There are two scenes that come to mind where the MC is bound. Both technically qualify as femdom, and one kinda requires you to pay at least a little attention.What worries me the most is femdom, I don't like it even in incredibly light versions. BDSM, if it's very light and the MC doesn't suffer from it, I could tolerate it, but I'm still not going to like those scenes.
Having lesbian sex between harem members can be acceptable as long as 1) it's something specific 2) Those who do it aren't a couple 3) I haven't to see it 4) the MC knows about it and approves before it happens.
Sex between a futa and a female LI... is something I don't want to happen either on screen or off screen. It's similar to sex between futa and MC, it's something I want to be able to choose not to happen.
The lesbian content I don't put anywhere near that many caveats on.
The futa content currently only exists outside of the harem, but once more is implemented, you'll have to go out of your way to unlock it and you'll be able to turn it on or off once you have.
From my perspective, there's a number of things that'll bother you, even if not all of it is actually depicted. If the content isn't for you, no judgment, but if that's the case, the game probably isn't for you. If you want to give it a shot anyway, go for it, it's free.
Several is usually more than two, so if you've got more, let me know.Didn't get Beckett's trophy so i must have made some wrong choices (or i still have to speak to them after the first visit) but there i got several bugs
1) after the Beckett's Estate part, i got the V0.14 ending message, maybe because i saved after entering the estate the first time but before i completed this part
2) Back at my estate, the CG for Cloe & Juniper disappear mid-scene, the dialog is still present
The end of version message I missed removing in v0.15, that's fixed in v0.15.1.
June and Chloe's scenes look to be just broken. That's kinda embarrassing. Fixed for v0.15.2.
Sounds like either "this" was you not letting Ella rest after she stayed up all night fixing your floors, or you cheated wood into your inventory and skipped the part of the game where your other two party members get added back in and are trying to win a fight with one Maid when you're meant to have three. I can't tell exactly unless you give me more to go on.Meets a pile of rats in the mansion and Ella cant heal lost an hour of playing time. wtf is this