Game had that build cheat engine since Ikaruga started this.
What Ikaruga did was all he/she says in the first post
- Triple money gain
- Jobs earn much more
- Jobs are 100% successful
- Fast travel
- Free time travel
- Free item buy
- Start with 5000 money
and NONE of these are in any cheat, in any version of the developer.
If you can walk around town and the time is freeze is because of this mod for example.
How I did this? (Answer to the post above)
I disassembly both Assembly-CSharp.dlls (Ikarugas mod and original one) with dnSpy in to C# folders and files for development (File -> Export to Project)both of them.
I used windiff to find the differences of the modded dll and the origin one in any of their cs files and I add the differences to the C# references that I compiled with dnSpy.
Since a new version is uploaded, I'll do this once more and for sure I'll Upload here what cs file names I touched of this dll file, because I did not kept them somewhere. I'll do this next time.
And please, If you want to be apart of this upload it here so more of us can have it.