed it, this only referred to the "walkthrough"- not the game itself.)

This is a fun, cute, short, amusing game with a twist that you don't expect. The gameplay is simple and straightforward. The game itself isn't all that difficult, but you definitely want to lose as well. The art is adorable and quirky- it has it's own unique feel to it.
The voice actress is phenomenal- she's funny, playful, and seductive all at the same time. This game is definitely worth a playthrough. I just wish it were longer, but after playing it- I know why it isn't. It's quite somber and beautiful simultaneously. Great job Dev!


Apr 24, 2018
This is probably one of the best games I've had the pleasure to play. It's less about the sex and more about the story and while at first I did play this the same as any other hentai game... Skipping all dialog, rushing the game, exc...

It didn't really strike me how good this was actually done until about halfway through. I thought since it kicked me to the menu the game was over on the first run and barely caught that the dialog wasn't the same. After I found out that, I went back and read everything.

Just wow... well written. Well executed. Great feels.
The voice acting, while amazing, wasn't something I cared for.

Still a great read. Great game. Nothing but positive here. If you play this, really give it a chance. It's very well done!


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
This is a fun, cute, short, amusing game with a twist that you don't expect. The gameplay is simple and straightforward. The game itself isn't all that difficult, but you definitely want to lose as well. The art is adorable and quirky- it has it's own unique feel to it.
The voice actress is phenomenal- she's funny, playful, and seductive all at the same time. This game is definitely worth a playthrough. I just wish it were longer, but after playing it- I know why it isn't. It's quite somber and beautiful simultaneously. Great job Dev!
I'm sorry I didn't see this post earlier, I really appreciate the high praise you have for it! It really means we were on the right path with the game if it evoked this kind of feelings from you, and that means the world to me.

This is probably one of the best games I've had the pleasure to play. It's less about the sex and more about the story and while at first I did play this the same as any other hentai game... Skipping all dialog, rushing the game, exc...

It didn't really strike me how good this was actually done until about halfway through. I thought since it kicked me to the menu the game was over on the first run and barely caught that the dialog wasn't the same. After I found out that, I went back and read everything.

Just wow... well written. Well executed. Great feels.
The voice acting, while amazing, wasn't something I cared for.

Still a great read. Great game. Nothing but positive here. If you play this, really give it a chance. It's very well done!
Also just as appreciative of your experience too, again really glad you both liked it so much!
If you're interested sometime, I did a long post-mortem of the game a few posts up above, as well as all the alternate paths and endings and such.

We're still working on new games in the meantime; is somewhat of an evolution of the "the game remembers your choices" mechanic we had in Magic Matchup, expanded and made much more dense, so if you enjoyed that, definitely check that out :)
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Reactions: Violet5100


Apr 24, 2018
I'm sorry I didn't see this post earlier, I really appreciate the high praise you have for it! It really means we were on the right path with the game if it evoked this kind of feelings from you, and that means the world to me.

Also just as appreciative of your experience too, again really glad you both liked it so much!
If you're interested sometime, I did a long post-mortem of the game a few posts up above, as well as all the alternate paths and endings and such.

We're still working on new games in the meantime; is somewhat of an evolution of the "the game remembers your choices" mechanic we had in Magic Matchup, expanded and made much more dense, so if you enjoyed that, definitely check that out :)

I've kept an eye on Future Fragments since it was started and while I think it's got really good animations and quality, the level design and actual gameplay was something I didn't like so much. I really do enjoy all H-platformers, but Future Fragments wasn't as good compared to some like... A4? I believe it was called A4. I'll look for it again after I write this out and edit the name in later. That game had amazing level design, a great story, and just so much wonderful content.

I guess all in all, Future Fragments really suffers from level design issues. I know I spent at least an hour on just one jump spot because the game was designed to use her maximum jump range I think? Or something like that... It just wasn't fun and really frustrating. I think you (And/Or team) have great artistic direction and amazing writing but to be honest... level design needs to go back in the oven a few months, cause they're reeeeeeally undercooked.

I'll go see about the latest release after this, but if it's anything like I played before I'm gonna probably pass on it again.

Edit: It wasn't anything like "A4" or uh "4A" I forget what it was called actually, but that was a different game. I was young and stupid at the time and extracted the game I'm thinking of into a folder from another game because I was lazy. I don't remember the name I guess. But I know the player was a cop in blue-jeans and a leather jacket. lol, helpful right?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Just out of curiosity @Violet5100 , what was the version name of the Future Fragments demo you were playing?

The very first version had really bad maps and such for sure, but I can't think of any area in the public demo where you'd get stuck for an hour at on just trying to complete a jump;

Just curious if you were playing that version or another one (and if you were, I'd be interested in finding out what jump you were stuck for an hour on, as we always want to hear back from playtesters on problem areas!)

All other maps in the game/demos besides the ones in that particular demo are going to be reworked, and the gameplay had changed fairly significantly since then too (with even more gameplay upgrades coming as we get near the end).

All other demos too besides that one above aren't nearly as polished as it's meant to be a vertical slice of something close to the full game, so I'd say if that wasn't the demo you played, that should be the one you check out :p

You're possibly thinking of Parasite in City too, as far as the game goes.


Apr 24, 2018
Just out of curiosity @Violet5100 , what was the version name of the Future Fragments demo you were playing?

The very first version had really bad maps and such for sure, but I can't think of any area in the public demo where you'd get stuck for an hour at on just trying to complete a jump;

Just curious if you were playing that version or another one (and if you were, I'd be interested in finding out what jump you were stuck for an hour on, as we always want to hear back from playtesters on problem areas!)

All other maps in the game/demos besides the ones in that particular demo are going to be reworked, and the gameplay had changed fairly significantly since then too (with even more gameplay upgrades coming as we get near the end).

All other demos too besides that one above aren't nearly as polished as it's meant to be a vertical slice of something close to the full game, so I'd say if that wasn't the demo you played, that should be the one you check out :p

You're possibly thinking of Parasite in City too, as far as the game goes.
Absolutely not thinking of parasite in city at all. That game was just like eating broken glass and I ended up save editing it and barely playing it anyway. I don't remember what version it was, but it was a more recent version. In fact looking again at the images there... Yes. It was a very recent build. Now when it comes to hentai games and such, I like to play casually for a while. However if something is genuinely challenging and fun I do put the effort into it. FF was fun, Don't get me wrong here, but it wasn't fun enough for me to put up with the level design. Clever as they can be, I can't stand having to try and make a pixel perfect jump.Pixel perfect jumping in a platformer isn't fun.

Anyway I'm not here (Nor at all trying) to bash on FF. I think the game is okay enough and has some good quality to it... But it doesn't hold a candle compared to some other things done by you and your group. FF isn't fun enough for me to bother keeping an eye on. I hate to say that but it's just the truth honestly. I guess just call it my "Unpopular opinion".

And really it isn't even the platforming that gets me with FF. The game just isn't that fun...
4.50 star(s) 4 Votes