I boo hoo at the end at Shawshank Redemption every single time
For me it's the "It's not your fault." scene in Good Will Hunting...
and a guy made me so mad when we were in a bar I chucked my beer at him!
People who legitimately
enjoy being rude inconsiderate assholes (Unprovoked, I mean. If it's out of retribution for something then I can at least understand it) set me off the most. But the world (and internet) is unfortunately full of them. And they'll eat you alive the moment they realize that they can get under your skin. I still struggle with not losing my shit internally and wanting to do things that could land me in jail when I encounter them lol.
To try to not be completely off-topic though, I really need to replay this game. I thought there was another ending that the dev was working on, but it's literally been years spent waiting just for that. I never even got to the endgame the first time I played. So I guess I may as well start a new run soon. It's been so long that I'm looking forward to all of the stuff that I forgot, in addition to the stuff I never saw in the first place