Makes you wonder if maidenmasher/spizzy ever thought of doing multiple versions on the milkshake 2 video too, like a clothed/half clothes version, and a nude one as well. who knows. probably not though.
Makes you wonder if maidenmasher/spizzy ever thought of doing multiple versions on the milkshake 2 video too, like a clothed/half clothes version, and a nude one as well. who knows. probably not though.
I am here for the anal. I can live with the humor as long as the girls are getting their butts fucked the hell out of. Like the Mai and Kasumi one, it had some goofy ass lines, but they were getting their asses plowed. So, to me, it was worth it.
I am here for the anal. I can live with the humor as long as the girls are getting their butts fucked the hell out of. Like the Mai and Kasumi one, it had some goofy ass lines, but they were getting their asses plowed. So, to me, it was worth it.
>be me, gets notification about Kosumo Aphrodisia's new post in Maiden Masher thread
> instant blood pressure 2x
> in most cases, his posts are with new content and coincidently it's the end of the month
> they have posted teasers already, so NYE is a good time to release such long produced and hyped animation
> thisTimeForSure.jpg
> le me opens the thread and gets straight to the post
> sees teasers of teasers vol. 2