How do i get to casino? My date with Veronica always stops at the night is still young, but it never give me option to choose casino
Well, first of all, make sure you have your personal stats maxed....such as sleep, hunger, ect.
The next is, everything is reliant on the heart system......The trick to it is, you have to read facial expressions, body language, and speech when it starts.
Now, I don't have shit down to an art myself, and usually do, what I'm going to tell you to do.
Grab the Walkthrough on the download page, you can skip all, except for the Veronica date part. This tells you what to look for and said, and helps buttloads.
I usually don't date until I've already had sex with her in the sauna. If you don't do that, can also be a reason that you don't get it.....You may not be far enough along in her story, to advance to that stage.
Same goes for Ashley date. Hope that helps...……………...Peace!!