Hm people are actually still using unity. I know they eased up a bit on the new monetization but I expected that to be one giant red flag to developers.
The complete answer is complex, in summary, Unity is the best engine -by far- for a single dev, the performance is very high, multi threading and compute shaders are excellent compared to other engines, the game is already made in Unity, I already have I have bought a lot of tools and I am making 6 dollars a month, far from the 200k a year necessary to make any payment
Nice, an update

I sharing chars possible at this stage, or is this for future releases?
Yes they can be shared if you want. On the save char or load char screen, click on "open folder", it will take you to the folder where the characters are saved. A modification to improve the meshes was left out of the update due to my flu. (Currently the genitals are not affected by morphing and they make strange glitches) I am working on a single mesh with genitals attachable via vertex but it still needs a little.
When I recover I will create a discord
Hi very cool first concept for a game! Thank you for sharing, could I ask how the animations work though? I didn't quite get how to move the created characters in the scene yet.
Hello! Thank you so much! Yes, I left out the tutorials because I couldn't record them due to the flu (high fever). A small resume:
Select the character, and select the icon of the body part to move, a gizmo will appear, red, green and blue. Each of these allows you to move the part of the body on that specific plane that you clicked on. You can also rotate the joint by pressing left control.
If the pose is the initial one, and you want to make an animation loop, record it, copy it, go to the last frame, paste it and record it again, now the initial pose will be the same as the final one.
For keyframes in the middle, you do the same but only on that frame.
For example, if you want an animation that moves the hips down and up. You go to frame 29 (it's right in the middle), and you move your hips down, once it's in the place you want, you hit record. Now an animation will have been created that goes down to that pose and back up to the starting position. You can speed up the speed by reducing the number of steps.
Recorded keyframes are marked in RED, those that are created automatically are marked in YELLOW
Example here (Download it and paste it into the AnimationLoops folder. If you don't know where it is, on the save/load animation screen there is an option to "open folder". You close and open the save/load window again and it will appear):
You must be registered to see the links
The next update will bring improvements to this system and everything that has to do with the playscene to make it more usable.
The game looks great for such an early release.
Things i would like to see added later down the line if possible:
1.belly bulge
2.X ray vision
I wish you the best of luck in this project.
Thank you very much for the feedback. Belly bulge, throat, and xray are already in the game but they needed to be finished a little so I left them disabled. They will be reactivated for the update.
Pregnancy can be designed from the creator without problems.
Everything that is fluid simulation will be a fact, but for now I have not started programming anything regarding that.
Thank you all for the feedback, and I'm glad that everyone is enjoying it. And remember that if it's within your financial means and you want to support the development, you can do so on my Patreon. The funds raised will be used for assets that I currently don't have (clothing, hair, etc.) and the occasional design/programming course.