The unlockable locations from 7.8, plus museum
Beach- never appears on my map, Claire knows how to get there.
Pizza Parlor- see a poster while WALKING
Casino- see a poster while riding PUBLIC TRANSIT
Police Station- Make coffee with Veronica there, she will steal it. That night, take the phone call. Also gives you key to Veronica's room
Gym- Try to join Claire at yoga Sunday-Friday, 6 am
Club Neon- Google it, after overhearing Veronica and Amy discussion at gym(after maid outfit given)
Claire's work- Google it, after finding briefcase in TV room
Sex Shop- google it after you Massage Claire
Movie Theatre- Automatically unlocked by dating Ashley first time
Restaurant- Automatically unlocked by dating Veronica first time
Museum (?)-Automatically unlocked by dating Claire(?)
Park- Automatically unlocked for rewarding Veronica for tanning session
The Vault- Unlocked eventually by drinking with Amy at club neon ( After you've given her a taste, Veronica had to come to work without Panties that night, Veronica MAY have had to confess her feelings for Amy to you in cab, and/or you own blindfold)